Robin of Locksley Robin Hood was born in

Robin of Locksley Robin Hood was born in the small town of Locksley in Nottinghamshire. Locksley’s buildings were made of wood and it was smoky and dirty, like many other towns in England. Robin liked to practice archery on his father’s farm , and he had became a very good archer.

At this time, the King needed archers for his army. Every year, there were special archery contests in England. In the small towns, the prize were of meat and drink. In the Large towns, the best archers won prize money. On of the biggest archery contests was held in Nottingham. The prize was one hundred golden crowns. Robin decided participate in this contest, because he want to marry with Maid Marian. He told his father about the contest. Father twig on his son and cast he with God.

How Robin Hood Became an Outlaw Robin Hood has killed one of the King’s foresters and one of the King’s deer. The foresters brought the dead man’s body to Nottingham. They went to the Sheriff Of Nottingham and told him what had happened. The Sheriff was very angry! He wanted to catch Robin Hood-dead or alive, and promised give one hundred golden crowns to the man, who brings him Robin Hood.

The Outlaws of Sherwood Forest Robin ran through the forest until he could run no more. He soon realized that he was not alone in the forest. Other men lived there too. The first person Robin met was called Will Stutely. Will told to Robin about yourself, about his story , how he became an outlaw. The outlaws wore coats of Lincoln Green, because green coats helped them to hide in the forest. So the outlaws went out in small groups. They went to explore the deepest parts of the forest. Outlaws found a wonderful place. At this place they started to live. Then Robin found a hunting horn. Robin and the outlaws had found their new home.

Little John Robin walked along a path until he came to a river. He saw a strange. A strange was coming along the path from the opposite direction. They argued and then started to fight. Robin fell into the water and the strange laughed. He helped Robin out of the water and the two men sat next to the river. They spoke. Robin told him about yourself and invited him to them. John didn’t believe him, and decided to check Robin. But Robin pass off the check, and John Little joined to the outlaws. The outlaws built a great fire and roasted an ox. Robin said, what they shall call John Little a Little John.

Will Stutely the Barber Will Stutely set out to look for the Abbot and his men. He decided to search the north side of the forest because he knew that the Abbot would pass that way. Will watched and waited. Then he saw a wagon , what followed at a small inn. Will was a barber. Soldiers needed a barber. Will Stutely decided to offer his service. Will Stutely had worked as a barber at an abbey and he knew enough Norman French to understand the men’s conversation. He knew their plan. Then the work was rush , he run into the forest, because he wanted to tell Robin about terrible Abbot’s plan.

The Abbot of St Mary’s The covered wagon moved slowly into Sherwood Forest. Suddenly an arrow flew out of the forest. It hit one of the knights in the chest. The knights was not hurt because he was wearing armour under his brown monk’s clothes. Then a tall man stepped into the road. This was “Robin Hood’’. Really Robin was standing in the middle of a narrow road when the fat miller appeared. The miller did not speak to Robin Hood.

Suddenly , twenty outlaws stepped out of the trees. The knights and the miller were surrounded. Then two of the outlaws climbed into the cart. Underneath they found the forty bags of golden crowns. Outlaws carried the forty bags of gold with them.

The Golden Arrow The Sheriff returned to Nottingham. It was harvest time. ‘This year we will have a special archery contest. Prince John will give a special prize-an arrow made from gold, ‘-said the Sheriff to the people of Nottingham. Soon news of the contest reached Robin. The Sheriff did expect Robin to come to the archery contest. He planned to trap Robin and his men in Nottingham town. One the day of archery contest, the Sheriff dressed in his best clothes. Archers had come from all over England for the contest.

Robin was a beggar. Nobody don’t knew him. Soon he won at that contest.

The Rescue of Will Stutely Outlaws receive a note: “Will Stutely has been taken prisoner by the Sheriff of Nottingham. He will be hanged tomorrow outside Nottingham town. ” They saved Will Stutely. And soon they started to prepare to winter.

Will Scarlett Robin saw a strange fighter. His name was Will Gamwell. Robin and Will fighted. Will Gamwell has won. Soon he joined to Robin and outlaws. They gave him new name Will Scarlett-because of his bright red clothes.

Much the Miller’s Son Robin and outlaws saw a young miller walking towards them. That is Much the Miller’s son. They are talking about Robin Hood and honest. Suddenly Much put his hands into the sack and threw flour into the faces of the men. For a moment, Robin and his outlaws were blinded. They put their hands to their faces and rubbed their eyes. Then Much the Miller’s son joined to outlaws.

Allan a Dale Will Scarlett and Will Stutely founded a man who was singing in the forest. Allan told him about his love- Fair Ellen. Outlaws promised help him. Allan sang a song about love and told stories of King Arthur and his knights in the old day.

Friar Tuck Robin should find a monk who can help Allan a Dale to marry Ellen. Robin walked up to the friar. Friar promised showed the way to fountain Dale, if he will carry friar across the river. Robin carried friar several time. Friar showed him the way to Fountain Dale. But Robin was so angry and slipped and fell. Friar Tuck was very angry, but Robin laughed. Then friar went to the Sherwood Forest.

Fair Ellen Robin, Little John, Allan a Dale and Friar Tuck all went to the wedding. Robin was disguised in the clothes of a minstrel. Robin repaid a debt , because he wanted that Fair Ellen and Allan a Dale will marry. Soon Fair Ellen and Allan a Dale married at the church in Rotherdale. And afterwards they all returned to the forest for a great feast.

Sir Richard of Lea Robin met a sad knight. Knight joined the outlaws for supper. He told outlaws a story about him, what he borrowed money from the Abbot to help his son and the King. The debt is due tomorrow and he cannot pay it. So his castle and his lands will soon belong to the Abbot. Robin decided to help Sir Richard. The next day they went to Abbot. Robin was disguised in the clothes of a servant. They repaid a debt. Castle and land belong to the Sir Richard of Lea again.

The Black Knight It was the fighting between Robin Hood’s outlaws and Sheriff's soldiers. So many men against so few. In the middle of a battle appeared the black knight. The black knight was King Richard. He had returned to England at last. At the end Robin married Maid Marian. Robin became a knight, like his grandfather. King Richard gave Robin a new name Sir Richard of Locksley.
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