Structure Structure Structure 1 2 End Structure Structure

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Structure : סינטקס Structure שם המבנה 1 משתנה 2 משתנה . . . End

Structure : סינטקס Structure שם המבנה 1 משתנה 2 משתנה . . . End Structure : דוגמא Structure Oved Dim name As String Dim maskoret As Integer End Structure

Structs (Structures) Module 1 Structure Oved Dim name As String Dim maskoret As Integer

Structs (Structures) Module 1 Structure Oved Dim name As String Dim maskoret As Integer End Structure Sub Main() Dim x As Oved x. name = "Avi" x. maskoret = 1234 Dim People(10) As Oved People(0). name = "Yossi" People(1). name = "Moshe" People(2). name = "Lea" Console. Write. Line("People's Size is " & People. Length()) Console. Write. Line("The first name is " & People(0). name) Console. Write("The length of the first name is ") Console. Write. Line(People(0). name. Length()) End Sub End Module

Structure מערך של C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design, Fifth Edition

Structure מערך של C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design, Fifth Edition

 דוגמא עם לולאות Module 1 Structure Oved Dim name As String Dim maskoret

דוגמא עם לולאות Module 1 Structure Oved Dim name As String Dim maskoret As Integer End Structure Sub Main() Dim People(10) As Oved Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To 2 Console. Write. Line("Please enter person number " & i) People(i). name = Console. Read. Line People(i). maskoret = Console. Read. Line() Next Dim min As Integer = People(0). maskoret Dim temp As String = People(0). name For i = 1 To 2 If (People(i). maskoret < min) Then min = People(i). maskoret temp = People(i). name End If Next Console. Write. Line("The min is " & min & " his name is " & temp) End Sub End Module

? מה ההבדל Module 1 Structure Oved Dim name As String Dim maskoret As

? מה ההבדל Module 1 Structure Oved Dim name As String Dim maskoret As Integer End Structure Sub Main() Dim People(10) As Oved Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To 2 Console. Write. Line("Please enter person number " & i) People(i). name = Console. Read. Line People(i). maskoret = Console. Read. Line() Next Dim min As Integer = 0 Dim temp As String = People(0). name For i = 1 To 2 If (People(i). maskoret < People(min). maskoret) Then min = i End If Next Console. Write. Line("The min is " & People(min). maskoret & " his name is " & People(min). name) End Sub End Module

. . . עם פונקציה Structure Oved Public name As String Public maskoret As

. . . עם פונקציה Structure Oved Public name As String Public maskoret As Integer End Structure Sub Main() Dim People(5) As Oved Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To People. Length() - 1 Console. Write. Line("Please enter the person's name") People(i). name = Console. Read. Line Console. Write. Line("Please enter their maskoret") People(i). maskoret = Console. Read. Line Next Console. Write. Line("High " & Print. Highest(People)) End Sub

 הפונקציה Function Print. Highest(By. Val x() As Oved) As Integer Dim i As

הפונקציה Function Print. Highest(By. Val x() As Oved) As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim high As Integer = x(0). maskoret For i = 0 To x. Length - 1 If x(i). maskoret > high Then high = x(i). maskoret End If Next Return high End Function

Module 1 Sub Main() Dim x As Oved x. name = "Avi" x. maskoret

Module 1 Sub Main() Dim x As Oved x. name = "Avi" x. maskoret = 1234 Dim People(10) As Oved People(0). name = "Yossi" People(1). name = "Moshe" People(2). name = "Lea" Dim value As Integer = Print. Highest(People) Console. Write. Line("Highest is " & value) End Sub Structure Oved Public name As String Public maskoret As Integer End Structure Function Print. Highest(By. Val x() As Oved) As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim high As Integer = x(0). maskoret For i = 0 To x. Length - 1 If x(i). maskoret > high Then high = x(i). maskoret End If Next Return high End Function End Module ? מה יופיע פה

Module 1 Structure Shop Dim name As String Dim code As Integer Dim price

Module 1 Structure Shop Dim name As String Dim code As Integer Dim price As Double End Structure מימוש חנות Sub Main() Product 0 is: Cheese, its price is: 8. 75 Dim makolet(10) As Shop Product 1 is: Shnitzel, its price is: 21. 45 makolet(0). name = "Cheese" Product 2 is: Shoko, its price is: 4. 25 makolet(0). code = 111 Product 3 is: , its price is: 0 makolet(0). price = 8. 75 Product 4 is: , its price is: 0 makolet(1). name = "Shnitzel" Product 5 is: , its price is: 0 makolet(1). code = 222 Product 6 is: , its price is: 0 makolet(1). price = 21. 45 Product 7 is: , its price is: 0 makolet(2). name = "Shoko" Product 8 is: , its price is: 0 makolet(2). code = 122 Product 9 is: , its price is: 0 makolet(2). price = 4. 25 Product 10 is: , its price is: 0 Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To makolet. Length() - 1 Console. Write. Line("Product {0} is: {1}, its price is: {2}", i, makolet(i). name, makolet(i). price) Next End Sub End Module

Module 1 Structure Shop Dim name As String Dim code As Integer Dim price

Module 1 Structure Shop Dim name As String Dim code As Integer Dim price As Double End Structure Sub Main() Dim makolet(10) As Shop makolet(0). name = "Cheese" makolet(0). code = 111 makolet(0). price = 8. 75 makolet(1). name = "Shnitzel" Product 0 is: Cheese, its price is: 8. 75 makolet(1). code = 222 makolet(1). price = 21. 45 Product 1 is: Shnitzel, its price is: 21. 45 makolet(2). name = "Shoko" Product 2 is: Shoko, its price is: 4. 25 makolet(2). code = 122 makolet(2). price = 4. 25 Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To makolet. Length() - 1 If makolet(i). name <> Nothing Then Console. Write. Line("Product {0} is: {1}, its price is: {2}", i, makolet(i). name, makolet(i). price) End If Next End Sub End Module בלי הדפסת מוצרים ריקים

Module 1 Structure Shop Dim name As String Dim code As Integer Dim price

Module 1 Structure Shop Dim name As String Dim code As Integer Dim price As Double End Structure Sub Main() Dim makolet(10) As Shop makolet(0). name = "Cheese" makolet(0). code = 111 makolet(0). price = 8. 75 makolet(1). name = "Shnitzel" makolet(1). code = 222 makolet(1). price = 21. 45 makolet(2). name = "Shoko" makolet(2). code = 122 makolet(2). price = 4. 25 Print. Price(makolet) End Sub עם פונקציה Product 0 is: Cheese, its price is: 8. 75 Product 1 is: Shnitzel, its price is: 21. 45 Product 2 is: Shoko, its price is: 4. 25 Sub Print. Price(By. Val s() As Shop) Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To s. Length() - 1 If s(i). name <> Nothing Then Console. Write. Line("Product {0} is: {1}, its price is: {2}", i, s(i). name, s(i). price) End If Next End Sub End Module

: הקוד Sub Main() Dim makolet(10) As Shop makolet(0). name = "Cheese" makolet(0). code

: הקוד Sub Main() Dim makolet(10) As Shop makolet(0). name = "Cheese" makolet(0). code = 111 makolet(0). price = 8. 75 makolet(1). name = "Shnitzel" makolet(1). code = 222 makolet(1). price = 21. 45 Product 0 is: Cheese, its price is: 8. 75 Product 1 is: Shnitzel, its price is: 21. 45 The cheapest thing in makolet is Cheese Print. Price(makolet) Dim zol As String zol = Get. Zol(makolet) Console. Write. Line("The cheapest thing in makolet is " & zol) End Sub

Sub Main() Dim makolet(10) As Shop makolet(0). name = "Cheese" makolet(0). code = 111

Sub Main() Dim makolet(10) As Shop makolet(0). name = "Cheese" makolet(0). code = 111 makolet(0). price = 8. 75 makolet(1). name = "Shnitzel" makolet(1). code = 222 makolet(1). price = 21. 45 Dim bakery(10) As Shop bakery(0). name = "roll" bakery(0). code = 333 bakery(0). price = 6. 32 bakery(1). name = "pita" bakery(1). code = 777 bakery(1). price = 3. 6 ואם יש גם מכולת וגם ? מאפיה . . . נשתמש באותה פונקציה שוב ונקבל ממנה משהו אחר , נעביר לה פרמטר אחר Product 0 is: Cheese, its price is: 8. 75 Product 1 is: Shnitzel, its price is: 21. 45 The cheapest thing in makolet is Cheese Product 0 is: roll, its price is: 6. 32 Product 1 is: pita, its price is: 3. 6 The cheapest thing in bakery is pita Print. Price(makolet) Dim zol As String zol = Get. Zol(makolet) Console. Write. Line("The cheapest thing in makolet is " & zol) Print. Price(bakery) zol = Get. Zol(bakery) Console. Write. Line("The cheapest thing in bakery is " & zol) End Sub

Sub Main() Dim makolet(10) As Shop makolet(0). name = "Cheese" makolet(0). code = 111

Sub Main() Dim makolet(10) As Shop makolet(0). name = "Cheese" makolet(0). code = 111 makolet(0). price = 8. 75 makolet(1). name = "Shnitzel" makolet(1). code = 222 makolet(1). price = 21. 45 Dim bakery(10) As Shop bakery(0). name = "roll" bakery(0). code = 333 bakery(0). price = 6. 32 bakery(1). name = "pita" bakery(1). code = 777 bakery(1). price = 3. 6 Print. Price(makolet) Dim zol As String אפשר גם לשתול את מה שחוזר מהפונקציה ישר לתוך פקודת הדפסה Product 0 is: Cheese, its price is: 8. 75 Product 1 is: Shnitzel, its price is: 21. 45 The cheapest thing in makolet is Cheese Product 0 is: roll, its price is: 6. 32 Product 1 is: pita, its price is: 3. 6 The cheapest thing in bakery is pita Console. Write. Line("The cheapest thing in makolet is " & Get. Zol(makolet)) Print. Price(bakery) Console. Write. Line("The cheapest thing in makolet is " & Get. Zol(bakery)) End Sub

 פונקציה לחישוב סכום המוצרים בסל Function Kupa(By. Val cart() As String, By. Val

פונקציה לחישוב סכום המוצרים בסל Function Kupa(By. Val cart() As String, By. Val s() As Shop) As Single Dim total As Single = 0 For i = 0 To cart. Length - 1 For j = 0 To s. Length() - 1 If cart(i) = s(j). name Then total += s(j). price End If Next Return total End Function

Sub Main() Dim super(10) As Shop super(0). name = "Shoko" super(0). code = 111

Sub Main() Dim super(10) As Shop super(0). name = "Shoko" super(0). code = 111 super(0). price = 4. 75 super(1). name = "Apple" super(1). code = 222 super(1). price = 2. 45 Lunch costs 9. 8 shekel. super(2). name = "Bread" super(2). code = 333 super(2). price = 5. 05 super(3). name = "Bag" super(3). code = 444 super(3). price = 1. 2 Dim lunch() As String = {"Bread", "Shoko"} Console. Write. Line("Lunch costs " & Kupa(lunch, super) & " shekel. ") End Sub המשך חישוב סכום המוצרים בסל