Simple Sequencing Part 2 Neil Cramer Manager Instructional
- Slides: 67
Simple Sequencing Part 2 Neil Cramer, Manager Instructional Systems Northwest Airlines neil. cramer@nwa. com
Overview QReview of Basics QIMS Sequencing Models ØDefinition and Tracking ØProcess ØUtilities QUse Case QResources
What is Simple Sequencing? Q A method for representing the intended behavior of an authored learning experience Q Any sequencing engine (e. g. LMS) can provide consistent sequencing of learning activities Q Based on properties and conditional rules Q Controls the launching of activities and access to learning resources Q The manifestation of an instructional strategy
What Simple Sequencing is Not Q AI based sequencing Q Schedule based sequencing Q Sequencing requiring data from closed systems and services (e. g. embedded simulations) Q Collaborative learning Q Customized learning Q Synchronization between multiple parallel learning activities Q Does not recognize activities of instructors, mentors, peers, etc.
Relation to Content Packaging Q Simple sequencing is based on the organization and structure of the Content Packaging Model Q Simple Sequencing does not require Content Packaging be used Q Currently Content Packaging is the only mechanism for exchanging definition instances
Overview of Sequencing Process WAIT for Navigation Request (Start, Resume, Choice) Sequencing Process Navigation Event (Continue, Previous, Choice, Exit, etc. ) Navigation Behavior Termination Request Termination Behavior Rollup Behavior Sequencing Request Sequencing Behavior Delivery Request Delivery Behavior LMS
Activity Tree Course Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Topic 1 Module 4 Topic 2
Components of Sequencing Q Sequencing Definition Model Q Tracking Model Q Activity State Model Q Navigation Behavior Model Q Termination Behavior Model Q Rollup Behavior Model Q Selection and Randomization Behavior Model Q Sequencing Behavior Model Q Delivery Behavior Model Q Utility Processes
Sequencing Definition Model The intended sequence and interaction with learning activities is described by these attributes: Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Sequencing Control Modes Sequencing Rules Limit Conditions Rollup Rules Objective Map Rollup Controls Selection Controls Randomization Controls Delivery Controls
Sequencing Control Modes ØType of sequencing behavior applied to a learning activity ØOptional (defaults may be assumed) ØNot exclusive; multiple control modes may be specified
Control Modes QChoice Exit QFlow QForward Only QUse Current Attempt Objective Information QUse Current Attempt Progress Information
Sequencing Rule Q Specifies details of rule-based behaviors for an activity Q Sequencing process may reference any rule(s) in the activity tree Q Any activity may have multiple rules (or none) or multiple conditions with Boolean logic applied Q Each condition references one objective in the Tracking model for the activity Q One action results when the rule conditions evaluate to true
Rule Attributes Q Condition Combination Ø How rule conditions are combined (any, all) Q Rule Conditions Ø One or more Q Rule Action Ø Desired sequencing behavior if condition(s) met Ø Precondition actions Ø Post condition actions Ø Exit actions
Rule Conditions Q Q Q Satisfied Objective Status Known Objective Measure Greater Than Objective Measure Less Than Completed Activity Progress Known Attempted Attempt Limit Exceeded Time Limit Exceeded Outside Available Time Range Always
Additional Attributes QRule Condition Referenced Objective QRule Condition Measure Threshold QRule Condition Operator
Precondition Actions QSkip QDisabled QHidden from Choice QStop Forward Traversal QIgnore
Post Condition Actions QExit Parent QExit All QRetry All QContinue QPrevious QIgnore
Exit Actions QExit QIgnore
Limit Conditions QDefine the constraints on access to an activity QCan be assigned to any (or none) of the activities in the tree
Limit Conditions Q Q Q Q Attempt Control Attempt Limit Attempt Absolute Duration Control Limit Attempt Experienced Duration Control Limit Activity Absolute Duration Control Limit Activity Experienced Duration Control Limit Begin Time Limit Control Begin Time Limit End Time Limit Control End Time Limit
Auxiliary Resource QDefines auxiliary resource associated with an activity QWhen activity is available auxiliary resource(s) are available QSequencing process many reference any (or no) auxiliary resources in the activity tree
Auxiliary Resource Attributes QResource ID QPurpose (open vocabulary)
Rollup Rule Q Define how child activities influence Objective and Activity/Attempt Progress information in the Tracking model Q Sequencing process many reference any (or no) rollup rules in the activity tree Q Activities may have multiple (or no) rollup rules and/or conditions with Boolean logic Q Each condition references an item in the Tracking model Q There is one action that may result when the conditions evaluate to True Q May set Attempt Completion Status or Objective Satisfied Status
Rollup Rule Attributes QRollup Child Activity Set ØAll, Any, None, At Least Count (Rollup Minimum Count), At Least Percent (Rollup Minimum Percent) QCondition Combination (all, any) QConditions/Condition Operator QRollup Action
Rollup Conditions Q Satisfied Q Objective Status Known Q Objective Measure Known Q Completed Q Activity Progress Known Q Attempted Q Attempt Limit Exceeded Q Time Limit Exceeded Q Outside Available Time Range Q Never
Rollup Action Q Satisfied – Objective Progress Status set to True and Objective Satisfied Status set to True Q Not Satisfied – Objective Progress Status set to True and Objective Satisfied Status set to False Q Completed – Attempt Progress Status set to True and Attempt Completion Status set to True Q Incomplete – Attempt Progress Status set to True and Attempt Completion Status set to False
Objectives Q Defines the learning objectives associated with an activity Q Activities may have an unlimited number of objectives Q Tracking model defines the set of data that records satisfaction status and measures for each objective for each attempt on the activity Q Sequencing process may reference any local objective for an activity Q Objective Map allows process to reference global objectives Q Activity must have at least one objective Q Activity may have only one objective that contributes to rollup
Objective Attributes QObjective ID QObjective Satisfied by Measure QObjective Minimum Satisfied Normalized Measure (-1 to 1) QObjective Contributes to Rollup
Objective Map Q Defines mapping of local objective to and from shared global objective Q Activities can have unlimited number of objectives maps Q Objective map is evaluated whenever local objectives are evaluated as determined in the Tracking model Q Read map (local) and write map (global) tied to one objective
Objective Map Attributes Q Activity Objective ID Q Target Objective ID Q Read Objective Satisfied Status Q Write Objective Satisfied Status Q Read Objective Normalized Measure Q Write Objective Normalized Measure
Rollup Controls Q The definition of rollup behavior when Objective Contributes to Rollup is True Ø Rollup Objective Satisfied Ø Rollup Objective Measure Weight Ø Rollup Progress Completion
Selection Controls Q Description of how Child activities should be selected in the sequencing process Ø Selection Timing – Never, Once, On Each New Attempt Ø Selection Count Status (True/False) Ø Selection Count – how many must be selected
Randomization Controls Q Determines how Child activities are ordered during the sequencing process Ø Randomization Timing – Never, Once, On Each New Attempt Ø Randomization Children (True/False)
Delivery Controls Q Describe actions and controls used when an activity is delivered Q Objective, Activity, and Attempt Progress Data are recorded on delivery Ø Tracked (True/False) Ø Completion Set by Content (True/False) Ø Objective Set by Content (True/False)
Tracking Model QDescribes the results of learner interaction with activities QInformation Model ØObjective Progress Information ØActivity/Attempt
Objective Progress Information QThe results of learner interactions relative to an objective ØObjective Progress Status ØObjective Satisfied Status ØObjective Measure Status ØObjective Normalized Measure
Activity Progress Information QActivity Progress Status QActivity Absolute Duration QActivity Experienced Duration QActivity Attempt Count
Activity Duration Trackin TIME Resume Begin Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Terminate w/ Suspend Resume Attempt 3 Terminate Activity + + Activity Experienced Duration Activity Absolute Duration
Attempt Progress Information QAttempt Progress Status QAttempt Completion Amount (0… 1) QAttempt Completion Status QAttempt Absolute Duration QAttempt Experienced Duration
Activity State Model QDescribe the state of learner interaction with activities QDo not reference any specific sequencing definition or rule QControl the overall sequencing process QInformation Model ØActivity State Information ØGlobal State Information
Activity State Informatio QDescribes a learner’s state or status in an activity ØActivity is Active ØActivity is Suspended ØAvailable Children
Global State Information QDescribes the learner’s state or status within the overall sequenced learning experience ØCurrent Activity ØSuspended Activity
Overall Process QCombines and relates other models to produce a complete sequenced learning experience ØNavigation Behavior Model/Process ØTermination Behavior Model/Process ØSelection and Randomization Behavior Model/Process ØSequencing Behavior Model/Process ØDelivery Behavior Model/Process
Overall Process Flow Navigation Event Source Overall Process Navigation event is translated into navigation request Navigation Behavior Termination Behavior Rollup Behavior Sequencing Behavior Delivery Behavior Navigation Request Possible Termination Request and/or Sequencing Request Termination Request Invoke Rollup Possible Sequencing Request Possible Delivery Request Content Delivery Possible Identification of Learning Resources
Navigation Behavior Model QLearner interactions and choices are navigation events that generate navigation requests QNavigation requests map to termination requests and to sequencing requests QNavigation process uses data from the Sequencing Definition model and Activity State model but not from the Tracking model
Navigation Requests Q Q Q Start Resume All Continue Previous Forward Backward Choice Exit All Suspend All Abandon All
Termination Behavior Model QProcess of evaluating exit actions and post condition sequencing rules, recording information about the state of an activity, and terminating other activities based on sequencing behaviors QUses sequencing rule definitions, tracking information (objective/progress), and activity state information QTriggers Rollup process
Termination Requests QExit All QSuspend All QAbandon All
Rollup Behavior Model Q Process of determining the result data for an activity from the result data of child activities Q Applied to the Tracking model Q Controlled by parts of the Sequencing Definition model Ø Rollup Controls Ø Rollup Rule Definitions Ø Objective Description Ø Delivery Controls
Measure Rollup Process QDetermines and computes the normalized measure for the objective that is tied to the activity (children) QControlled by Rollup Objective Measure Weight and Delivery Control value Tracked
Objective Rollup Process Q Determines the status of the objective associated with an activity from the values of objective information associated with the children of the activity Q Controlled by Rollup control Rollup Objective Satisfied Status and the Rollup rules Q Applies, in order, Measure-based computation, Rule-based computation, and Default Rule-based computation
Activity Progress Rollup Process QDetermines the completion status of the current attempt on an activity from the completion status of the children of the activity QDefined by a Rule-based computation or Default Rule-based computation
Selection and Randomization Behavior Model Q Determines how elements of the activity tree are ordered and selected during the sequencing process Q Process operates on activities at any level that have children Q Selection and Randomization persist as long as activity (or children) are active (even if suspended) Q Process controlled by Selection controls and Randomization controls from the Sequencing Definition Model and Activity State information Q Child activities are selected and/or randomized prior to selecting the activity to be delivered
Sequencing Behavior Model QDetermines the content object to deliver (or error) upon receiving a sequencing request QControlled by Sequencing Control Modes, Sequencing Rule Definitions, Limit Conditions, Objective Description QUses information from the Tracking and Activity State models
Sequencing Processes Q Rule Check Process Q Check Activity Process Q Flow Subprocesses Ø Choice Ø Start Ø Resume Ø Continue Ø Previous Ø Retry Ø Exit
Delivery Behavior Model QDetermines what content and/or auxiliary resources should be delivered to the user QDetermines whether the activity may be delivered QInitiates the content delivery QUpdates appropriate components of the Tracking and Activity State models
Utility Processes QLimit Conditions Check Process QSequencing Rules Check Process QTerminate Descendant Attempts Process QEnd Attempt Process
Boeing Fuel Valve Removal Use Case QPart of maintenance tech curriculum QRemoval of fuel valve for service QRemoval of appropriate door and the fuel quantity transmitter to access valve QIntroduction block, lesson block, access to Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM), Test block
Course Structure Fuel Valve Introduction Fuel Valve Lesson Intro Fuel Valve Theory Of Operation • Each block must be completed before the next block is available • Upon completion of first block only first two items of second block are enabled. Student can taken them in any order Fuel Valve Lessons • Must complete first two before proceeding to third lesson Fuel Valve and Quantity Transmitter Components • Must take third lesson in order. IETM is available at any time Fuel System Hazards Fuel Valve Removal Procedure Preparation Remove Door Remove Transmitter Remove Valve Tests Knowledge Test • Tests enabled only after completion of lessons • If test is failed remediate back to that lesson then take test a second time • If test is passed move to second part of test • If test is failed again student is remediated again and fails course • On completion of first test student moves to simulation test • Student must perform correct steps in order within time limit • IETM available during performance test Fuel System Components Fuel System Hazards Performance Test (simulation) Removal Simulation IETM Indicates is visible on menu
Choice Fuel Valve Introduction Flow Fuel Valve Lesson Intro • Each block must be completed before the next block is available Fuel Valve Theory Of Operation Fuel Valve Lessons Fuel Valve and Quantity Transmitter Components Fuel System Hazards Fuel Valve Removal Procedure Preparation Remove Door Remove Transmitter Remove Valve Flow Tests Knowledge Test Fuel System Components Fuel System Hazards Performance Test (simulation) Removal Simulation IETM Indicates is visible on menu
Satisfied Fuel Valve Introduction Fuel Valve Lesson Intro Fuel Valve Theory Of Operation Fuel Valve Lessons Choice Flow • Each block must be completed before the next block is available • Upon completion of first block only first two items of second block are enabled. Student can taken them in any order • Must complete first two before proceeding to third lesson Fuel Valve and Quantity Transmitter Components Fuel System Hazards Fuel Valve Removal Procedure Preparation Remove Door Remove Transmitter Remove Valve Tests Knowledge Test Fuel System Components Fuel System Hazards Performance Test (simulation) Removal Simulation IETM Indicates is visible on menu
Fuel Valve Introduction Fuel Valve Lesson Intro Fuel Valve Theory Of Operation Fuel Valve Lessons Satisfied Fuel Valve and Quantity Transmitter Components Satisfied Fuel System Hazards Enabled Fuel Valve Removal Procedure Flow Preparation Flow Remove Door Flow Remove Transmitter • Each block must be completed before the next block is available • Upon completion of first block only first two items of second block are enabled. Student can taken them in any order • Must complete first two before proceeding to third lesson • Must take third lesson in order. IETM is available at any time Remove Valve Tests Knowledge Test Fuel System Components Fuel System Hazards Performance Test (simulation) Removal Simulation IETM Auxiliary ID Enabled Indicates is visible on menu
Fuel Valve Introduction Fuel Valve Lesson Intro Fuel Valve Theory Of Operation Fuel Valve Lessons Satisfied Fuel Valve and Quantity Transmitter Components Satisfied Fuel System Hazards Satisfied Fuel Valve Removal Procedure • Each block must be completed before the next block is available • Upon completion of first block only first two items of second block are enabled. Student can taken them in any order • Must complete first two before proceeding to third lesson • Must take third lesson in order. IETM is available at any time • Tests enabled only after completion of lessons Preparation Remove Door Remove Transmitter Remove Valve Enabled Tests Flow Knowledge Test Flow Fuel System Components Flow Fuel System Hazards Flow Performance Test (simulation) Removal Simulation IETM Indicates is visible on menu
Fuel Valve Introduction • Each block must be completed before the next block is available Fuel Valve Lesson Intro • Upon completion of first block only first two items of second block are enabled. Student can taken them in any order Fuel Valve Theory Of Operation Fuel Valve Lessons • Must complete first two before proceeding to third lesson Fuel Valve and Quantity Transmitter Components • Must take third lesson in order. IETM is available at any time Fuel System Hazards • Tests enabled only after completion of lessons Fuel Valve Removal Procedure • If test is failed remediate back to that lesson then take test a second time Preparation • If test is passed move to second part of test Remove Door • If test is failed again student is remediated again and fails course Remove Transmitter • On completion of first test student moves to simulation test Remove Valve • Student must perform correct steps in order within time limit Tests • IETM available during performance test Knowledge Test Normalized Measure Fuel System Components Rollup Fuel System Hazards Rollup Performance Test (simulation) Removal Simulation IETM Indicates is visible on menu
Fuel Valve Introduction Fuel Valve Lesson Intro Fuel Valve Theory Of Operation • Upon completion of first block only first two items of second block are enabled. Student can taken them in any order Fuel Valve Lessons • Must complete first two before proceeding to third lesson Fuel Valve and Quantity Transmitter Components • Must take third lesson in order. IETM is available at any time Fuel System Hazards Fuel Valve Removal Procedure Preparation Remove Door Remove Transmitter Remove Valve Tests Passed • Each block must be completed before the next block is available Knowledge Test • Tests enabled only after completion of lessons • If test is failed remediate back to that lesson then take test a second time • If test is passed move to second part of test • If test is failed again student is remediated again and fails course • On completion of first test student moves to simulation test • Student must perform correct steps in order within time limit • IETM available during performance test Fuel System Components Fuel System Hazards Enabled Performance Test (simulation) Removal Simulation IETM Enabled Limit-Time Indicates is visible on menu
Fuel Valve Introduction Fuel Valve Lesson Intro Fuel Valve Theory Of Operation • Each block must be completed before the next block is available • Upon completion of first block only first two items of second block are enabled. Student can taken them in any order Fuel Valve Lessons • Must complete first two before proceeding to third lesson Flow Fuel Valve and Quantity Transmitter Components Flow • Must take third lesson in order. IETM is available at any time Fuel System Hazards Fuel Valve Removal Procedure Preparation Remove Door Remove Transmitter Remove Valve Flow Tests Failed Knowledge Test • Tests enabled only after completion of lessons • If test is failed remediate back to that lesson then take test a second time • If test is passed move to second part of test • If test is failed again student is remediated again and fails course • On completion of first test student moves to simulation test • Student must perform correct steps in order within time limit • IETM available during performance test Fuel System Components Fuel System Hazards Performance Test (simulation) Removal Simulation IETM Indicates is visible on menu
Resources QADL http: //www. adlnet. org Ø SCORM Sequencing and Navigation 1. 3 (2004) QIMS http: //www. imsglobal. org/simplesequencing/index. cfm Ø Simple Sequencing Information and Behavior Model Version 1. 0 Ø XML Binding Version 1. 0 Ø Best Practice and Implementation Guide Version 1. 0 Ø Examples, XML Bindings, and DTDs
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