Spark Curiosity and Deepen Remote Learning Teach Students

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Spark Curiosity and Deepen Remote Learning: Teach Students to Ask Their Own Questions Nicole

Spark Curiosity and Deepen Remote Learning: Teach Students to Ask Their Own Questions Nicole Bolduc Katy Connolly Science Teacher Ellington Middle School, CT The Right Question Institute Cambridge, MA rightquestion. org

Find all the materials from today’s presentation https: //bit. ly/QFTSTEM 20

Find all the materials from today’s presentation https: //bit. ly/QFTSTEM 20

+ What is the Question Formulation Technique and why use it?

+ What is the Question Formulation Technique and why use it?

"There is no learning without having to pose a question. " - Richard Feynman

"There is no learning without having to pose a question. " - Richard Feynman Nobel Laureate, Physics, 1965

Honoring the Original Source: Parents in Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1990 “We don’t go to the

Honoring the Original Source: Parents in Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1990 “We don’t go to the school because we don’t even know what to ask. ”

Question Asking Declines with Age Tizard, B. , Hughes, M. , Carmichael, H. ,

Question Asking Declines with Age Tizard, B. , Hughes, M. , Carmichael, H. , & Pinkerton, G. (1983). Dillon, J. T. (1988).

+ Quick Demo: See QFT in Action!

+ Quick Demo: See QFT in Action!

The Question Formulation Technique (QFT) Individuals learn to: ▪ Produce their own questions ▪

The Question Formulation Technique (QFT) Individuals learn to: ▪ Produce their own questions ▪ Improve their questions ▪ Strategize on how to use their questions ▪ Reflect on what they have learned and how they learned it

The QFT, on one slide… 1) Question Focus 2) Produce Your Questions ✔Follow the

The QFT, on one slide… 1) Question Focus 2) Produce Your Questions ✔Follow the rules ✔Number your questions 1. 2. 3. 4. Ask as many questions as you can Do not stop to discuss, judge or answer Record exactly as stated Change statements into questions 3) Improve Your Questions ✔Categorize questions as Closed or Open-ended ✔Change questions from one type to another 4) Strategize ✔Prioritize your questions ✔Action plan or discuss next steps ✔Share 5) Reflect Closed-Ended: Answered with “yes, ” “no” or one word Open-Ended: Require longer explanation Source: The Right Question Institute rightquestion. org

Doing the QFT using Jamboard

Doing the QFT using Jamboard

Pre-QFT for distanced-learning: Initial models Students record noticings/ wonderings and ideas on an initial

Pre-QFT for distanced-learning: Initial models Students record noticings/ wonderings and ideas on an initial model template prior to the QFT

Pre-QFT for distanced-learning: Related Phenomena Brainstorm

Pre-QFT for distanced-learning: Related Phenomena Brainstorm

A deeper dive into a distanced-learning QFT Example QFT prompts on a Google Form

A deeper dive into a distanced-learning QFT Example QFT prompts on a Google Form 1) Number and list at least THREE questions that relate to a specific part of the top row of the initial model. 2) Number and list at least THREE questions that relate a specific part of the bottom row of the initial model. 3) Ask at least THREE questions about a related phenomena that is related to but isn’t specifically about the eggs and chicks in your initial model. 4) Ask at least TWO questions that relates to phenomena we’ve figure out so far this year. 5) Add or revise ONE of your questions to ask about changing/comparing a VARIABLE. 6) Add or revise ONE of your questions to ask about a specific type of PATTERN (spatial, time, properties, relationships) 7) Choose, number and list TWO questions you asked above that you believe will best help us figure out this phenomenon. 8) Explain at least one investigation idea we might be able to do while we investigation from home to help you figure out some of the questions you asked today.

Driving Question Board

Driving Question Board

Investigation Ideas

Investigation Ideas

Reflection “Before figuring out this phenomena, I used to think, but now I know…”

Reflection “Before figuring out this phenomena, I used to think, but now I know…” “Investigation(s) that helped me figure this out was/were…”

Find all the materials from today’s presentation https: //bit. ly/QFTSTEM 20

Find all the materials from today’s presentation https: //bit. ly/QFTSTEM 20

Access All of RQI’s Free QFT Resources https: //rightquestion. org/education/resources Classroom Examples Instructional Videos

Access All of RQI’s Free QFT Resources https: //rightquestion. org/education/resources Classroom Examples Instructional Videos Planning Tools & Templates We’re adding new virtual learning templates and guides every day!

Use and Share the QFT The Right Question Institute offers The Question Formulation Technique

Use and Share the QFT The Right Question Institute offers The Question Formulation Technique and related materials through a Creative Commons License. You are welcome to use, adapt, and share our strategies or materials for noncommercial use, as long as you include the following reference: “Source: The Right Question Institute (RQI). The Question Formulation Technique (QFT) was created by RQI. Visit rightquestion. org for more information and free resources. ”

To Make Your Own Virtual QFT Go To: https: //rightquestion. org/remote-learning-resources/ Make an account

To Make Your Own Virtual QFT Go To: https: //rightquestion. org/remote-learning-resources/ Make an account at rightquestion. org if you don’t already have one: https: //rightquestion. org/register/ Download templates, guides, and examples for free.

Thank you!

Thank you!