Stone Age to Iron Age Chronology What is

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Stone Age to Iron Age

Stone Age to Iron Age

Chronology What is chronology? The arrangement of events or dates in order of their

Chronology What is chronology? The arrangement of events or dates in order of their occurrence The Stone Age 3, 000 BC The Stone Age makes up 99% of human history! (Timeline not to scale) The Bronze Age The Iron Age 2, 500 BC 800 BC 43 AD 2019 AD

What do we know about the Stone Age? 3 periods since humans evolved –

What do we know about the Stone Age? 3 periods since humans evolved – Palaeolithic (Old Stone Age) - 200, 000 – 10, 000 years ago - Stone tools developed - Hunting and gathering - First cave art Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age) – 10, 000 – 6, 000 years ago - New types of stone tools developed - Some very early settlements and monuments built - Dogs were domesticated Neolithic (New Stone Age) – 6, 000 – 4, 000 years ago - Development of farming – growing crops and domesticating animals - More fixed human settlements and living in groups - Monuments and settlements such as Stonehenge

What do we know about the Bronze Age? 4000 – 2800 years ago (2100

What do we know about the Bronze Age? 4000 – 2800 years ago (2100 – 800 BC) - Bronze replaces Stone as main material for making tools - Invention of the wheel – this meant people could travel much more easily which led to an increase in trade between countries and more movement of people. For example, Bronze Age graves at Stonehenge show people had moved from Switzerland! - People got better at farming

What do we know about the Iron Age? c. 2800 – 2000 years ago

What do we know about the Iron Age? c. 2800 – 2000 years ago (800 BC – 43 AD) - Iron replaced bronze as most common metal - People got better at farming which meant more grain was produced. There was more food for people, so the population grew. - First coins were minted - Ended in Britain after the Roman conquest – except Scotland!