STFXAUT Salary Proposal and STFX Offer Overview o

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STFXAUT Salary Proposal and STFX Offer - Overview o o STFXAUT Financial Proposal St.

STFXAUT Salary Proposal and STFX Offer - Overview o o STFXAUT Financial Proposal St. FX Financial Offer n n Basics of Offer by Employment Category o o o Lab Instructor Clinical Associate Part-Time Coady & Extension Librarian Faculty

STFXAUT Salary Proposal o o Statement on Parity (See Section 2 Appendix C, p.

STFXAUT Salary Proposal o o Statement on Parity (See Section 2 Appendix C, p. 128) University recognizes: n o “need to compensate all employees fairly” University committed: n n n “need to compensate all employees fairly” “to achieving parity” “parity will be phased in over a six year period” (i. e. by September 1, 2011) parity is defined as career earnings “over a normal career path” (i. e. 30 year career) “salary scales are the primary measurement mechanism”

STFXAUT Salary Proposal: Parity Calculation

STFXAUT Salary Proposal: Parity Calculation

STFX OFFER to STFXAUT Overview – Basics o Salary Increases are an economic adjustment

STFX OFFER to STFXAUT Overview – Basics o Salary Increases are an economic adjustment of: n n n 2. 9% for three years for faculty 2. 0% for three years for “non-faculty” members Recent economic adjustments: o o o Parity within STFXAUT: n o 3. 1%, 2. 9% SMU (three years) 2. 9% CBU (four years) 4. 0%, 3% Bishops (three years) 2% internal non-union and union groups STFX offer (1 year) Treatment of the membership as different “Associations” continues Promotion through Rank (PTR) n Scales did not address opportunity to be promoted (Librarians, Lab Instructors, Clinical Associates, Coady & Extension)

STFX OFFER to STFXAUT Overview – Lab Instructors o Lab Instructors: n n n

STFX OFFER to STFXAUT Overview – Lab Instructors o Lab Instructors: n n n STFX Offer is 2%, 2% STFX Offer only reflects “progress over time” not a promotable career Salary scales are presented as annual salary however average Lab instructor contract is not annual but 75% (i. e. 38 weeks)

STFX OFFER to STFXAUT Overview – Clinical Associates o Clinical Associates: n n STFX

STFX OFFER to STFXAUT Overview – Clinical Associates o Clinical Associates: n n STFX Offer is 2%, 2% From the last negotiation, Clinical Associates sought to readdress the salary compensation by assessing classification relative to NSNU and NSGEU CBU continues to address the reclassification issue in their latest settlement. STFX Offer reflects “province declined to participate” in reclassification

STFX OFFER to STFXAUT Overview – Part-Time o Part time Faculty: n n STFX

STFX OFFER to STFXAUT Overview – Part-Time o Part time Faculty: n n STFX Offer to part-time faculty is 6. 75% in the first year (retroactive to July 09) and 2. 0% for the next two years 2009 -2010 stipend offer ($8, 500 )is $1, 277 below the average of the comparator group and is below the lowest stipend currently offered by the comparator group (i. e. MSV $8, 550).

STFX OFFER to STFXAUT Overview – Coady & Extension o Coady & Extension: n

STFX OFFER to STFXAUT Overview – Coady & Extension o Coady & Extension: n n n STFX Offer is 2%, 2% Request to merge Coady & Extension scales not addressed Request to reorganize the scale from 2 ranks to 4 ranks not addressed

STFX OFFER to STFXAUT Overview – Librarians o Librarians: n n STFX Offer is

STFX OFFER to STFXAUT Overview – Librarians o Librarians: n n STFX Offer is 2%, 2% Delink Librarian scale from Faculty scale

STFX OFFER to STFXAUT Overview –Faculty n Salary Increases o o Economic adjustment is

STFX OFFER to STFXAUT Overview –Faculty n Salary Increases o o Economic adjustment is 2. 9% for three years St. FX e-mail communication dated December 6 th n o n a) Assistant (87 faculty): 15. 33% to 20. 98%, b) Associates (67 faculty): 14. 04% to 23. 07%, c) Full Professors (41 faculty) 15. 53% to 20. 51% Q. How achieve 20. 98% increase with 2. 9% adjustment? – A. Progression through the Ranks Parity Achievement o o o STFXAUT Parity calculation 9. 62% adjustment to salary scales plus economic adjustment STFX e- mail communication dated Dec. 7 th “ the gap between STFXAUT Request and STFX Offer is 0. 3%” Q. How achieve parity with 2. 9% adjustment? – A. Structural changes to the salary scale

STFX OFFER to STFXAUT Overview –Faculty o o o Q. How achieve 20. 98%

STFX OFFER to STFXAUT Overview –Faculty o o o Q. How achieve 20. 98% increase with 2. 9% adjustment? – A. Progression through the Ranks Progress through the ranks is a deferred salary and it is a salary structure mechanism unique to the university sector. Faculty are already entitled to progression through the ranks and as such any determination of salary adjustments must not include increases related to progression through the ranks.

STFX OFFER to STFXAUT Overview – Issues (Faculty)

STFX OFFER to STFXAUT Overview – Issues (Faculty)

STFX OFFER to STFXAUT Overview – Issues (Faculty) o o Q. How achieve parity

STFX OFFER to STFXAUT Overview – Issues (Faculty) o o Q. How achieve parity with 2. 9% adjustment? – A. Structural changes to the salary scale Parity via Structural Changes to the Scale: n n University scales are structured with the back loading of salaries to later in one’s career; deferred salary process is a system-wide mechanism STFX proposed structural changes: (over three years) o o o n Assistant : Eliminate (by 2011) bottom step and top step (12 to 10 steps) Associate: Eliminate (by 2011) bottom two steps and top step (17 to 14 steps) Full: Eliminate (by 2011) bottom three steps and top step (18 to 14 steps) Weighted average step by rank at St. FX: o Assistant- 6 step o Associate-9 step o Full -12 step

STFX OFFER to STFXAUT Overview – Issues (Faculty)

STFX OFFER to STFXAUT Overview – Issues (Faculty)