Simplification Simplification Simplification Simplicity Simplification Simplicity Simplification Simplicity

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Simplification Simplicity

Simplification Simplicity

Simplification Simplicity Simplify

Simplification Simplicity Simplify

Simplification Simplicity Simplify Simple

Inspired by Edward de Bono’s thoughts on simplicity

Overview o The value of simplicity o The challenge of simplicity o Ways to encourage simplicity o Why some people love complexity

The value of simplicity

The value of simplicity Simplicity Complexity o Focused effort o Makes life simple o Simple systems are easier to setup, maintain, and change o Distracted effort o Makes life complex o Complex systems lead to stress, frustration, and waste

The value of simplicity

The value of simplicity

The value of simplicity: Communication o Complex messages don’t get communicated clearly Filters Interpretation Noise o A print advertiser’s challenges Simple message Evocative theme Simple delivery

The value of simplicity

The value of simplicity

The value of simplicity

The value of simplicity

The value of simplicity

The challenge of simplicity

Challenge of simplicity It’s tough o Finding a simpler way is neither simple nor easy o There has to be a drive, an urge, and a motivation to make things simple o If you achieve simplicity, then you have to deal with people’s perception of simplicity

Challenge of simplicity You need to know the subject o Learning backwards is easier than learning forwards • “If I had only known then what I know now…”

Challenge of simplicity Misleading o Simple and clear communication can make it easy to shine over the facts Unfair o The complexity of laws and regulations grows in order to deal with exceptions and loopholes Vulnerable o Sometimes simple systems are more easily susceptible to. . . strife

How to encourage simplicity

How to encourage simplicity “ If you do not seek to understand a situation or process, your efforts will be ‘simplistic’ rather than simple. Simplicity before understanding is worthless. - Edward de Bono ”

How to encourage simplicity: Provocative amputation o Imagine one piece of the system or process is dropped o Includes even the most obvious of things o The purpose of amputation is provocation

How to encourage simplicity: Extracting concepts o The purpose of concepts is to breed concrete, hands-on action o Concepts have to be general, vague and blurry o Example: space pens (that’s right)

How to encourage simplicity: Historical review o Examining each part of a system or process and getting rid of anything that can’t justify its presence o Many things are there simply because they were there yesterday o Sometimes, even though something doesn’t serve a purpose, you can’t get rid of it

Why some people love complexity

Complexity, mon amour “ If you want to be taken very seriously then write a very complex book – in French, if possible. - Edward de Bono ”

Complexity, mon amour It makes you seem smart o Academic theorizing vs real world application o The easiest way to show you’re superior is to understand what ordinary people can’t o Very real fear that the interpreter won’t be needed anymore

Complexity, mon amour It can be an effective way of hiding the fact that you don’t know something If you really have nothing new to say, make it complicated so at least some people will be fooled.

Complexity, mon amour It can be an effective way of hiding the fact that you don’t know something Critics will love the book because they’ll feel part of a privileged few who can understand it.

Complexity, mon amour It can be an effective way of hiding the fact that you don’t know something Critics will have more to write about, as compared to a simple book.

Complexity, mon amour It can be an effective way of hiding the fact that you don’t know something People will buy the book to show cultured they are, but half of them won’t read it.

Complexity, mon amour It can be an effective way of hiding the fact that you don’t know something The book will develop a cult following for years to come.

Complexity, mon amour People confuse simplicity with simplistic or oversimplified o Simplicity before understanding is simplistic o It’s hard to distinguish between simple and simplistic unless yourself know the subject o Oversimplification is just as dangerous as needless complexity

Complexity, mon amour

Complexity, mon amour

Complexity, mon amour

Complexity, mon amour

Recap o The value of simplicity o The challenge of simplicity o How to encourage simplicity o Why some people love complexity

Recap o Simplicity is a riddle with great value that scares and confuses some, while intriguing and motivating others. o It’s one of Jonar’s values because we know it matters, a whole lot.

Closing thoughts o There is no point in ending up with a very simple way of delivering nothing. The other key values need to be kept in mind too. o We just made the topic of simplicity more complex
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