Roles and rights for settings changes Critical settings

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Roles and rights for settings changes [Critical settings] 1

Roles and rights for settings changes [Critical settings] 1

Critical Settings for collimators on the front-end q q Energy and betastar gap interlock

Critical Settings for collimators on the front-end q q Energy and betastar gap interlock Position interlock 1/31/2022 2

Critical settings for collimators within LSA q All collimator critical settings are multiplexed Interlock.

Critical settings for collimators within LSA q All collimator critical settings are multiplexed Interlock. Threshold. Funct managed in function beam process q Energy and betastar in discrete beam process q Trim editor – injection beam process 1/31/2022 3

Beam process gymnastics q Cleaning + dump collimator position interlocks stored in the power

Beam process gymnastics q Cleaning + dump collimator position interlocks stored in the power converter beam processes: – Injection beam process, ramp, squeeze, … q Injection protection position thresholds stored in dedicated beam process: “one” for all hypercycles – Injection protection system not necessarily valid ramp settings 1/31/2022 4

Discrete beam process for energy and beta star thresholds 1/31/2022 5

Discrete beam process for energy and beta star thresholds 1/31/2022 5

Critical Role – MCS-Collimation Critical settings can only be trimmed by people with the

Critical Role – MCS-Collimation Critical settings can only be trimmed by people with the critical role MCS-Collimation Role Admin • ASSMAN • WSLIWINS • STEFANO …to be discussed! Properties • LHCCollimator • Lhc. TCDQgirder • • Critical. Settings: Interlock. Threshold. Funct, Interlock. Threshold, Energy. Threshold Operation: Reset, Software. Trigger, Stop, Required. Absolute. Position, Disarm 1/31/2022 6

Multiplexed settings protect hypercycle configuration q When running the LHC, the settings are sent

Multiplexed settings protect hypercycle configuration q When running the LHC, the settings are sent according to USERs q Need to ensure that the correct user is associated with the correct beam process q Protection for hypercycle edition for certain equipment categories Needs to be tested before start-up 1/31/2022 7

Roles for hypercycle edition: category collimators q Required RBAC role: q Still in test

Roles for hypercycle edition: category collimators q Required RBAC role: q Still in test phase q Roles have not been distributed yet 1/31/2022 8