Sakarya University of Applied Sciences Graduate Education Institute Mechatronics Engineering Institute Department Mechatronics Engineering graduate program purposes to educate Mechatronics Engineers who has the application skills required by the related industrial sectors, has a high academic level, is confident, open to development, can think scientifically, productive and virtuous in Master and Doctorate levels by providing nationally and internationally recognized education and teaching on basic engineering disciplines. Academic Staff Prof. Dr. Durmuş KARAYEL Prof. Dr. Sinan Serdar ÖZKAN Prof. Dr. Osman ELDOĞAN Prof. Dr. Adnan DERDİYOK Prof. Dr. İhsan PEHLİVAN Prof. Dr. Raşit KÖKER Doç. Dr. Ergün NART Doç. Dr. Faruk YALÇIN Doç. Dr. Metin VARAN Doç. Dr. Sezgin KAÇAR Doç. Dr. Akif AKGÜL Doç. Dr. Murat KARABACAK Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Barış BORU Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Mehmet Akif KOÇ Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Mustafa Çağrı KUTLU Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Kasım SERBEST Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Gökhan ATALI Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Zeynep GARİP Contact E-mail: mkm@sakarya. edu. tr Faculty of Technology, T 4 -Block, Mechatronics Engineering Department Esentepe Kampüsü, 54187, Serdivan/SAKARYA Tel: +90 (264) 295 73 08 Fax: +90 (264) 295 64 24 Graduate programs Mechatronics Engineering Master Program Mechatronics Engineering Ph. D Program twitter. com/Mekatronik. Subu www. subu. edu. tr www. instagram. com/mkmsubu/ www. facebook. com/mkmsubu/ www. mkm. subu. edu. tr