Some Housekeeping Manners thank you Refresher Queries suggestions

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Some Housekeeping……. . ØManners…. . thank you ØRefresher ØQueries, suggestions…. . email Julie or

Some Housekeeping……. . ØManners…. . thank you ØRefresher ØQueries, suggestions…. . email Julie or Bec ØCohort Meetings ØContribute positive examples

Change of Routine………. . ØWeather…Winter is not easy! ØIllness…Students unwell, Staff on Leave ØSwimming

Change of Routine………. . ØWeather…Winter is not easy! ØIllness…Students unwell, Staff on Leave ØSwimming

We need to Stop and Reset…. . ØReturn to the ‘Foundations’ of our PBL

We need to Stop and Reset…. . ØReturn to the ‘Foundations’ of our PBL Framework…Tier 1 Universals ØReflect on our current practice…Have we drifted off course? ØLean on our Colleagues…Working collaboratively is a powerful strategy… ØBreathe…sometimes we will have ‘those days’…weeks, months. . Kidding!!

Tier 1 Universals…… ØFoundations for our PBL Framework ØSet the ‘tone’ of the Classroom

Tier 1 Universals…… ØFoundations for our PBL Framework ØSet the ‘tone’ of the Classroom ØGuide Posts for our Students…safety ØThey need to be explicitly taught and solid…

Classroom Expectations - Defined and Taught… Ø Are we Explicitly Teaching our Classroom Expectations?

Classroom Expectations - Defined and Taught… Ø Are we Explicitly Teaching our Classroom Expectations? How? Ø ‘I Do, We Do, You Do…Be creative…Examples and Non-Examples Ø Teach, Model, Practise some more, Positively Reinforce Ø Visual Prompts to assist uptake, real life…Classroom Examples Ø Don’t assume an implicit knowledge of Behaviour, many Students do not have it…they do not have the capacity to choose between ‘right’ and ‘wrong’…they need to be taught… Ø Tend to be impulsive, operate from a ‘survival brain’ Ø Respond to the needs of your Classroom…Data driven… Ensure your are entering Data. . .

Procedures and Routines are Defined and Taught… Ø Routines reduce the ‘unknown component’ in

Procedures and Routines are Defined and Taught… Ø Routines reduce the ‘unknown component’ in our Classrooms and hence reduce anxiety / escalations, contribute to the feeling that… ‘I am safe’… Ø They must be Explicitly taught…not told Ø They must be consistent, practised and compliance rewarded Ø Morning Check-Ins, Accessing Green Zone Strategies, Transitioning, Entering/Leaving the Classroom, Asking for help , After Breaks, Lining Up, Parade etc. Ø Refer to Effective Classroom Practice training notes

Acknowledge Appropriate Behaviour with High Frequency… Ø Free and Frequent acknowledgement to encourage repetition

Acknowledge Appropriate Behaviour with High Frequency… Ø Free and Frequent acknowledgement to encourage repetition of desired behaviour… 4: 1 Ratio…Are we doing this? Ø Specific, positive feedback accompanies any Reinforcement…not just… ‘that was good’… Ø Classroom Rewards need to be motivating, reflect Student ‘buy in’ and refreshed each Term at least Ø Whole Class Rewards need to be in place…great way of building well-being and connectedness. . . ‘feel good’ tone Ø Spontaneous moments…build relationships… Ø End of Term Celebration…keep this at the forefront… Ø Positive Education Strategies…Daniel Hay…Build happiness and well-being in the Classroom…

Building Relationships… Ø Often our more complex Students, while we say they are ‘attention

Building Relationships… Ø Often our more complex Students, while we say they are ‘attention seeking’. . . they are actually ‘attachment seeking’…especially if they have Disorgansied Attachment or Trauma backgrounds Ø The Function of their Behaviour is ‘attention’…yes… but this fulfils the need to ‘attach’ and ‘connect’ with their key attachment, which is often…you Ø Positive Education Strategies, the ‘little’ things. . . i. e. smiling, nonverbals, greetings, sharing time, safe touch, ‘I missed you’, a text or call home to build the School/Home Relationship Ø Relational Rewards…get to know their interests…show interest

What are the Blockers? ? Ø Time…I don’t have enough time to provide the

What are the Blockers? ? Ø Time…I don’t have enough time to provide the 1: 1 that these complex Students need… Ø What about the Majority who behave all the time? Ø Why do the Minority get so much support? Ø They don’t appreciate the support, they are playing the system…

Strategies exist to manage Inappropriate Behaviour… Ø Mandatory Morning Check-Ins…Zones of Regulation… Where are

Strategies exist to manage Inappropriate Behaviour… Ø Mandatory Morning Check-Ins…Zones of Regulation… Where are my Students at today? Green Zone Strategies… Are they visible? . . How do Students access them? Ø Essential Skills for Classroom Management…Are we using these effectively and trying new skills? Ø Am I engaging the power struggle? . . . this will trigger the Student and quite often you also… Ø Buddy Class System. . reteaching on re-entry… Ø Increase the free and frequent acknowledgement to 8: 1 for complex Students… Ø Allow a Sensory Outlet in the Classroom somewhere…cushions, fidget tools, blankets, i. Pad…measured time and explicitly taught… Ø Use PACE…acknowledge the emotions, allow the Student to sit in these emotions (empathy), ‘wonder’ about solutions, be ‘curious’ about triggers, be playful if appropriate… Cannot be happy and angry at the same time…(Handouts) Ø Teach/Practise Anger Management Strategies when Students are calm and receptive and are able to reason…as opposed to when they are escalating and have lost all logic. . e. g. The Red Beast, Social Stories… Ø Ascertain the ‘Function’ of the behaviour and attempt to address this need in a proactive way… Ø Flowchart for Discouraging Inappropriate Behaviour (BIF Folders) Ø Enlist Admin. assistance in a Crisis Situation… Ø Work alongside key Stakeholders to develop Behaviour Plans etc.

Recommended Strategies… Dr Judtih Howard Ø Mentoring…Person in key role to support and mentor

Recommended Strategies… Dr Judtih Howard Ø Mentoring…Person in key role to support and mentor Students, especially during and after Incidents. . not the Class Teacher but a support to the Teacher… Ø Check In and Check Out…Key Staff check on Students before Class, after Breaks/Transitions…address needs i. e. Breakfast, Home, Emotional Welfare… Ø Pick your Battles…Understand Trauma and its neurological and physiological affects… Ø Use Codes and Symbols…e. g. Students who have difficulty communicating Emotions. . Zones, thumbs up, thumbs down, holding a special object, ‘Soon’ Cards… Ø Scaling…tools for gauging Emotional Regulation…Zones, Feelings Thermometers, Zones Chairs outside of Classroom Ø Look for the ‘gold’ in every Child. . there is always something wonderful… Ø Consequences should foster unconditional concern and sincere forgiveness and help to repair relationships and address any harm caused… ‘fresh start’…Consider the Student’s capacity to adhere to expectations and learn from consequences may be significantly impaired… Ø Avoid detentions…Utilise more therapeutic, teaching spaces to encourage reflection and repair. . this is not a ‘soft’ approach but one considerate of neurobiological understandings behind the Behaviour… Ø Relational Rewards. . e. g. time to play a Board Game (Chess), kick a ball, cooking…etc Ø Movement and Rhythm activities…Motor activities, Movement (Go Noodle), Forts, Music, Dancing, Drumming, Bouncing balls …Repairs neural connections damaged due to Trauma…important neurological relationship between Movement and Learning… Ø Predictability…Routines and Procedures…Safety Ø Helping Students relate to other Students…social modelling and coaching…Students with Trauman backgrounds misinterpret social cues and lack resilience when making mistakes… Ø Social Behaviours and physical contact…Gently teach ways to interact appropriately and safely with Adults and Students…must be done in a way that does not leave the child feeling bad or guilty…Should no refuse a hug. .

Behaviour and Learning… (Tim Lewis) ØStudents are given multiple opportunities to respond to promote

Behaviour and Learning… (Tim Lewis) ØStudents are given multiple opportunities to respond to promote high rates of engagement… ØActivity sequences promote opitmal Student engagement and success… ØActivities are DIFFERENTIATED based upon Student NEED

Parents… Ø Just as important to build Relationships with Parents… Ø Way of obtaining

Parents… Ø Just as important to build Relationships with Parents… Ø Way of obtaining background information that can inform possible ‘triggers’… Ø Share the positives along with the concerns… Ø Reporting negatives constantly increases Parent anxiety, damages the Teacher/Parent Relationship and may have flow on affects for the child…

RIP Affect… More and more with the increased incidence of Disorganised Attachment, Trauma and

RIP Affect… More and more with the increased incidence of Disorganised Attachment, Trauma and Family Violence we have Students arriving in our Classrooms before the day begins operating from their ‘defensive’ brains… We need to come to peace with where these Students are at, that we cannot ‘fix’ them and meet their needs in any one moment. Leah Milward likens this approach to the RIP Affect. If you work against these Students, similarly to swimming against a RIP in the ocean, you will tire very quickly and become exhausted, long before they do. These Students are programmed to survive. If we sit back, breathe, enlist help if needed and go with these Students, as we would a RIP, eventually things calm and we can continue on…