Second World War 1939 45 Dunkirk Walt We

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Second World War – 1939 -45 Dunkirk

Second World War – 1939 -45 Dunkirk

 • Walt - We are learning to understand about the events at Dunkirk

• Walt - We are learning to understand about the events at Dunkirk in May 1940 • Wilf - What we are looking for is for you to know what happened & think about whether it was a triumph or a disaster

Hitler was leader of Germany. He wanted more land. • What does this cartoon

Hitler was leader of Germany. He wanted more land. • What does this cartoon tell you about Hitler?

1 st September 1939 – Germany attacks Poland

1 st September 1939 – Germany attacks Poland

Blitzkreig The Germans used a new idea called BLITZKREIG. This means lightning war. They

Blitzkreig The Germans used a new idea called BLITZKREIG. This means lightning war. They first sent in planes, then tanks, then soldiers. It was very, very successful.

Which picture is better for learning about Blitzkreig?

Which picture is better for learning about Blitzkreig?







10 th May 1940 – Germany attacks Belgium, Denmark, Norway & Holland

10 th May 1940 – Germany attacks Belgium, Denmark, Norway & Holland

12 th May 1940 – Germany attacks Northern France…people run…. the British Army is

12 th May 1940 – Germany attacks Northern France…people run…. the British Army is trapped in France & surrounded by the German army….

The British army is trapped at Dunkirk The Germans are ready to attack

The British army is trapped at Dunkirk The Germans are ready to attack

The British army retreat and blow up their equipment.

The British army retreat and blow up their equipment.

This British soldier is setting up a bomb.

This British soldier is setting up a bomb.

Operation Dynamo- Evacuation of Dunkirk All these soldiers are waiting for help to get

Operation Dynamo- Evacuation of Dunkirk All these soldiers are waiting for help to get home to Britain.

Winston Churchill, Prime Minister is very worried.

Winston Churchill, Prime Minister is very worried.

Scenes from Dunkirk

Scenes from Dunkirk

The water was to shallow for the Navy to get close enough to rescue

The water was to shallow for the Navy to get close enough to rescue the soldiers. Small boats like fishing boats sailed to Dunkirk to go and rescue the soldiers.

A painting of Dunkirk

A painting of Dunkirk

338, 000 men were rescued. These men were not.

338, 000 men were rescued. These men were not.

France surrendered and Germany was now in control. Who is in front of the

France surrendered and Germany was now in control. Who is in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris?

By June 1940, Germany was in control of most of Europe.

By June 1940, Germany was in control of most of Europe.

This cartoon shows Britain alone – what is coming in the skies?

This cartoon shows Britain alone – what is coming in the skies?

Activity – Imagine you are a soldier waiting to be rescued – write about

Activity – Imagine you are a soldier waiting to be rescued – write about what you would see, hear, smell and how you would feel….