Sierra Leone Red Cross Society Trong Red Cross

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Sierra Leone Red Cross Society “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” IDRL Project in

Sierra Leone Red Cross Society “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” IDRL Project in Sierra Leone - 2009

The SRCS, GOSL & IDRL “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” o For the

The SRCS, GOSL & IDRL “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” o For the last 8 years, Sierra Leone has been recovering from the ravages of a 10 -year civil war. o The National Security and Central Intelligence Act was passed in 2002, which established the ONS o In 2004, the D M Dept of the ONS carried out, in collaboration with the SLRCS & other partners a “National Hazard Review”.

National DM Plan & Policy “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” o a Draft

National DM Plan & Policy “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” o a Draft National DM Plan and a National D M Policy have been prepared. Cooperation between the SLRCS and the government has been very strong throughout this institution-building process.

ONS DM next step “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” o A disaster management

ONS DM next step “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” o A disaster management legislation to shore up political commitment and strengthen necessary systems will be the next step. o The IFRC IDRL led project thus becomes an opportunity o SLRCS as auxiliary to its govt naturally steps in to continue support with the process

The Disaster Profile of SL “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” o SL has

The Disaster Profile of SL “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” o SL has not been dramatically prone to (non-conflict) disasters. Over the last 20 yrs, it suffered 34 events affecting 4 % of the population. o This places it roughly in the middle of African states in terms of disaster incidence and below average for the number of persons affected. However, it is – ranked at the very bottom of the most recent UNDP H D I

The IDRL Pilot Project “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” o A technical assistance

The IDRL Pilot Project “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” o A technical assistance project to strengthen legal preparedness for international disaster assistance in Sierra Leone o It is based on the new “IDRL Guidelines” adopted by the state parties to the Geneva Conventions at the 30 th International Conference of the R C and RC in November 2007

Where are we now? “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” o The project was

Where are we now? “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” o The project was launched in February o A Research Consultant has been engaged, based in Sierra Leone, tasked with the responsibility to carry out the research and organise consultations and wkshps o A Task Force has been formed with a chair from the ONS and includes key stakeholders

Research “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” o National Hazard Profile collated – pattern

Research “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” o National Hazard Profile collated – pattern showed 5 hazards types – hydrological, epidemic, ecological, climatic and pest invasion o Using the guidelines key legal issues were identified in a given scenario of disaster requiring international support and coordination

Research Findings on Legal frame work “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” o o

Research Findings on Legal frame work “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” o o United Nations(UN) treaties African Union Agreements and Treaties Ecowas Agreements Mano River Agreements

Next Steps “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” o National IDRL workshop to be

Next Steps “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” o National IDRL workshop to be held in June to discuss research findings o Task force follow up on issues from National Workshop o Recommendations and next level interventions planned with govt

Challenges and potential Barriers “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” o Government bureaucracy and

Challenges and potential Barriers “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” o Government bureaucracy and red tape in formulating a law o Funding and continued support from IFRC where activities may be extended

Lessons Learnt “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” o It can be done. Valuable

Lessons Learnt “Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone” o It can be done. Valuable work in legal preparedness. Issues involve will lead to efficient, effective and coordinated aid delivery in major disasters needing international response. o A great boost for partnership between govt and a nationals Society in the latter’s auxiliary status.