Speed Mentoring Speed Mentoring Speed mentoring is a
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Speed Mentoring
Speed Mentoring • Speed mentoring is a networking activity that brings together new hires and engineers from various disciplines to meet and share information on backgrounds, experiences, professional strengths and challenges
Speed Mentoring • Audience – Westinghouse Electric Company new hires • Inside Contacts – Human Resources and WIN chapter members • Time Allotted for Event – 2 hours; 1 break in between to stretch and accommodate restroom needs
Speed Mentoring • Facility/Setup – Reserve site conference room; 15 tables and 2 chairs per table • Supplies – 1 timer per table and time keeper • Event Preparation – Chapter members contacted 15 engineers with different engineering disciplines to participate in the event. They contacted individuals and confirmed participation via email and telephone. They worked with facilities manager to set up the conference room and tables. With cafeteria, they arranged for table cloths and cold water/glasses to be available at each table.
Speed Mentoring • Advertising/Notification of Event – An email invitation was sent to each new hire 3 weeks prior to the event and requested an RSVP to confirm a spot; they allotted time for 30 employees (15 in each session) • Activity – Mentors stayed at their locations while mentees circled the room every 4 minutes. During the conversation, mentors and mentees provided a quick bit of information in the form of a discussion on their background, experiences in the nuclear industry, professional strengths and professional challenges.
Speed Mentoring • Lessons Learned - Conversations and mentoring will continue in the future and participants gain new networking connections