School Survival Skills Sky Ranch GT Time Management

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School Survival Skills Sky Ranch GT

School Survival Skills Sky Ranch GT

Time Management ❖ ❖ ❖ Break up big or long term projects into smaller

Time Management ❖ ❖ ❖ Break up big or long term projects into smaller parts. Prioritize classwork and homework - what’s due first? Use class time wisely. When given work time, use it! Pay attention to assigned checkpoints for projects. Be aware of deadlines. Lessen distractions during work time.

Troubleshooting Your Grade Check Infinite Campus Check the Sky Rance GT calendar nightly Check

Troubleshooting Your Grade Check Infinite Campus Check the Sky Rance GT calendar nightly Check your agenda book Stay on top of your grades Please don’t expect extra credit work to boost your grade if you haven’t done the assigned work for the course. ❖ Don’t procrastinate ❖ Check Teams and One. Note frequently ❖ ❖ ❖

Homework Strategies ❖ Check the assignment calendar every day. Due dates will frequently change!

Homework Strategies ❖ Check the assignment calendar every day. Due dates will frequently change! ❖ Update your agenda book as needed. ❖ Create a space at home to do homework and/or study. ❖ Create a plan for homework or a to-do list. ❖ No distracted homework time---texting, watching tv, …. ❖ Be proactive instead of procrastinating! ➢ Inside the Mind of a Procrastinator

Asking Questions ● We encourage you to use Teams to ask your peers questions

Asking Questions ● We encourage you to use Teams to ask your peers questions that you may have about certain assignments. ● We won’t answer questions through Teams or email when we know the answer is posted and/or we know we specifically went over the information during class. If you don’t get a reply, that’s why. You can ask your classmates in the posts tab.

Talking to Teachers ❖ ❖ ❖ Be polite. Be respectful. Be truthful. Take responsibility.

Talking to Teachers ❖ ❖ ❖ Be polite. Be respectful. Be truthful. Take responsibility. Ask for what you need. Do not interrupt instruction.

Sending Emails to Teachers ❖ Check the team website, team assignment document, Teams, and/or

Sending Emails to Teachers ❖ Check the team website, team assignment document, Teams, and/or your peers before emailing a teacher. ❖ Fill in the subject line with what your intentions are for the email and your name. ❖ Address your teacher at the beginning of the email. ❖ Use complete sentences and proper grammar. Be clear in what you are asking. ❖ Make sure you sign your name: first and last! ❖ Add which period you are in under your name. ❖ Use “please” and “thank you”.

Teacher Response Time ● Response times will vary after 2: 45 on weekdays. On

Teacher Response Time ● Response times will vary after 2: 45 on weekdays. On the weekends, you might not receive a response. ○ Utilize Teams to ask peers for help. ● Do not post a message to us in Teams without using @ourname. We will not see the message!

Submitting Work ● Do not submit in “dark mode” unless the font color has

Submitting Work ● Do not submit in “dark mode” unless the font color has been changed to a color that we can read easily (dark blue, dark purple, etc. ). ● Click the TURN IN button to complete assignment submission. ○ If you turn in an assignment after the posted deadline, you will receive late credit. ● Submitting photos of work is fine, but only if the picture is up close, clear, and the text is legible. We will not grade work if we cannot read it.

Late/Absent Work ❖ Email or talk to your teacher. ➢ Before or after school,

Late/Absent Work ❖ Email or talk to your teacher. ➢ Before or after school, not during class! ➢ This needs to be done prior to the due date. Not the night or day of the assignment due date. ❖ Attach absent or re-do slips to your work before submitting. ➢ Green=ABSENT ➢ Blue=RE-DO ➢ Must be fully filled out ❖ Refer to district policy for deadlines on absent work. ❖ No late/absent work will be accepted after the current unit of study is complete or the last week of the quarter.

Working in Groups ❖ Provide equal opportunity for everyone to speak. ❖ Presume positive

Working in Groups ❖ Provide equal opportunity for everyone to speak. ❖ Presume positive intent. ❖ Be open-minded to the opinions of others. ❖ Speak your truth. ❖ Disagree without being disagreeable.