Soluble solids and insoluble solids Soluble solids and

Soluble solids and insoluble solids

Soluble solids and insoluble solids This Power. Point contains: Slides 3 to 4: What is a soluble solid? Discuss and hypothesise. Slides 5 to 6: Soluble matters – experiment 1 – glass with water and salt. Experiment, observe and draw observations. Slide 7: How do we know which glass contains water? Discuss and hypothesis. Slide 8: What is a soluble solid? Recap on experiment 1, draw conclusions and define. Slides 9 to 10: What is an insoluble solid? How can we check if a solid is soluble or insoluble? Slides 11 to 14: Soluble and insoluble solids – experiment 2 – add rice/ ground coffee/ sugar to water. Experiment, observe and draw observations. Draw conclusions from observations. Slides 15 to 16: What is an insoluble solid? Recap on experiment 2 and draw conclusions and define. Slides 17 to 12: Adding a soluble solid to water and weighing the solution: discuss, predict and hypothesise, before conducting the experiment and drawing conclusions.

What is a soluble solid ? Discuss in small groups: What is a soluble solid? Jot down your ideas : A soluble solid is :

What is a soluble solid? What can we do to verify of a solid is soluble or insoluble? Discuss in small groups: Jot down your ideas : To verify if a solid is soluble or insoluble, we can :

What is a soluble solid? Experiment 1 Apparatus per group : - 1 glass with water and 1 spoon of salt Instructions : - Add a spoon of salt to one glass of water. - Stir well with the spoon. - Allow the contents to rest for 1 minute. - Observe what happens.

What is a soluble solid? Experiment 1 Observation and discussion. Observe the 2 glasses. Jot down and draw your observations. draw colour of the liquid visual presence of the salt ? Glass 1 Glass 2 Conclusion: -------------------------------

What is a soluble solid? Question : How do we verify which glass contains the salt ? Discuss and find a possible solution to the problem. To verify which glass contains the salt, we can:

What is a soluble solid ? Experiment 1 Conclusion : - The liquid in the 2 glasses is identical visually: the water is clear in the two glasses. - The salt has dissolved in the water: it is invisible in the water. The salt is soluble. The mixture : water + salt dissolved is called: a solution. In order to distinguish the 2 glasses, you have to drink the liquid !

What is a soluble solid ? Discuss in groups: What is an insoluble solid? Jot down your ideas: An insoluble solid is :

What is a soluble solid ? What can we do to verify if a solid is soluble or insoluble? Discuss in groups: Jot down your ideas: To verify if a solid is soluble or insoluble, we can:

Soluble solids and insoluble solids Experiment 2 Apparatus per group : - 1 glass with water and a spoon of sugar - 1 glass with water and a spoon of ground coffee - 1 glass with water and a spoon of rice

Soluble solids and insoluble solids Experiment 2 Instructions : - Add a spoon of sugar / ground coffee / rice / to one of the glasses of water. - Mix well with the spoon. - Allow the mixtures to rest for 1 minute. - Observe the 4 glasses.

Soluble solids and insoluble solids Experiment 2 Observation and discussion. Observe the 4 glasses. Jot down and draw your observations.

Soluble solids and insoluble solids Experiment 2 drawing : colour of the liquid : - clear ? - colored ? presence of solids : - invisible ? - surface deposits ? - deposits at the bottom ? conclusion : soluble ? insoluble ? Glass 1 Water Glass 2 water + sugar Glass 3 water + ground coffee Glass 4 water + rice Conclusions : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What is an insoluble solid ? Experiment 2 Conclusion : - The liquid in the 2 of the 4 glasses is identical visually: the water is clear in these two glasses, the glass with water and sugar. The liquid is clear in these two glasses. The sugar dissolves in water: it is invisible in the water. The sugar is soluble. - In the glass with the ground coffee, the liquid has colored. The coffee is visible in the water, there are deposits on the surface and at the bottom of the glass. - In the glass with the rice, the rice is visible in the water: there are rice deposits at the bottom of the glass. The coffee and the rice are insoluble. the

What is an insoluble solid ? Definition : An insoluble solid does not dissolve in water. It is visible in the water.

Soluble solids and insoluble solids Experiment 3 A Question of Weight If we dissolve in a glass: 20 grams of salt in 100 grams of water How much would the solution weigh ? Discuss in groups and jot down your answer.

Soluble solids and insoluble solids Experiment 3 A Question of Weight In our opinion, the weight of the solution is ----------------because- ------------------------------------

Soluble solids and insoluble solids Experiment 3 We have 2 hypotheses : hypothesis 1 : the salt ‘disappears’ and the mixture weighs et le 100 grams. hypothesis 2 : the salt is invisible but it remains present in the glass. The mixture weighs 120 grams. Calculate the percentage (%) of answers for hypothesis 1 and hypothesis 2.

Soluble solids and insoluble solids Experiment 3 Verification Apparatus per group : - a glass - water - salt - a spoon - scales o Weigh 100 g of water. Instructions : o Weigh 20 g of salt. o Mix the 100 g of water and the 20 g of salt. o Weigh the mixture What is the result ? ---------------

Soluble solids and insoluble solids Experiment 3 Answer: The solution weighs 120 g (water : 100 g + salt : 20 g = 120 g) The salt is soluble. It dissolves in water but the weight doesn’t change.
- Slides: 21