Summer Term Year 5 Pentecost Serving Transformation Scripture
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Summer Term Year 5 Pentecost – Serving Transformation
Scripture Luke 24: 13 -35 –The disciples on the road to Emmaus Matthew 28: 16 -20 - Jesus tells them of their future mission. Sacraments Baptism – ‘we receive the Holy Spirit and become disciples’ Confirmation- Renewing baptismal promises/reaffirming belief and commitment Christian Beliefs Resurrection - Jesus rose from the dead and sent His spirit to be among us. He appeared to His friends and sent them out. Hymns Prayers Dismissal at Mass - Go in peace glorifying the Lord by your life/Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord. Experiences, feelings and ideas Have you ever been asked to do something difficult/challenging? How did it make you feel? Going somewhere you are unfamiliar with. Speaking in front of strangers. YEAR 5 Pentecost –Serving Transformation LF 1 On the road to Emmaus Caravaggio – Road to Emmaus God’s Spirit is in my heart Freely, Freely I will be with you Christian Life; Beliefs and Values The need for evangelisation - passing on the faith We are called to change on a daily basis Equality Self-giving Courage Commitment Perseverance
Scripture Acts 16: 11 -15 God’s Story pg 139 Romans 8: 28, 31 -32, 34 -39 Romans 12: 8 -11 Romans 15: 4 -9 Sacraments Confirmation - the promise that The Holy Spirit will empower and transform us. Christian Beliefs After his death and resurrection Jesus returns to His Father. He promised to send the Holy Spirit. The Trinity – the Son returns to the Father and sends the Holy Spirit. The need for a community in prayer. The Holy Spirit empowers us. Hymns Prayers/Traditions Apostolic Creed The Sign of the Cross Feast Day/Celebration ‘Come Holy Spirit’ Experiences, feelings and ideas Have you ever been on a very long journey? How did you feel? Did you get tired? What kept you going? Have you ever been chosen to do a special task? YEAR 5 Pentecost –Serving Transformation LF 2/3 The Gift of the Holy Spirit for everyone/Saul is transformed This is my body…’back to my Father soon I shall go. . ’ I will be with you Be still Taize chant: Veni Sancti Spiritus (Come Holy Spirit) Come O Holy Spirit WIF Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Art/Images/ and Artefacts The need for evangelisation - passing on the faith Various images of conversion of St Paul Commitment Reverence Courage Determination
Scripture Ephesians 2: 10 Romans 12: 5 - We are one body - though many parts. Matthew 28: 16 -20 Sacraments Baptism – through Baptism - we belong to the family of God. Confirmation - Receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit to help us in our discipleship today. Christian Beliefs God has created us for a life of good deeds and to serve others. We are all made in His image and likeness and are brothers and sisters belonging to the Body of Christ. Hymns Prayers Apostolic Creed Come Holy Spirit Themed days in the Liturgical Year Apostleship of the Sea, Good Shepherd Sunday, International Day for Peace. Experiences, feelings and ideas Have you ever given your time and energy to serve other people? Even people whom you have never met? What or who inspires you to do this? Feelings of fulfilment. Sense of belonging and purpose and achievement. YEAR 5 Pentecost – Serving Transformation LF 4/5/6 Art/Images/and Artefacts Websites and Visitors to school illustrating how organisations/individuals fulfil their Christian call of service. I am a new creation One bread One Body Bind us together Here I am Lord Take me Lord Christian Life; Beliefs and Values The need for evangelisation - passing on the faith We are called to witness Equality Self-giving Courage Commitment Perseverance