Supply Chain Management Assignment Supply Chain Management Group

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Supply Chain Management Assignment Supply Chain Management Group 5 - Assignment Group 5 presentation 1/19/2022

Group Members v Victor Odudo - EBBM/00112/2/2012 v Winfred Mwende - EBBM/00103/02/2012 v Kennedy Shikami - EBBM/00124/02/2012 v Alia Mohamed Ali – EBBM/00091/02/2012 v Lorna Ngetich - EEBM/00219/03/2012 Group 5 presentation 1/19/2022

Our Assignment v Discuss the Inter-functional coordination in Supply chain management. What kind of relationship exists between different departments in the Organization ? Group 5 presentation 1/19/2022

What is Inter-functional coordination Inter functional coordination within a particular firm is the coordinated efforts across functions to accomplish common goals such as : creating customer value responsiveness to market changes close relationships among the functions and tight management control. Group 5 presentation 1/19/2022

What is Inter-functional coordination – cont’d v It is a firm’s coordinated efforts involving more than the marketing department to create superior value for the buyers. v It is also defined as the concept of integration, as the quality of the state of collaboration that exists among departments that are required to achieve unity of effort by the demands of the environment Group 5 presentation 1/19/2022

Antecedents of Inter-functional co-ordination Nature of inter-functional coordination Cooperative arrangements Common Goals Competitive Advantage Top Management Support Trust Consequences of inter-functional co-ordination Reduced Cycle Time Standardization Managerial Control Commitment New Product success Profitability Organizational Structure Functional Expertise Group 5 presentation 1/19/2022

Antecedents of Inter-functional co -ordination Common Goals v For the coordinating mechanisms to work, an organization should have common goals that it tries to accomplish through coordinating efforts, interest and commitment among the personnel from different functional areas and top management support to achieve an optimal level of coordination. v Common goals refer to establishing joint or mutual goals and performance measures between two different functions. Group 5 presentation 1/19/2022

Antecedents of Inter-functional coordination Cont’d Trust and commitment The internal partnering among personnel from different functional areas requires trust and commitment. v Top Management Support This is the most important and most frequently used techniques to encourage inter-functional coordination. Integrating activities and a set of tasks performed throughout the organization into a coordinated whole is the primary responsibility of management. v Group 5 presentation 1/19/2022

Implementation of the interfunctional coordination Cont’d Organizational structure v Organizational structure that integrates the seamless flows of information, products, services and finance within an organization Functional expertise. v To form a cross-functional team, firms should look at people who work effectively with other multi-disciplinary team members in addition to mastering their functional expertise. . Group 5 presentation 1/19/2022

Implementation of the interfunctional coordination Cooperative arrangements v Can be accomplished through tight controls or cooperative arrangements. v Without cooperative arrangements and control, some workers may intentionally engage in activities that do not contribute to, or even interfere with the organizations goals. Group 5 presentation 1/19/2022

Implementation of the interfunctional coordination Cont’d Management Control v Managerial control, especially integrating managers who are essentially liaison personnel with formal authority over something important across functions (such as budgets). Standardization of skills v People from sales, marketing, manufacturing, engineering, procurement, and finance should understand the importance, characteristics, and output of a supply chain orientation and supply chain management through well structured training programmes Group 5 presentation 1/19/2022

Basic coordinating mechanisms Mutual adjustment: The process of informal communication in which people interact with one another to coordinate. Direct supervision: One person coordinates by giving orders to others. Interaction: The focus of this view is on communication, formal among personnel from different functions within a particular firm. Collaboration: , where teams and resource sharing typify inter-departmental relationships. Group 5 presentation 1/19/2022

Consequences of inter-functional co-ordination Faster cycle time of product to market, v Informed quality v High quality decision making v Improved competitiveness. v Profitability v Competitive advantage. v Group 5 presentation 1/19/2022

Relationships that exists between depts in an Organization Managing Director General Manager Marketing Departmental Manager Marketing Officer Marketing Salesman Manager Finance Manager Production Departmental Manager Finance Departmental Manager Production Officer Finance Assistants Officer Production Workforce Manager Research & Development Manager Human Resources Departmental Manager Research & Development Departmental Manager Human Resources Officer Research & Development Officer Human Resources Assistants Group 5 presentation 1/19/2022

Relationships that exists between depts in an organization v SCM requires a structure beyond a functional structure, in which people are able to go between the functions. v This perspective assumes that functional areas do exist within a firm and thus the focus is how to cross through the structure to work together with other functions toward common goals. Group 5 presentation 1/19/2022

Relationships that exists with external Partners Suppliers Community 0 RGANIZATION xyz Govt. Competition Customers Group 5 presentation 1/19/2022

Relationships that exists in an Organization The Organization has relationship with other external partners that is critical to the success of the SCM. These include : v Suppliers v Customers v Community v Competitors v Government ( taxes, regulations etc) Group 5 presentation 1/19/2022

Conclusion For inter functional Coordination to succeed an organization should have common goals that it tries to accomplish through coordinating efforts, interest , trust and commitment among the personnel from different functional areas and top management support to achieve an optimal level of coordination. Group 5 presentation 1/19/2022

Questions ? Group 5 presentation 1/19/2022
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Functional components of ecrm
Contemporary management practice
Sequence of supply chain management
Value chain and supply chain difference
Food chain sequence
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