Small bowel series Small bowel series Small Bowel

Small bowel series

Small bowel series Small Bowel • Duodenum • Jejunum • Ileum Large Intestine • cecum

Small intestine Small bowel series The small intestine is the portion of the digestive system most responsible for absorption of nutrients from food into the bloodstream. The pyloric sphincter governs the passage of partly digested food from the stomach into the duodenum. This short first portion of the small intestine is followed by the jejunum and the ileum. The ileocecal valve of the ileum passes digested material into the large intestine.

Small bowel series Superior (1 st) part of duodenum Duodenojejunal flexure SMA Descending (2 nd) part of duodenum Horizontal (3 rd) part of duodenum Ascending (4 th) part of duodenum

Small bowel series

Small bowel series

Small bowel series

Small bowel series

Small bowel series Autopsy-7 M Life-4. 5~5 M • Duoodenum Shortest,widest,25 cm,c-shape • Jejunum 2/5,coiled spring,feathery • Ileum 3/5,smoother

Small bowel series

Small bowel series

Small bowel series

Small bowel series

Small bowel series

8981608 Small bowel series Multiple diverticulum over jejunum

92008859 Small bowel series Diverticulum at the 2 nd portions of the duodenum.

92031274 Small bowel series Duodenal diverticulum, second portion

3261344 Small bowel series Edematous change of mucosal fold & wall thickness; Partial obstruction over ileum Poor peristasis of small bowel, consistent with adhesion.

3261344 Obstruction-case 1 Small bowel series

92018619 Obstruction-case 2 Small bowel series Disproportional dilatation of jejunum,suggest obstruction

92018619 Small bowel series The obstruction level should be around distal jejunum

92018619 Small bowel series

20157972 Obstruction-case 3 NG placed in duodenum Small bowel series

Small bowel series There is extrinsic compression at distal third portion of duodenum ,probable due to vascular indentation

Small bowel series Multiple segmental narrowing with mucosal tethering of bowel loops and nodularity outline at ileum. Peritonea carcinomatosis is considered. The barium flow is partially obstructed,but still patent.

Small bowel series After 6 hours,the barium flow passed through the ileum into the right side colon. The opacified right side colon is dilatated with compression to the descending portion of duodenum at hepatic flexure

92028879 Obstruction-case 4 Small bowel series Disproportional dilatation of small intestine, suggestive of intestinal obstruction, more dilated proximal jejunum is found The obstructive level may be at proximal jejunum Collapsed distal bowel loops without opacification by barium

Small bowel series

92020508 Small bowel series Smooth margin filling defect in the cecum. D/D cecal tumor or postappendectomy change

92118992 Mass effect-case 2 Small bowel series Soft tissue mass over LUQ area with mass effect to stomach and bowel loops noted

92009992 Mass effect-case 3 Small bowel series An ovoid filling defect within the lumen of the 2 nd portion of the duodenum; c/w duodenal tumor.

92055736 Mass effect-case 4 . Diffuse dilated duodenum and proximal jejunum Small bowel series

92055736 Small bowel series Persistent, long segmental luminal narrowing at the proximal jejunum with "beak" appearance of the proximal small bowel, malignancy like jejunal Ca. is considered

92030704 Small bowel series Marked dilatation of small bowel loops (mainly are jejunum) with contrast medium stasis during the procedure. Intestinal partial obstruction at jejunum, r/o adhesion.

92030704 Small bowel series Fistula formation (vagina and ileum) at RLQ

20366598 Small bowel series A large intraluminal round filling defect in 2 nd portion of the duodenum, R/O duodenal tumor or polyps. Multiple nodularities of the jejunum, highly suspecting multiple polyps.

6377989 Small bowel series Extravasation of the contrast material from duodenal bulb into a blind pouch in the right upper abdomen, perforation of duodenal bulb is considered Perforation in the duodenal bulb with a space of contrast pooling in the right upper abdomen.

6377989 Small bowel series Extravasation of the contrast material from duodenal bulb into a blind pouch in the right upper abdomen, perforation of duodenal bulb is considered Perforation in the duodenal bulb with a space of contrast pooling in the right upper abdomen.

92051729 Small bowel series Deformed duodenal bulb with a big ulcer.

92093868 Ulcer-case 2 Small bowel series A small ulcer at the lesser curvature of the mid gastric body.

Small bowel series
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