Rise and rise again until lambs become lions

Rise and rise again until lambs become lions Logic Design LAB 1 授課老師:伍紹勳 課程助教:江長庭、柯俊先

Outlines 74 series digital integrated circuit (IC) Tools and devices – Bread board – Power supply – Light-emitting diode (LED) LAB 1 Rise and rise again until lambs become lions

Rise and rise again until lambs become lions 74 Series Digital IC 74 XXOO – 74 LS 04、74 LS 08、 74 HC 04… 1 2. . . 74 XXOO Logic high and low 74 LS 00 http: //www. ti. com/lit/ds/symlink/sn 74 ls 00. pdf . . 13 12. .

Rise and rise again until lambs become lions 74 Series Digital IC Logic gate (邏輯閘) – NOT gate or INVERT • B = ~ A or B = A A B – AND gate Input A Output B 0 1 1 0 – OR gate • Q = AB • Q = A+B Input A Input B Output Q 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1

74 Series Digital IC Example of logic circuit design – Alarming system • Q : Broadcast warning signal – A : No body at home – B : Someone enters from the door – C : Someone enters from the window Rise and rise again until lambs become lions

Rise and rise again until lambs become lions 74 Series Digital IC 7404 7408 7432

Tools Rise and rise again until lambs become lions 邏輯分析儀*1 + USB線*1(或power supply) 1 pin線*4 8 pin線*2 紅鱷魚夾*1 黑鱷魚夾*1

Tools and devices Rise and rise again until lambs become lions Logic Analyzer (邏輯分析儀) – Power supply – USB connect to PC GND 5 V 5 V GND

Tools and devices Rise and rise again until lambs become lions Bread board (麵包板) 麵包板上孔洞旁邊的紅線(或藍線)表示這排洞下面的銅箔 是連通的(共電位)

Rise and rise again until lambs become lions LAB 1 External Power VCC GND

Tools and devices LED – – + : long pin (connect to result) - : short pin (connect to GND) Logic 1 : bright Logic 0 : dark LED is dark – Logic 0 ? No signal ? LED is broken ? – To check it’s logic 0: • + : long pin (connect to VCC) • - : short pin (connect to result) • Logic 0: bright ps: Don’t directly connect VCC and GND to LED for a long time. (∵大電流) Rise and rise again until lambs become lions

LAB 1 Rise and rise again until lambs become lions Show all cases Input/output of 7404(Inverter), 7408(AND), 7432(OR)

Rise and rise again until lambs become lions LAB 1 1 1 0 AND 1 1 0 OR INVERTER
- Slides: 13