Simple Compound Complex and Compound Complex Sentences The

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Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound. Complex Sentences

Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound. Complex Sentences

The most effective writer… • …uses a variety of sentence types. The three types

The most effective writer… • …uses a variety of sentence types. The three types are Simple Sentences, Compound Sentences, and Complex Sentences.

1. Simple Sentences • Simple Sentences have the most basic elements of a sentence…a

1. Simple Sentences • Simple Sentences have the most basic elements of a sentence…a subject, a verb and a complete thought.

Examples • Joe waited for the train. • Joe = Subject Waited = Verb

Examples • Joe waited for the train. • Joe = Subject Waited = Verb • Mary and Sam took the bus. • Mary and Sam = (compound) Subject Took = Verb • I ran to my house. • I = Subject Ran = Verb

Simple Sentences • Simple sentences are often, but not always, short and get right

Simple Sentences • Simple sentences are often, but not always, short and get right to the point. • Simple sentences, when used too often, make writing pieces choppy. • Simple sentences are also known as Independent Clauses because if removed from a compound or complex sentence, they can stand alone.

2. Compound Sentences • Compound Sentences are made up of two Independent Clauses that

2. Compound Sentences • Compound Sentences are made up of two Independent Clauses that are connected by a coordinating conjunction. • Independent Clause o has a subject and a verb and express a complete thought o Is considered a simple sentences • Conjunctions: FAN BOYS = For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet and So

Conjunctions • Conjunctions help the reader see a possible relationship between two simple sentences

Conjunctions • Conjunctions help the reader see a possible relationship between two simple sentences • and is commonly used to connect two independent clauses. • The use of too many ands can weaken a writing piece.

Coordinating Conjunctions F A N B O Y S • • For And Nor

Coordinating Conjunctions F A N B O Y S • • For And Nor But Or Yet So

Examples • Joe waited for the train, but the train was late. • Mary

Examples • Joe waited for the train, but the train was late. • Mary and Sam took the bus, and they arrived before the train. • I ran to my house, so I missed the bus and train.

3. Complex Sentences • Complex Sentences are made up of an Independent Clause and

3. Complex Sentences • Complex Sentences are made up of an Independent Clause and one or more Dependent Clauses. • Dependent Clause o has a subject and a verb o does not express a complete thought o cannot stand alone

Examples of Dependent Clauses • Examples of Dependent Clauses: cannot stand alone, but can

Examples of Dependent Clauses • Examples of Dependent Clauses: cannot stand alone, but can be added to an independent clause to make a complex sentence • Because Joe waited too long = no complete thought • Since the bus left = no complete thought • After he ate dinner = no complete thought

Subordinating Conjunctions • A dependent / subordinate clause can not stand alone as a

Subordinating Conjunctions • A dependent / subordinate clause can not stand alone as a sentence. • A subordinating conjunction introduces a subordinate clause and joins it to a main clause.

Subordinating Conjunctions After Although As Because Before Even though If Since Though Unless Until

Subordinating Conjunctions After Although As Because Before Even though If Since Though Unless Until Whenever Whereas Wherever While

Examples • Examples: • Because Joe waited too long, he missed the bus and

Examples • Examples: • Because Joe waited too long, he missed the bus and he was late to work. • Since the bus was late, Sam had to wait in bus line for over an hour. • After he ate dinner, Joe fell asleep in on the couch.

Complex Sentences • Complex sentences are often more effective than compound sentences and show

Complex Sentences • Complex sentences are often more effective than compound sentences and show an even clearer relationship.

4. Compound-Complex Sentences • Compound-Complex Sentences consist of a compound sentence and a complex

4. Compound-Complex Sentences • Compound-Complex Sentences consist of a compound sentence and a complex sentence. • They consist of two independent clauses and one or more dependent clause.

 • Examples: Examples • As the bus rolled by, Mary yelled out and

• Examples: Examples • As the bus rolled by, Mary yelled out and Joe chased it down the street. • The bus, even though it was late, still stopped at every stop yet never picked up Mary and Sam.

Compound-Complex Sentences • Compound-Complex sentences are very effective and great at showing a relationship

Compound-Complex Sentences • Compound-Complex sentences are very effective and great at showing a relationship among subjects, but should be used sparingly.