- Slides: 24


Why is there a need for Immersion? With the passage of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 or Republic Act 10533, the Dep. Ed was tasked to implement the K to 12 Program, essentially adding two (2) years of specialization within the Basic Educational System; The Work Immersion Program is one of the course requirements for graduation. A SHS student has to undergo work immersion in a business organization or establishment with work requirements related to the specialization. Through work immersion, the students are exposed to and are familiarized with the work-related environment related to their field of specialization.

Specifically, the students are able to: 1. Gain relevant and practical industrial skills under the guidance of industry experts and workers; 2. Appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories taught in the classroom; 3. Enhance their technical knowledge and skills; 4. Prepare them to meet the needs and challenges of employment, entrepreneurship, or higher education after their graduation.

WORK PLAN SCHEDULE (80 Hours/2 Weeks) Day Time Activity/Topic Person In Charge 0 -A 8: 00 -10: 00 Course Orientation/Credit & The Immersion Program 10: 00 -12: 00 Requirements and Grading Portfolio/Daily Observation and Reflection Sheets School Work Immersion Coordinators 1: 00 -3: 00 Work Ethics & Courtesy Soft Skills Review (Telephone Courtesy) Non-Disclosure 3: 00 -5: 00 Work Assignment & Schedules Parental Consent

WORK PLAN SCHEDULE (80 Hours/2 Weeks) Day Time 0 -B 8: 00 -10: 00 -12: 00 1: 00 -3: 00 -5: 00 Activity/Topic PORTFOLIO COMPILATION: 1. Resume 2. Grades 3. Certificates 4. Parental Consent 5. Work Plan Schedules 6. Company/Industry Assignment 7. Daily Work Journal Form 8. KSA Assessment Form 9. Certificate of Completion 10. Work Immersion Pictures Person In Charge School Work Immersion Coordinators

1 8 hours 2 -3 4 -9 8 hours 10 8 Hours 11 8 hours I. Company Orientation Background VMGO Business Line Organizational Structure Departments (Functions) Business Ethics Company Standards Call Time (Report) Dos and Donts Prescribed Attire Work Assignment (Scope and Limits) II. Company Tour WORK OBSERVATION AND COACHING HANDS-ON (If allowed)/ Giving Assistance to immediate Departmental/Company In-Charge Learning Assessment (Grading) Feedbacking (Immediate In-Charge) Awarding of Certificate of Completion Portfolio and Work Diary Completion Group Immersion Video and Poster Company HRD and In Company Trainers With School Immersion Coordinator In-Company Trainer Company HRD and In Company Trainers With School Immersion Coordinator

12 (January 2019) 8 hours Culminating Activity – Work Immersion Exhibit and sharing of Experiences School Immersion Coordinator And Students And Invited Partners

Company Responsibility: 1. Accept the students in the company for work immersion based on 80 hours credit (by batch; allowable number of students) 2. Appoint company in charge to train and monitor the students 3. Provide hands-on training and allow students to observe, work and learn the course related concepts 4. Evaluate the performance of the students 5. Provide certificate of completion 6. Sign Moa with the school

School Responsibility: 1. Appoint Immersion Coordinators 2. Orient the students with the pre-immersion details 2. Train soft skills and work ethics 3. General immersion Do’s and Dont’s 4. Assist in Portfolio Preparation 5. Profile the students and make endorsement to company 6. Monitor the students 7. Provide all forms for evaluation 8. Orient the parents (medical insurance provision and uniforms) 9. Secure parental consent 10. Provide Insurance 11. Conduct briefing and feed backing

Grading 1. Immersion is equivalent to 1 subject 80 hours credit 2. criteria: Q 3 - 50% Portfolio 50% Company Rating Q 4 - 50% Q 3 50% Exhibit and Video Docu

Urgent Things to do: 1. Prescribed Attire (by Strand) 2. Accident Insurance 3. 2 x 2 pictures (2 pcs) 4. Career Profile 5. Portfolio Making October 21 -25, 2019 6. First batch – November 4 -15, 2019 November 18 -29, 2019

Powder Blue Longsleeve Black or Blue slacks Black Close shoes

CHECKLIST ON PORTFOLIO COMPILATION: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Resume (follow the format with 2 x 2 pic) Grades (Photocopy of Gr 11 -12 until First Sem Q 1 and if available Q 2) Certificates (Photocopy and in the same order reflected in resume) Parental Consent Description of STEC Immersion program Work Immersion Program Matrix Immersion Schedule and Company assignment Insurance copy Daily Work Journal Form (10 sheets, Day 1 -day 10, all entries should be hand written) 10. Performance Appraisal Form (attached 2 x 2 pic) (to be accomplished on the last day) 11. Trainee’s Feedback on the assigned company (2 copies) 12. Satisfaction Rating 13. Certificate of Completion (to be accomplished on last day) 14. Work Immersion Pictures (depending on the rules of the company, follow the instruction and do not take pictures on areas not allowed)

Guides 1. Portfolio should be in a Long Clear book, black color with atleast 20 -30 sheets 2. the front cover should have the following specs (Arial 28, cut fit size) STEC SHS Immersion Name: Bryant C. Acar Batch and Date: Batch 1 (Nov 4 -15, 2019)

3. All contents should be orderly arranged 4. Grades and certificates – photocopies or scanned colored 5. 2 x 2 Pictures should be colored with white background 6. all forms and contents are downloaded to (FB class account) 7. for certificates you should insert the logo of the company and the name & designation of the signatory 8. No portfolio, No Immersion

9. After checking, the portfolio will be returned and should be brought during immersion (at all times) 10. The portfolio should be given to the Incompany trainer during first day and must be taken back on the last day with signatures 11. Daily journal should be made each day after immersion time (at home) hand written - Daily Time Record should be accomplished each day (time in and time out) and must be signed by the trainer 12. There is an assigned team leader to monitor and report to coordinator)

13. Report 15 minutes before the time. Wear Name Plate and school ID 14. Follow the instruction and assignment given by the trainer 15. Be polite always 16. Beware of Non-disclosure policy (you cannot divulge information of the company, especially about product an trade) 17. Do not take/bring anything from the company

18. In case of absence, inform the team leader and the coordinator (you will be given extension or will join the next batch (if 2 absences are incurred) 19. Use your break diligently, do not take long in canteen, CR or lobby) 20. Do not sleep 21. Do not be loud/ talkative 22. Always greet the company employees and bosses and customers/patients

23. On the last day, accomplish the feedback form in 2 copies, give 1 copy to the company trainer/manager and 1 to be placed in your portfolio 24. Let the trainer evaluate you on the last day 25. Let the trainer sign your certificate of completion on the last day. 26. with or without me on the last day, you should accomplish everything and report to school the following Monday.

Orientation October 28, 2019 (Monday, 1: 30 pm ARCH Orientation) CHECKING OF PORTFOLIO (CONTENTS) October 28, 2019 Immersion Schedule: Batch 1: November 4 -16, 2019 Batch 2: November 18 -29, 2019