Substitution and Elimination Reactions of Alkyl Halides Substitution
Substitution and Elimination Reactions of Alkyl Halides
Substitution, Nucleophilic, Bimolecular – SN 2
Reaction Profile for SN 2 Reaction (Wade)
Stereochemistry of SN 2 Reaction Inversion of Configuration
Proof of Inversion of Configuration at a Chiral Center
Acetate Approaches from 180 o Behind Leaving Group
Inversion on a Ring is often more Obvious: Cis Trans
Substrate Reactivity Since the energy of the transition state is significant in determining the rate of the reaction, a primary substrate will react more rapidly than secondary (which is much more rapid than tertiary).
1 o > 2 o >> 3 o Bulkiness of Substrate
Polar, Aprotic Solvents
Iodide vs. Fluoride as Nucleophiles
Nucleophiles (preferably non-basic)
Good Leaving Groups are Weak Bases
Common Leaving Groups
SN 2 and E 2
Bimolecular Elimination - E 2 Nucleophile acts as Bronsted Base
SN 2 Competes with E 2
SN 2 Competes with E 2
SN 2 Competes with E 2
Stereochemistry of E 2
Anti-Coplanar Conformation
3(R), 4(R) 3 -Bromo-3, 4 dimethylhexane
H and Br Anti-coplanar orientation
In a Cyclohexane, Leaving Group must be Axial
Zaitsev’s Rule
More Stable Alkene Predominates
Hyperconjugation p bond associates with adjacent C-H s bond
With Bulky Base, Hofmann Product Forms
Which will react more rapidly?
Reactive Conformations
E 2 Reaction of (R, R) 2 -iodo-3 -methylpentane
Stereochemistry is Important
E 2 Reaction of a Vicinal Dibromide using Zn dust or Iodide
Unimolecular Substitution and Elimination – SN 1 and E 1
SN 1 mechanism (Wade) 1 st step is rate determining
Reaction Profiles (Wade) S N 1 S N 2
Hammond’s Postulate • Related species that are close in energy are close in structure. • In an endothermic reaction, the transition state is similar to the product in structure and stability. • In an exothermic reaction, the transition state is similar to the reactant in structure and stability. • i. e. the structure of the transition state resembles the structure of the most stable species.
Endo- transition state looks like product Exo- transition state looks like reactant
SN 1 Transition State
SN 1 Solvent Effects
Partial Racemization in SN 1
Carbocation Stability more highly substituted, lower energy
Carbocation Stability
Carbocations can Rearrange 1, 2 -Hydride Shift
Carbocations can Rearrange 1, 2 -Methide Shift
Hydride shift
Ring Expansion
Rings Contract, too
E 1 Mechanism
E 1 and SN 1 Compete
Synthetic Chemist’s Nightmare
Ring Expansion to a More Stable 6 -membered Ring
Dehydration of Alcohols – E 1
Methide Shift is Faster than Loss of H+
Provide a Mechanism
Give the Major Product & Predict the Mechanism
Which Reacts More Rapidly in E 2 Reaction?
Cis Reacts more Rapidly
- Slides: 79