Selfies Narcissism and the Big Five Personality Traits
Selfies, Narcissism, and the Big Five Personality Traits Jessica Mc. Cain & W. Keith Campbell, University of Georgia Results Introduction • Selfie Motives • Why do people take selfies? • “Selfies” are pictures of oneself that are usually taken with a smart phone • Self-regulating functions • Self-enhancement for narcissists • Communal (belongingness) functions for agreeable individuals • Emotional self-regulation for neurotic individuals and hypersensitive narcissists • 350 adults on Amazon Mturk completed a series of measures • Narcissistic Personality Inventory 13 • IPIP 20 • Hypersensitive Narcissism Inventory • Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale • Short Dark Triad Scale • Selfie and Instagram Questions (see below) Seidman, G. (2013). Self-presentation and belonging on Facebook: How personality influences social media use and motivations. Personality and Individual Differences, 54(3), 402 -407. • • Grandiose narcissism predicts feeling predominately positive emotions through the entire process of selfie-taking • Vulnerable narcissism and psychopathy predict predominately negative emotions throughout the selfie process Positive Post E A C N I DT - M DT - N DT – P RSE HSNS NPI Carstensen, L. L. , Turan, B. , Scheibe, S. , Ram, N. , Ersner-Hershfield, H. , Samanez-Larkin, G. R. , . . . & Nesselroade, J. R. (2011). Emotional experience improves with age: evidence based on over 10 years of experience sampling. Psychology and aging, 26(1), 21. • Personality predicts both self-reported motives and emotions corresponding with selfie taking. The results are largely consistent with the literature on social media use more broadly. Future research needs to go beyond selfreport and examine actual selfie taking. • Selfie Emotions Making a Selfie Survey Literature Cited • • Dark Triad narcissism and psychopathy predicts a variety of motives associated with selfpresentation, entertainment, and belongingness • Grandiose and vulnerable narcissism primarily predicts self-presentation and entertainmentrelated motives • Vulnerable narcissism also predicts belongingness motives • Agreeableness was associated with decreased self-presentation and entertainment based motives, but not with increased belongingness motives Methods • Motivations: We adapted Seidman’s (2013) questionnaire on motivations for using • Behavior: We generated 15 questions to measure selfie behavior • Selfie Timing: we asked participants how often they take selfies: • On the weekend vs. during the week • During the day vs. at night • Emotions: participants rated a list of 13 emotions (Carstensen et al. , 2011) as to how they feel when posting and when someone likes, comments, or dislikes their selfie • Factor analyses were used to reduce emotions and motivations into factors. Conclusions Like . 24 [. 14, . 34]. 17 [. 06, . 27]. 03 [-. 07, . 14]. 09 [-. 02, . 19] Comment. 19 [. 09, . 29] Negative Dislike Post . 20 [. 10, . 30] -. 09 [-. 19, . 01] Like Comment Dislike -. 06 [-. 16, . 05]-. 03 [-. 14, . 07] . 13 [. 03, . 23] -. 12 [-. 22, -. 02] -. 21 [-. 30, -. 10] -. 26 [-. 36, -. 16]-. 28 [-. 37, -. 18]-. 08 [-. 18, . 03] . 13 [. 03, . 24]. 06 [-. 05, . 16]. 07 [-. 04, . 17]. 08 [-. 03, . 18] -. 22 [-. 32, -. 11] -. 14 [-. 24, -. 04]-. 15 [-. 25, -. 04]-. 21 [-. 30, -. 10] -. 20 [-. 30, -. 09] -. 05 [-. 15, . 06] -. 09 [-. 19, . 02] -. 08 [-. 18, . 03]. 01 [-. 10, . 11]. 12 [. 02, . 22] . 24 [. 14, . 34] . 20 [. 10, . 30]. 25 [. 15, . 35] . 15 [. 04, . 25] -. 07 [-. 17, . 04] -. 19 [-. 29, -. 09] -. 22 [-. 32, -. 12]-. 08 [-. 19, . 02] . 02 [-. 09, . 12]. 08 [-. 02, . 19]. 06 [-. 04, . 17]. 07 [-. 04, . 17]. 32 [. 22, . 41]. 24 [. 14, . 34] . 35 [. 25, . 44] . 21 [. 11, . 31] . 06 [-. 05, . 16]. 05 [-. 06, . 15]. 00 [-. 10, . 11] . 10 [. 00, . 21] . 26 [. 16, . 36] -. 03 [-. 13, . 08]. 20 [. 10, . 30] . 28 [. 18, . 37] . 03 [-. 08, . 13]. 04 [-. 07, . 14]. 14 [. 04, . 24]. 00 [-. 11, . 10]. 02 [-. 08, . 13]. 04 [-. 07, . 14]. 25 [. 15, . 35] . 29 [. 20, . 39]. 17 [. 07, . 27] E A C N I DT - M DT - N DT – P RSE . 32 [. 22, . 41]. 23 [. 13, . 32] . 22 [. 12, . 32] . 13 [. 02, . 23] -. 43 [-. 51, -. 34] -. 32 [-. 41, -. 22]-. 30 [-. 40, -. 21]-. 23 [-. 33, -. 13] HSNS -. 02 [-. 12, . 09]. 13 [. 02, . 23]. 07 [-. 03, . 18]. 05 [-. 05, . 16] . 29 [. 19, . 38] . 23 [. 12, . 32] . 22 [. 11, . 31]. 29 [. 19, . 38] NPI . 23 [. 12, . 32]. 21 [. 11, . 31] . 18 [. 08, . 28] . 23 [. 13, . 33] -. 01 [-. 12, . 09] . 02 [-. 08, . 13]. 03 [-. 07, . 14]. 00 [-. 10, . 11] Note: Confidence intervals not containing 0 in bold. Table 1. Correlations between personality traits and selfie emotions Self Belongingness Presentation. 11 [. 00, . 21] Perform . 18 [. 08, . 28]. 30 [. 20, . 39] Leisure Informing . 23 [. 12, . 32]. 18 [. 07, . 28] Escapism Conformity Professional . 14 [. 03, . 24] . 10 [-. 01, . 20]. 08 [-. 02, . 18] Boredom. 12 [. 01, . 22] . 01 [-. 10, . 11] -. 17 [-. 27, -. 07]. 06 [-. 05, . 16] . 00 [-. 10, . 11]. 08 [-. 03, . 18] -. 15 [-. 25, -. 05] -. 18 [-. 28, -. 07] -. 07 [-. 17, . 03] . 00 [-. 11, . 10] -. 14 [-. 25, -. 04]. 01 [-. 10, . 11] . 12 [. 01, . 22] -. 02 [-. 13, . 08] -. 07 [-. 18, . 03] -. 09 [-. 19, . 02] -. 04 [-. 15, . 06] . 04 [-. 06, . 14] . 14 [. 04, . 24] -. 09 [-. 19, . 01] -. 12 [-. 22, -. 01]. 01 [-. 09, . 12] . 11 [. 01, . 22] . 06 [-. 04, . 17]. 07 [-. 03, . 17]. 04 [-. 07, . 14] . 00 [-. 11, . 10] -. 02 [-. 13, . 08]. 16 [. 05, . 26] . 05 [-. 05, . 16]. 10 [. 00, . 21] -. 10 [-. 21, . 00] -. 08 [-. 18, . 03] -. 15 [-. 25, -. 04] -. 05 [-. 16, . 05] . 07 [-. 04, . 17] . 14 [. 04, . 24]. 01 [-. 09, . 12] . 02 [-. 08, . 13]. 01 [-. 10, . 11] . 14 [. 04, . 24] . 17 [. 06, . 27]. 07 [-. 03, . 18] . 19 [. 09, . 29] . 16 [. 06, . 26] . 35 [. 26, . 44]. 21 [. 11, . 31] . 30 [. 20, . 39]. 26 [. 16, . 36] . 21 [. 11, . 31] . 20 [. 10, . 30] . 16 [. 06, . 26] . 14 [. 03, . 24] . 11 [. 01, . 21] . 31 [. 21, . 40]. 11 [. 01, . 22] . 13 [. 02, . 23]. 01 [-. 09, . 12] . 30 [. 20, . 39] . 25 [. 14, . 34] . 21 [. 11, . 31] . 18 [. 07, . 28] . 02 [-. 09, . 12]. 01 [-. 10, . 11]. 15 [. 05, . 25]. 17 [. 07, . 27]. 09 [-. 01, . 19] . 23 [. 13, . 32]. 14 [. 04, . 24] -. 02 [-. 13, . 08] . 00 [-. 11, . 10] -. 07 [-. 18, . 03]. 06 [-. 04, . 16] . 23 [. 13, . 33] -. 04 [-. 15, . 06] -. 11 [-. 21, . 00]. 04 [-. 07, . 14] . 19 [. 08, . 28] . 21 [. 11, . 31]. 10 [-. 01, . 20]. 09 [-. 01, . 19] . 34 [. 24, . 43]. 13 [. 03, . 23] . 14 [. 03, . 24] . 15 [. 05, . 25]. 09 [-. 02, . 19] . 14 [. 04, . 24]. 07 [-. 04, . 17] . 14 [. 03, . 24] Note: Confidence intervals not containing 0 in bold. Table 2. Correlations between personality traits and selfie motivations
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