Sound Waves EM Waves Concep Test You hold

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Sound Waves

Sound Waves

EM Waves

EM Waves

Concep. Test You hold a hand mirror 0. 5 m in front of you

Concep. Test You hold a hand mirror 0. 5 m in front of you and look at your reflection in a full-length mirror 1 m behind you. How far behind the big mirror does the image of your face appear? A) 0. 5 m B) 1. 0 m C) 1. 5 m D) 2. 0 m E) 2. 5 m 1. 0 m 0. 5 m

Concep. Test When watching the sun set over the ocean, one often sees a

Concep. Test When watching the sun set over the ocean, one often sees a long streak of light on the water, as shown at right. This occurs when A) the ocean is unusually calm B) the ocean is wavy C) the atmospheric conditions are just right

Images We see when light from an object enters the eye. The brain assumes

Images We see when light from an object enters the eye. The brain assumes that all light travels in a straight line. Image position: 1. trace rays from object to mirror to eye 2. extend rays back behind mirror to form image object image

Concep. Test mirror An observer at point O is C O facing a mirror

Concep. Test mirror An observer at point O is C O facing a mirror and observes a light source S. A S B Where does the observer perceive the mirror image of the source to be located? D

Concep. Test mirror An observer at point O is C O facing a mirror

Concep. Test mirror An observer at point O is C O facing a mirror and observes a light source S. A S B Where does the observer perceive the mirror image of the source to be located? D

Answers to Concept Questions D) 2. 0 m B) the ocean is wavy Different

Answers to Concept Questions D) 2. 0 m B) the ocean is wavy Different angles of incidence (different normals) for each ray! Where does the observer perceive the mirror image mirror C O of the source to be located? B A S B D