String and character functions include string h include

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String and character functions #include <string. h> #include <ctype. h>

String and character functions #include <string. h> #include <ctype. h>

ASCII table • • • int a; (char)a 取 lower byte of a. char

ASCII table • • • int a; (char)a 取 lower byte of a. char ach; (int)ach ascii number of ach. (int)space = 32 = 0 x 20 (int)’ 0’ = 48 = 0 x 30, (int)’ 9’ = 57 = 0 x 39 (int)’A’ = 65 = 0 x 41, (int)’Z’= 90 = 0 x 5 a (int)’a’ = 97 = 0 x 61, (int)’z’ = 122 = 0 x 7 a

ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange

Extended ASCII codes

Extended ASCII codes

Character testing • • #include <ctype. h> int isalpha(int a); // among a-z or

Character testing • • #include <ctype. h> int isalpha(int a); // among a-z or A-Z? int isdigit(int a); // among 0 -9? int ispunct(int a); int isupper(int a); // is a upper-case letter? int islower(int a); // is a low-case letter? int tolower(int a); // change to lower-case? int toupper(int a); //change to upper-case?

Memory copy • include <string. h> • memset(void*pt, int char, unsigned count); e. g.

Memory copy • include <string. h> • memset(void*pt, int char, unsigned count); e. g. memset(str, NULL, 1024 U) • memmove(void*to, void*from, unsigned ncount) • memcmp(void*p 1, void*p 2, unsigned count)

strncpy(str*s 1, str*s 2, unsigned count); unsigned int strlen(char *str); • • • strlen(char*str);

strncpy(str*s 1, str*s 2, unsigned count); unsigned int strlen(char *str); • • • strlen(char*str); //回傳字串長度 strncpy: 從 s 2 複製 count 個字元到 s 1. 如果 count > s 2 的長度, 則複製 strlen(s 2) 若 count < strlen(s 2), s 1沒有終止字元. int strncmp(str 1, str 2, count); example

字串複製和比較 • strcpy(char*to, char*from); • int strcmp(char*str 1, char*str 2); (相同時回傳 0)

字串複製和比較 • strcpy(char*to, char*from); • int strcmp(char*str 1, char*str 2); (相同時回傳 0)

main() 的結構 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 打開 makeup. db in

main() 的結構 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 打開 makeup. db in “rb+” mode. Count the number of total record, maxrec. Set current record ncur = 0 (ncur 紀錄目前的 record number). Read in the first record, and reset the indicator to beginning of fp. 顯示動作選單, 並 prompt for 字元輸入 a. 清理 input buffer: fflush(stdin); Read from stdin, a char action, and change it to upper case. Act according to ‘action’. (switch action). • Case ‘Q’: close files, and return. • Case ‘D’: display the current record, then break. • Case ‘P’: display 10 records from the current indicator, and set indicator at the beginning of the 10 th record. ncur = ncur+9. • Case ‘B’: display 10 record backward, and set the indicator at the beginning of the last record. Break; ncur = ncur – 9. • Case ‘N’: input (from stdin) a string, and search in the name of all records for that string. Break; ncur move to the first found record. • Case ‘I’: input a string, and search it in the idno of all records. Ncur = first found • Case ‘C’: display current record, and prompt for input of new t 1, t 2, and t 3, then redo average, rewrite this record in fp. Break; • Default: 顯示輸入錯誤選擇, break; 7. 重覆 3 -4. 用 while(1) 將步驟 1 -6 括起來.

Function declaration void move_fp(FILE *fp, int n, int rlen): move to the beginning of

Function declaration void move_fp(FILE *fp, int n, int rlen): move to the beginning of nth record. STUDENT read_record(FILE*fp, int rlen) read the current record. 注意: 本程式中最好不要在 read_record 中改變 fp 的指標位置. STUDENT write_record(FILE*fp, STUDENT ss, int rlen) : wirte ss into the current record. 更改 : 回傳 ss 來 update main 中的 current record. int search(FILE*fp, char *str, int nind): seach sting str[] in the filed name or idno and return the number of first found. void display_record(STUDENT ss): display struct ss to monitor.

Search string(FILE*fp, char*str) a. b. c. d. 計算 record 長度 rlen 計算 record 總數

Search string(FILE*fp, char*str) a. b. c. d. 計算 record 長度 rlen 計算 record 總數 maxrec (這兩個參數也可以用幅數輸入) Set indicator to the beginning of fp For loop i=0, maxrec-1 • 讀取 current record ss; • Copy 要搜尋的字串 (名字或學號) strcpy(nstr 1, ss. name); • 統一字串的大小寫. • Test nstr 1 內有無 str: strstr(nstr 1, str) != NULL • 若有: sn++; 列印 record. 若 sn==1 紀錄此一 record 的號碼到 n 1 e. End of for loop. f. 列印發現 match 的總數. g. 回傳 n 1 (第一個發現的 record). 回主程式, ncur = 回傳的號碼. 更新主程式中的 current record, ss, 重置 fp 的指標到 ncur 的起點

Write record 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ** make sure 指標位置是在寫位置的開始點

Write record 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ** make sure 指標位置是在寫位置的開始點 (若正確應該如此). Display current record, and prompt for input t 1, t 2, t 3. Input tt. t 1, tt. t 2, tt. t 3 計算 tt. avg Set str = (char*)(&tt) fwrite(str, rlen, 1, fp) : 寫入一筆長度為 rlen 的資料 再 set 指標回該筆資料的起始位置 fseek(fp, (-rlen), 1); 將 ss 回傳主程式, 更新主程式中的 current record. 在主程式中 顯示更新後的 current record.

統一字串到小寫 #include<string. h> #include <ctype. h> void stolower(char *str) { int k; for (k=0;

統一字串到小寫 #include<string. h> #include <ctype. h> void stolower(char *str) { int k; for (k=0; k<strlen(str); k++) str[k] = tolower(str[k]); retrun; } int strlen(str) : 回傳 str 字串的長度, 開始一直到 tolower(achr) : 將字元 achr 轉為小寫 (對非字母沒有作用)