- Slides: 17


INTRODUCTION TO SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT • • • • Introduction What is SCM? Functioning of SCM Objectives of SCM Scope of SCM Supply chain drivers and obstacles The complexity Key issues in SCM Strategic decisions in supply chain management Supply chain decision and tradeoffs Legal aspects in SCM Customers relationship management strategy Supply relationship strategy

INTRODUCTION Materials inflow was referred to as “stores management” and subsequently it got revised to “stores and purchase management” in 50’s Since late eighties a serious thinking started that funds are blocked from raw materials stage to final product delivery to customer RM Supplies Stores Components Boughtouts Stock Mfg. process Product Direct sale Consumer Spares Sub-contracts Distributor Imports Consumer Consumables Supply Chain System SCM manger has overall responsibility of stores incoming materials to finished goods reaching customer

WHAT IS SCM? SCM can be adapted to even other areas like services and product cum service areas. The resources (human resources in case of services) from starting of the work to completion stage can value. The focus of customer satisfaction is achieved stage wise, care of time, cost and quality factors The purchasing and warehousing are functional activities of supply chain management it involves co-ordination close working of different cross functional areas such as, engineering, purchasing, warehousing, supplier quality assurances, warehousing, transport and handling. The SCM is composing of interrelated activities within an organisation and also the external agencies who supply goods and services.

OBJECTIVES OF SCM Identify flaws, delays and to take corrective action on weak links of SCM. Reduce costs in terms of inventory holdings, process delays, waiting time reduction and getting outside suppliers on JIT basis. Have an overall view of various activities to ensure that processing and movement of materials is synchronised to ensure planned objectives. Involve outside sources in quality, quantity and timing of suppliers.

SCOPE OF SCM a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Purchasing and JIT Purchasing. Overall coordination of purchase team with inside and outside functionaries. Value engineering, make or buy decisions. Outsourcing/ sub-contracting. Vendor evaluation and selection. Logistics. Warehousing Taking care of TQM culture. The logistics industry is growing with double digits in India. The size of the industry is large and as on date is around 3. 6 lakh crore rupees.

SUPPLY CHAIN DRIVERS Drivers Top Management Support Clear objectives and action plans with flexibilities built in E-procurement and e-auctions Team work culture in the organisation Introduction of new technologies for real time information and decision support systems like Material Requisition Planning (MRP), Resource Planning and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Efficient and Effective Management Approaches by total cost ownership A culture of learning and continuous improvements. Quick decision making Timely payments Ethics in all actions in the organisation Good vendor relations Market place adjustments and evolving strategies to meet customer requirements. Regular measurement and evaluation of the supply chain

SUPPLY CHAIN OBSTACLES No clear objectives in the organisation Long hierarchy and organisational mismatches Delayed decision process Ethical standards not set Non use or wrong use of new technologies in knowledge or communication spread or analysis. Lack of focus or team work Frequent changes in laws of the land, Government levies and incentives. Wrong selection of vendors and or no proper evaluation of Vendor performance. Flawed or delayed information in the Supply Chain Management. Replacement of obsolete system is essential. Lack of Mutual trust in the organisation or internal resistances. Organisational deficiencies and lack of training and up-dating of skill sets. Delayed payments No measurement of performance of SCM. Lack of top management support or understanding solution.

THE COMPLEXITY IN SCM Market Dynamics Government Policies Seasons T Changes in Consumer Needs Supply Chain and logistics changes Resource Constraints Natural Calamities Technology Coordination with Outside Agencies Acts of Force Human Resource Competitive Advantage


STRATEGIC DECISIONS IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Outsourcing Make or buy decisions Making clear 4 classes of purchase and evolve separate strategies Transaction commodities Problem items Leverage items Strategic items

TRADE OFFS IN SCM Supply Chain Management try to achieve the 5 rights principle. That is right price, right quality, right quantity, right time and right source. The 5 Rs. are optimised in any decision making. Always there is trade off among these 5 Rs.

OCTROI RULES LEGAL ASPECTS IN SCM Supply Chain Management deals with large chunk of financial resources of an organisation. It is imperative that the money deals be made legal and ethical standards. Indian Contract Act Sale of Goods Act Income Tax Regulations Excise Duty Laws Customs Laws Service Tax Import and Export Regulations: Inco terms

LEGAL ASPECTS IN SCM (CONTD) Law of Agency Insurance Schemes Negotiable Instruments Act Foreign Exchange Regulations (Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999) Octroi Rules Law of Carriage of Goods Indian Companies Act Arbitration Acts relating to the type of goods like Indian Explosives Act: Safety Acts WTO norms of Dispute Settlement

CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT STRATEGY All strategies and long term plan of actions in Supply Chain Management need to be guided by customer needs. Proper forecast of market needs and pull strategy in marketing call for close customer relationships

SUPPLY CHAIN STRATEGY All strategies in an organisation start with corporate mission of the organisation. The objectives of the corporate are drawn from the mission statement. Goals are set for achievement in external sphere and internal working of the organisation.

Introduction to operations and supply chain management
Introduction to operations and supply chain management
Matching supply and demand in supply chain
Crm in logistics and supply chain management
Contemporary management ppt
Supply chain management is the management of the
Difference between logistics and supply chain
Sequence of food chain
Werken met supply chain management noordhoff
Ibm supply chain strategy
Supply chain risk management framework
Supply chain risk management framework
Cisco supply chain risk management
Framework for structuring drivers
Supply chain management process mapping
Supply chain management definition
Order promising module of supply chain management
Chapter 3 supply chain drivers and metrics