Strengthening the MidAtlantic Region for Tomorrow Leadership of
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Strengthening the Mid-Atlantic Region for Tomorrow “Leadership of S&T Solutions for National and International Needs” Welcome To The 17 th Annual SMART PROC GOVCON The Bi-Partisan SMART Congressional Initiative’s Best, Sustaining Success Chair, Debbie Burrell, CEO Burrell International Group Results of 16 Past SMART PROCs since 2001 Participant Categories - Congressional Caucus - Federal Executive Branch DC HQs - International Allies - State Government - Local Gov’t - Academia - Major Business - SB - Gov’t Labs / Field Agencies - Professional Associations Exhibits 861 Speakers Attendees 96 159 160 175 34 42 32 64 68 223 239 255 589 319 175 1, 967 3, 793 877 4, 278 1, 132 785 11, 528
Strengthening the Mid-Atlantic Region for Tomorrow “Leadership of S&T Solutions for National and International Needs” Mission Mid-Atlantic leadership of integrated collaboration on National & International S&T issues resulting in regional Tech Enterprise & STEM Educ/Workforce Development. Products Since 1999 - Issues: - Events: - Projects: Multiple Point Papers, Collaborative Actions 315 Significant Events $625. 0 M Direct; ~$1. 2 B Indirect Membership Visit: https: //smart-proc. square. site or Contact: Robert Carullo bcarullo@smartstates. com or 609 -304 -2904
Strengthening the Mid-Atlantic Region for Tomorrow “Leadership of S&T Solutions for National and International Needs” Highlights of 20 Years ISSUES: - Supreme Court; Co-Plaintiff of Winning Case for Vo. Bs - Chilean Mine Rescue; Expedited Transport Solution for Drill Rig Delivery - Opioid Crisis; Supporting Multiple State/Federal Bills and R&D. EVENTS: - Range & Depth of 315 Major Events (Congressional & Fed Exec Keynotes) - Sustained SMART PROC GOVCON Series - Conducted US Component of the World-Wide “Nelson Mandela 100 th” PROJECTS: - $125 M DARPA Advanced Concept Tech Demo; 1 of only 100 annual awards. - 1 st Drone deployed in US combat, Desert Storm - Total of $625 M direct projects; ~1. 2 B indirect **Collaboration on multiple other issues, events and projects/programs over the years** 3
Strengthening the Mid-Atlantic Region for Tomorrow “Leadership of S&T Solutions for National and International Needs” 2020 Strategic Planning Priorities Current Issues; Supported by Planned Collaborative Events & Programs/Projects: - Joint Group Programs -- American Industrial Hemp Revolution -- Drive Across America -- International Free Trade Zones (Dubai Model) & MOUs - STEM Educ/Workforce Development - Veterans Unfunded Health Care - Women In S&T (Gov’t & Private) - HLS/Cyber Security - Opioid Crisis - Transportation/Infrastructure - Energy/Environment - Gov’t Acquisition Reform (OTAs) Others: SMART is a dynamic initiative with a measure of collaborative activity in all 15 Focus Groups and 4 Special Committees. - Winter & Summer Capitol Hill Forums address changing priorities. 4