Scatter Plots on the Graphing Calculator 1 1
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Scatter Plots on the Graphing Calculator 1
1. Setting Up n n n 5/20/2021 Press the Y= key. Be sure there are no equations entered. If there any equations, use the CLEAR key to delete them. 2
2. Setting Up n n n 5/20/2021 Be sure there are no equations entered below the 7 th entry. Check that there are no equations entered below the visible screen. Use the down arrow and clear them. 3
3. Clearing Lists n 5/20/2021 To clear previous lists, press “second” +. n Choose #4. n Press ENTER. 4
4. Clear Lists n 5/20/2021 Press ENTER again. 5
5. STAT Key n n n 5/20/2021 The STAT Key is used to input statistical data. The STAT Key accesses lists similar to columns on a spreadsheet. Pressing “ 1: Edit” brings us to the lists. 6
6. Edit Lists n n 5/20/2021 We are now ready to input the data. We have our blank lists. 7
7. Input Lists n n n 5/20/2021 Type the data into the lists. L 1 = Width of rectangle L 2 = Area of rectangle 8
8. STAT PLOTS n n 5/20/2021 The STAT PLOT key allows us to choose one of three graphs to plot with the data in the lists. Choose Plot 1 to start. 9
9. Plot Menu n n n 5/20/2021 Turn Plot 1 ON Choose the type of graph (the first choice is a scatter plot). Choose the Xlist and Ylist. L 1, L 2 10
ZOOM 9 n 5/20/2021 ZOOM 9 sets the window to the data and plot the graph. 11
10. The Graph n n 5/20/2021 All of the data is now plotted in the window. Reminder: Using the trace button reveals the coordinates of the points. 12
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