Right Think Do right things Think Right Good

- Slides: 42

������ Right Think ����������� Do right things ������� Think Right ��������� Good governance Mindfulness ������ Value proposition ����� Sustainable Communication ������ �� Development ������ �� Concentration ������ Continuous Improvement Corporate Social Responsibility ����� Social Enterprise ������� Suppliers ����������� Do things right

en t alignment t en ig Al nm m ign t en Al alignment m ������ alignment Al ign m en t alignment @ copyright chaiyot suntivong alignment ign alignment Al alignment การขบเคลอน 1 - 15

Localization to Globalization Transform Organic University 2012 -2016 Green-Agri University 2017 -2021 Eco-Agri University 2022 -2026 Transform with Agricultural Knowledge Park

Eco U Dash board Green U Dash board Organic U MJU Transformation ������ Blueprint to 2026 �������� �������� AEC ������� ������ GMS Expo Transform ��������� Research Climate change MJU Positioning GMS Fair ������� GMS Forum ������ Supply chain Cluster Network ������� Dash Organic supply chain development program ������� board ���������� KAP �������� �� ����� ��� ����� Network Capital ����� Capacity Leadership development ���� Drivers � building Program Asset������Knowledge ����� Future Utilization Human Studies Forum ����� competencies Strategic ��� Institution Focus group Enablers ������� Program Management Meeting �������� Office Seminar

Turning thinking into actions Management mechanism Ç Ç Supply chain Value chain Cluster Network INTERCONNECTED INTELLIGENT Ç Coverage Matrix Ç Collaboration Matrix Ç Relationship chart Ç Responsibility chart Ç Dream Team Ç Capacity building

Collaboration matrix ������������� ������� �� 2 Human capacity � � �� 4 Research climate 1������ building 3������ change ������� � Team 1 Ad-hoc team Team 5 Self directed team �����Team 2 Team 3 ����� / ���� Team 4 ���� Team 6 Task force team Team 7 Research team

Responsibility Chart Actors Decisions CODE: R-- Responsibility (initiates) A-V Approval (right to veto) S-- Support (put resources against) I-- Inform (to be informed)

Education Key success factor Purpose fit for today challenges and ready for tomorrow task Capacity Best use of resource Enabling process high performing organization Future capabilities for future success Competitive advantage M T I Deliverabler Value delivery O Capacity M T O Capabilities M T HR Enable I HR Doabler Add Value Core Competencies Intangible Technology Reputation Culture Change Management O M T Network Alliance partnership Supply chain Linkage Binding HR deliverables I Enabler Supply chain Value Rare Valuable Different Capital Non substitute Tangible Financial Physical Infrastructure O Competitive Advantage I Rivalry Driver Create Value Program Project HR Architecture Behavior Motivation HR system Policy Work system. Resource HR function Competency Intellectual Human capital Skill Know-how Communication Collaboration Motivation Change Value behavior resource KM Learning Adaptability Cooperative Creative Flexibility Demand Factor KAP Supporting Dynamic capability Tacit + Explicit Knowledge Synergies Fusion Emerging ����� ����� �����

ปณธ าน Change Environment Leadership Vision Strategy General Environment 1 Maejo Excellency’s House Model strategy Formulation Architecture Structure Supporter Organization Competitive Environment 4 Strategy deployment 7 Management Mechanism 10 Program Project Technology 5 HR: Competencies 8 Implementation Process 11 Team involvement Business Result strategy Monitoring รอง/ผช อธการบด คณบด ผอกอง สำนก ศนย เลขานการคณะ หวหนางาน Employee Capital Driver 12 2 Executive Support Information Knowledge Customer Functional Environment 9 6 3 อธการบด รอง ผช อธการบด Facilities Capital and Infrastructure Driver Culture &Core Value Culture ��� TQA

Do it right and Fast at the first time For board Business Intelligence Dash Board Vision Decision ���� making ����� ��� For Management and Team ��������� Best Performance ����� Balanced Score Card GMS agri Expo ����� Best Technology ���� Knowledge Monthly Agricultural Park ��������� Best People Organic Best Process ����� Weekly ������� � �� Performance Management CSF Strategy ������� ��������� Link Performance to Strategy through CSF Lead indicator Lag indicator Scope Link to CSF to action �������� � Measure and Report Daily Input Process output outcome Key result Indicator KRI Result Indicator RI Project Key performance Indicator KPI ����� Performance Indicator PI Project Indicator �������

For board Business Intelligence Dash Board Vision Decision ���� making ����� ��� For Management and Team ��������� Best Performance ����� Balanced Score Card GMS agri Expo ����� Best Technology ���� Knowledge Agricultural Park ��������� Best People Organic Best Process ������� � �� Performance Management CSF Strategy ������� Link Performance to Strategy through CSF Link to CSF to action � Measure and Report Input Process output outcome Key result Indicator KRI Result Indicator RI Project Key performance Indicator KPI ����� Performance Indicator PI Project Indicator �������

Strategic Objective ������� Mission Strategy Strategic Objectives CSFs & KPIs Functional Objectives CSFs & KPIs Strategic Objective ������ CSF& KPI ��������������� Key process , CSFs , and KPIs Strategic Objective ����� ����� CSF& KPI �����

Strategy diagram Measurements Frequency of reporting KPIs Score Card (Interrelated measures with Cause-and- effect Correlations) Targets ����� GMS agri Expo Project -based KPIs Track 2 Knowledge Agricultural Park Organic Dash board (measures in isolation Budget and Resource Planning Process -based KPIs Track 2 ������ Quarterly Monthly ���� weekly ����� Daily ������ hourly ������� �� PIs Operation Real time

Agri-Leading MJU Dash board Excellence Mission Strategic Academic Result-Driven Strategy Business Intelligence Strategy-map Initiatives IS/IT 12 Program/Project Balanced Score Card KPI Performance Appraisal KRI/KPI �������� Matrix Organization Mission Balanced Score Card Monitoring and Reporting system SPO ����� Strategic Program Manager Strategy Strategic Objectives CSFs & KPIs Functional Objectives CSFs & KPIs Key process , CSFs , and KPIs SPO Program/Project 1 Program/Project 2… Program/Project 12 Mission-Driven Strategy-map Initiatives Strategic Objectives CSFs & KPIs TQA MOC Functional Organization Management Committee COE Value Management Capital + Asset Management Asset Operating Model Reward & Performance criteria What? How? ����������� Motivation & Competencies

Strategy Faculty Objectives Critical Success Factor How What Best Performance Competency profile Best Competency Levels Competency management Key performance indicators ����� People ����� Best Process Best Technology � � ��� Evaluation Performance management

MJU ‘s Transformation Blueprint to 2026 Result Eco U Management Green U ����� 2 Organic U Gap Problem Strategy Structure Strategy Management deployment Project Implement Agri-Leading MJU Change and New reality Excellence Architecture ����� 5 Capital + Resource Challenge Stakeholders Management Mission-Driven Strategy-map Initiatives 12 Program/Project Performance Appraisal KRI/KPI Balanced Score Card KRI /KPI Matrix Organization Functional Organization ����� 6 Score card SPO Monitoring and Reporting system ����� 7 Strategic Program Manager Coverage Matrix Program/Project 1 Collaboration Matrix Networking Clustering Value chain Supply chain Relationship diagram Program/Project 2… Program/Project 12 Participative ����� 8 Management Value Management Capital + Reward & Performance criteria Leadership ����� 7 Innovation Adaptability Collaboration MOC COE Responsibility chart Activity chart TQA Result-Driven Initiatives Executive support Team Dash board ����� 3 Academic Strategic ����� 1 Competencies Empower Engagement KM+ Learning Organization Asset Management Asset Capital Management ����� 7 Operating Model Capacity + Capability Effective communication MJU Architecture (Business +Information + IT ) Organizational Development Change management Core ����� 7 Value + Culture

Knowledge Agricultural Park ������� Road map UBI Knowledge Cluster ������ Networking ������ Supply chain ������������ Management ������ Integration Clustering Networking Linking Coordinating @ copyright chaiyot suntivong

Value management Change management Capital ������ ����� Stakeholders management Green U. Result Performance management Organic U. Eco. U. Mission management Value driven Mission ������ Goal driven Stakeholders ��������� Strategic driven Network driven

������� Agenda Executive Level (Strategy and Direction) Programs ������������ 1 2 3 Program Level Project 1 Transformation Roadmap (Business Operational Management) Goal Project 1 Goal 2 Dash board Project 1 Goal 3 Monitor Project Level (Program Solution and Management) Resource Allocation Manage KPI + Reward – – – Action Plan ��������� Integrated Management Team Lead + Support Empowerment Engagement Capacity building Enablers Stakeholders Network MJU Transformation Blue print to 2026 Executive support Effective governance Information Flow incentives Information Flow clear objectives IT awareness understanding technology impacts on business Mindset Responsibility Capability Practice Management. ��������� ������ Infrastructure Management. Resource Integration. Technical Support. Business Alignment SPO Strategic Program Office MOC

Dream with eyes open
Right product right place right time right price
Family time
Good deeds good thoughts good words
Good evening good afternoon
Hello good afternoon teacher
You are good when there's nothing good in me
Cómo se dice buenas tardes
The right man on the right place at the right time
Venn diagram of living and non living things
Life processes sensitivity
Think on these things
Robin and jay poem
Think family ni
Ramadan for non muslim
Thesis things fall apart
He has filled the hungry with good things
Best index fossil
Three good things
Good things come to those who wait
Things that are both good and bad
What makes a good firend
Good morning gentlemen
Excellent very good good fair poor scale
Real and apparent good
Goodmorning class
Good business means good ethics myth
Positive consumption externality
Looking good feeling good
He who finds a good wife finds a good thing
Good afternoon teachers
Good morning and welcome back
You are good you are good and your love endures
Let's be a good friends
Law is order and good law is good order
Good morning nice to see you
Good communication occurs when a
Good communication occurs when
Mips processor
Look good feel good quote
Good charlotte the young and the hopeless
War good good feeling