Statistics for SDGs global SDG indicator list and
Statistics for SDGs: global SDG indicator list and other latest developments Tiina Luige, UNECE Statistical Division Mapping SDG indicators for the Republic of Serbia Belgrade, 23 -26 October 2018 STATISTI CS
Development of SDG indicators STATISTICS • UN General Assembly adopted the 17 goals 169 and targets in September 2015 • United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) established Interagency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEGSDG) in March 2015 • Country led process, 27 countries are members (represented by national statistical offices), all other countries and international organizations are observers • Develop a list of indicators for SDG monitoring at the global level • Provide support for the implementation of the indicator framework until 2030, review capacity building, report on progress towards SDGs • High-level Group for partnership, coordination and capacity-building for statistics 2
Policymakers guidance on indicators STATISTICS UN GA resolution 70/1 (Agenda 2030): the global indicator framework “will be simple yet robust, address all SDGs and targets, and preserve the political balance, integration and ambition contained therein” (para. 75) • Indicators must: • directly respond to the SDGs and targets and their level of ambition; • must not undermine or reinterpret the targets; • must cover all targets, including targets on means of implementation and give equal weight to all targets; • must maintain the balance achieved, and should not introduce any new or contentious issues; • be action oriented, global in nature and universally applicable; • take into account different national realities, capacities and levels of development and respect national policies and priorities • the number of global indicators should be limited and should include multi-purpose indicators that address several targets at the same time 3
Global SDG indicator list STATISTICS • Indicator list approved by UN Statistical Commission in March 2017 • Resolution “Work of the UN Statistical Commission pertaining to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” adopted by ECOSOC in May 2017 and General Assembly on 6 July 2017 • Global list of 232 indicators - for global review and follow-up https: //unstats. un. org/unsd/statcom/48 th-session/documents/Report-on-the-48 thsession-of-the-statistical-commission-E. pdf (as part of the Resolution) SDG indicator availability • Tier system to assess availability of the indicators Multiple tiers Tier 3 2% 25% • Tier 1 – internationally agreed methods exist, data widely available 93 (40%) • Tier 2 – agreed methods exist but data are not widely available 77 (33%) Tier 1 • Tier 3 – no agreed methods, no data 57 (25%) 40% Multiple tiers 5 (2%) • Custodian agencies for each indicator (about 50 agencies) Tier 2 33% 4
SDG indicator availability globally STATISTICS Goal 1 Tier 1 21% Tier 3 21% Goal 7 Tier 1 54% Goal 8 Tier 3 17% Tier 1 66% Goal 13 Tier 3 45% Tier 3 8% Tier 2 38% Tier 2 57% Tier 2 17% Goal 3 Goal 2 Tier 1 47% Tier 2 29% Goal 14 Tier 1 9% Tier 2 45% Tier 3 50% Tier 3 Tier 7% 2 22% Tier 1 70% Goal 9 Tier 3 24% Tier 2 30% Tier 1 21% Tier 2 54% Tier 3 45% Tier 2 29% Tier 2 32% Goal 16 Tier 3 14% Tier 1 57% Tier 3 30% Goal 6 Tier 1 18% Tier 2 64% Tier 2 82% Goal 11 Tier 1 23% Tier 1 75% Goal 15 Tier 1 20% Tier 3 25% Goal 10 Tier 3 8% Tier 2 17% Goal 5 Goal 4 Tier 1 36% Goal 12 Tier 1 27% Tier 3 40% Tier 2 33% Tier 3 24% Tier 2 29% Tier 1 47% Goal 17 Tier 1 26% Tier 2 43% Tier 3 28% Tier 2 12% Tier 1 60% 5
CES Road map on statistics for SDGs STATISTICS • Monitoring progress toward SDGs requires statistics on 232 indicators based on data provided by 193 countries within each country, often involving 30 or more agencies data sent to 50 international organizations to compile the global database => Huge coordination challenge • To support countries in this: Road Map on statistics for SDGs developed by a UNECE Steering Group (consisting of 17 countries and Eurostat, OECD, UNECE, chaired by Poland Sweden) • Guidance to countries on how to set up a system for providing statistics and indicators for SDGs - what, by whom, when needs to be done • Conference of European Statisticians endorsed the first edition in June 2017 • • http: //www. unece. org/index. php? id=47510 Available in English, Russian, Spanish and Serbian (soon) 6
Recommendations and practical tools to implement the Road Map STATISTICS 1) establishing national mechanisms for collaboration • national statistical offices to have a key coordinating role • cooperate with the national focal point for SDG implementation 2) assessing countries’ readiness to provide data on SDG indicators, identifying data sources - template for self-assessment 7
Issues in the Road Map STATISTICS 3) selecting national indicators • 4) providing data on global SDG indicators – data flows • • • 5) agenda 2030: “Follow-up and review at the high-level political forum will be informed. . based on. . data produced by national statistical systems” two pilots of data flows – 5 countries participated in the first, and 38 in the second pilot 1 st pilot indicators: 2. 1. 2, 3. 1. 1, 3. 6. 1, 4. b. 1, 8. 1. 1, 8. 6. 1, 9. 5. 1, 12. 4. 1, 15. 1. 1, 16. 1. 1, 17. 1. 2 2 nd pilot indicators: 3. 6. 1, 3. 9. 1, 5. 1. 1, 6. 4. 2, 9. 1. 2, 11. 6. 2, 15. 4. 2, 17. 2. 1, 17. 3. 1 Results taken into account in IAEG-SDG and CCSA guidelines on data flows communication and dissemination • • 6) to monitor national SDG strategies and policies communicating statistics and indicators communicating data quality and availability; managing expectations capacity building • • all countries need to improve their statistical capacities coordination!!! 8
Assessment of data availability STATISTICS UNECE template for self-assessment 1 Information on the indicator 2 Data availability 3 If the indicator is AVAILABLE 4 If the indicator is NOT AVAILABLE 5 Complementary information Goal, target Indicator code, indicator Observations on indicator (duplicate, non-statistical, etc. ) Custodian agencies IAEG-SDGs Tier classification Name of data producer Related institutions/organisations Yes/no Frequency Time coverage Data source Data disaggregation available Types of data disaggregation Website link or publication reference Transmission of indicator to International Organization Contact person for this indicator at NSO Availability at short term (global SDG indicator) Availability at short term (proxy indicator) Why indicator is not available Relevance of indicator Is the indicator produced out of statistical system? Name of data producer Extra comments 9
Data availability assessment template STATISTICS 10
SDG indicators availability (Dec. 2016) Based on UNECE survey in December 2016 – January 2017 STATISTICS Belarus Austria France Lithuania do not know not relevant available do not know not available Mexico available proxy not available proxy Ukraine do not know United States not relevant available not available proxy available not available Netherlands not relevant not available do not know not relevant proxy available do not know proxy 11
Sources for SDG indicators in countries Based on country presentations at Expert Meeting on statistics for SDGs 10 -12 April 2017 STATISTICS Belarus nonrelevant/ not available Lithuania nonrelevant/ not available NSO State authoriti es (ministrie s) other sources Russia NSO State authoriti es (ministrie s) other sources nonrelevant/ not available sources not identified NSO State authoritie s (ministrie s) nonrelevant/ not available NSO State authoritie s (ministrie s) Montenegro nonrelevant/ not available NSO other sources Chart Title sources not identified State authoriti es (ministrie s) Ukraine nonrelevant/ not available NSO State authoriti es (ministri es) 12
Issues related to data availability (1) STATISTICS • Statistical and non-statistical indicators • • Statistical – a number: amount, share, proportion, index, etc. Non-statistical are indicators that require a yes/no answer at country level, or include an assessment of the quality of law or policy strategy • Relevance – ‘not relevant’ is not a good answer; there are different situations: • Target already achieved - for tracking global progress, data still needed ‒ E. g. 9. 1. 1 Proportion of the rural population who live within 2 km of an all-season road • Target does not apply to a specific country • targets for developed, developing or least developed countries only ‒ E. g. 13. a. 1 Mobilized amount by developed countries accountable towards the $100 billion commitment to a Green Climate Fund to support developing countries in climate change mitigation • targets related to specific natural conditions ‒ ‒ E. g. 14. 1. 1 Index of coastal eutrophication and floating plastic debris density (for oceans and seas) 15. 1. 1 Forest area as a proportion of total land area • Indicator is for global or regional level - a yes/no answer from a country still needed) ‒ E. g. , 1. 5. 3 Number of countries that adopt and implement national disaster risk reduction strategies in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015– 2030 13
Issues related to data availability (2) STATISTICS • Proxies • Statistics that are similar to, but not exactly the same, as the global indicator • Not clearly defined what is a proxy, countries are using various approaches • E. g. an indicator can be considered a proxy because of differences in • units • definition • coverage • Availability • Already produced and disseminated - available • Not yet produced but can be easily calculated based on existing data - available • Can be calculated but needs adjustment to existing collection instruments (e. g. , adding questions to existing surveys) – short-term • Needs introducing new data collection instruments – mid-term • Needs building capacity and resources in a new area – long-term 14
Issues related to data availability (3) STATISTICS • Disaggregation • Agenda 2030 asks for data disaggregated by income, sex, age, race, ethnicity, migration status, disability, geographic location and other characteristics relevant in national contexts • Indicate what disaggregations are available • Existing reporting • Is the data already transmitted to an international organization? • Which reporting obligation? 15
More information STATISTICS • SDG indicators website (including work of IAEG-SDGs) http: //unstats. un. org/sdgs/ • Road Map on statistics for SDGs http: //www. unece. org/index. php? id=47510 • UNECE wiki on statistics for SDGs https: //statswiki. unece. org/display/SFSDG • UNECE Expert Meetings on statistics for SDGs http: //www. unece. org/index. php? id=45249 (10 -12 April 2017) http: //www. unece. org/index. php? id=47533 (18 -19 April 2018) 16
Thank you! tiina. luige@un. org UNECE 23 October 2018, Belgrade STATISTI CS
Background STATISTI CS
Reporting on SDGs STATISTICS Global National voluntary reports (national governments) High-level Political Forum (July each year) UN SG Global progress report on SDGs (UN Secretariat) Global SDG indicator database (UNSD) Statistical Annex Thematic Regional Financing for Development Forum Major groups and other stakeholders - NGOs - Research - Businesses - Local authorities Regional reviews: key findings and lessons National SDG reports: key findings and lessons Thematic reviews by major groups, international organizations Custodian Agencies/International Organizations databases National SDG strategies National statistics National Global SDG indicators 19
Reporting on SDGs – UNECE region STATISTICS HLPF UNECE Regional Forum on Sustainable Development UNECE Statistical Division UNECE region OECD European Union Statistics Directorate + other statistics Eurostat + other EU sources “Measuring distance to SDG targets” - Update June 2017 100 SDG indicators - based on existing data - 51 in global SDG list National statistics - National indicators - (Sub)regional indicators - Global indicators - Guidance to countries - No monitoring Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) CIS-Stat 111 SDG indicators - based on survey on relevance among CES countries - all in global SDG list UNECE region: 56 countries, incl. Canada, US, Europe, Israel, Turkey, Caucasus, Central Asia 20
Challenges STATISTICS • Ensuring coordination, coherence and consistency between the different reporting levels and streams • • • Institutional arrangements Substance – definitions, concepts, methods used for producing indicators; metadata Technical level – data and metadata formats, transfer mechanisms, etc. • Mainstreaming SDG monitoring in the existing reporting mechanisms • Limited human and financial resources • • Overcoming the fragmentation of resources, focusing and streamlining Forming partnerships outside official statistics • Awareness • • Policy attention and awareness of SDGs Understanding of the role of different players (incl. the special role of official statistics) 21
Custodian Agencies of SDG indicators *Agency icon size is proportional to number of indicators assigned 22
SDG Data Flow Model (Simplified) 23
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