Shadow Christians are the Ministry Workforce Jeff Iorg

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Shadow Christians are the Ministry Workforce Jeff Iorg, President

Shadow Christians are the Ministry Workforce Jeff Iorg, President

Shadow Christians Are the Ministry workforce Whether volunteers or employees, these shadow Christians accomplish

Shadow Christians Are the Ministry workforce Whether volunteers or employees, these shadow Christians accomplish the organization’s mission by staying on task and doing their job.

Shadow Christians Are the Ministry workforce § The organization chart of “Kingdom Inc. ”

Shadow Christians Are the Ministry workforce § The organization chart of “Kingdom Inc. ” • Jesus on Top • Disciples • The 72 (Luke 10: 1) were supposed to: v v Pray (Luke 10: 2) v Heal (Luke 10: 9 a) Trust (Luke 10: 4) v Witness (Luke 10: 9 b) Bless (Luke 10: 5 -6) v Warn (Luke 10: 10– 11 a) Reside (Luke 10: 7 -8) • Their assignments were hands-on ministry tasks, not managing others who did the work.

Shadow Christians Are the Ministry workforce § Followers are vital • “Leadership is an

Shadow Christians Are the Ministry workforce § Followers are vital • “Leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their mutual purposes” (Joseph Rost, Leadership in the 21 st Century). • Shadow Christians occupy leadership roles on the org charts in most churches and ministries.

Shadow Christians Are the Ministry workforce § People take on these leadership roles because

Shadow Christians Are the Ministry workforce § People take on these leadership roles because they have a strong sense that it’s what God wants them to do. § Are you a shadow Christian who needs to find a place to serve? Work through these steps: v Ask God to guide you. v Be willing to start small. v Look for a ministry opportunity v Find your roll and start serving. that matches your gifts, skill set, personal interests, and life experiences.

Shadow Christians Do the Dirty Work § § § Providing hospitality Providing protective services

Shadow Christians Do the Dirty Work § § § Providing hospitality Providing protective services Doing invisible tasks Manning cleanup crews Choosing a dirty job

Shadow Christians Fund Churches and Ministries § Who provides ministry money? • God provides

Shadow Christians Fund Churches and Ministries § Who provides ministry money? • God provides • But while financial resources come from God, they almost always pass through someone’s hands on the way to a church’s bank account.

Shadow Christians Fund Churches and Ministries § Who provides ministry money? • Gifts matter

Shadow Christians Fund Churches and Ministries § Who provides ministry money? • Gifts matter more than identity; sacrifice matters more than show; proportion matters more than amount. v The owners who provided a colt (Luke 19: 30– 34). v Those who gave a room to Jesus for the Last Supper (Mark 14: 13 – 16). v The boy who gave the bread and fish (John 6: 9). v The widow’s mites (Mark 12: 42– 44).

Shadow Christians Fund Churches and Ministries § Church focused giving is modeled by believers

Shadow Christians Fund Churches and Ministries § Church focused giving is modeled by believers in Acts (Acts 11: 27– 30) • The first Antioch offering was given by “each of the disciples” (11: 29). • Proportional: “each according to his ability” (11: 29); Participation was widespread and individualized. • Hurting people have to be helped, no matter their religious or political beliefs, no matter past racial or ethnic conflicts. • Shadow Christians send missionaries, with the necessary financial support, to expand God’s kingdom.

Shadow Christians Fund Churches and Ministries § The myth of big donors. • The

Shadow Christians Fund Churches and Ministries § The myth of big donors. • The foundation of ministry finance is the vast number of everyday people who give relatively small gifts. • God judges people who lie about their giving. Shadow Christians are quiet donors who give without fanfare. • Two “major donors” in Acts did not turn out so well. Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5: 1– 11)

Shadow Christians Fund Churches and Ministries § Shadow Christians give generously for many reasons

Shadow Christians Fund Churches and Ministries § Shadow Christians give generously for many reasons but seldom to attract attention to themselves. § As a shadow Christian, you channel God’s resources, enjoy doing so, and draw deep satisfaction from the impact your gifts make in the lives of others.

www. gs. edu @Jeff_Iorg

www. gs. edu @Jeff_Iorg