RICH Upgrade Simulation with RICH 1 RICH Upgrade
- Slides: 47
RICH Upgrade Simulation with RICH 1 RICH Upgrade Review S. Easo 4 -4 -2013 1
Outline • Detector options and performance criteria • Software and detector configurations used for simulation • Results from simulation performance studies • Summary 2
Detector Options and Performance Criteria Ø Current Detector Options: All options use PMTs and are with aerogel removed. (A) Two-RICH option : with current RICH 1 optics (B) Two-RICH option : with modified RICH 1 optics (1) Vertical RICH 1 geometry (2) Horizontal RICH 1 geometry (C) Single RICH option: TRIDENT with two gas radiators. All PMTs with lenses, there are different PMT array layouts. Version 1 : PMT modules with 4 X 4 and 8 sparse PMTs Version 2: PMT modules with 5 X 5, 4 X 4 and 3 X 3 PMTs Version 3: New arrangement Ø Performance Plots: § Occupancies § Single photon resolutions § Photoelectron yields § PID curves: mis. ID vs Efficiency , Efficiency vs Momentum, mis. ID vs Momentum Ø This presentation: Focus on (A) and ( B 2) From Gauss-Boole-Brunel chain 3
Simulation Configurations • Recent versions of Gauss , Boole, Brunel: • Gauss v 44 r 3 p 1, v 42 r 2 , v 42 r 0, Boole v 26 r 1, v 26 r 0 , Brunel v 44 r 1, v 44 r 0 etc. Simulation Conditions: Luminosity cm-2 s-1 Beam Energy (Te. V) Lumi 2 -S 2 x 10 32 3. 5 Lumi 10 -S 10 X 10 32 7 Lumi 20 -S 20 x 10 32 7 § Luminosity per bunch crossing ( LB) Lb n m Lumi 2 -S 0. 247 x 1030 2 1. 4 Lumi 10 -S 0. 433 x 1030 3. 9 2. 73 Lumi 20 -S 0. 749 x 1030 6. 8 4. 76 Recent news: These may need minor modifications L B= Luminosity *11. 245 k. Hz / Crossing Rate No spill over S: PMT with Super-Bialkali 4
Detector and Run Configurations Current-Optics-RICH 1 - Spherical Mirror ROC=2710 mm Vertical-Optimized-Optics-RICH 1 Spherical Mirror ROC=3800 mm and with optics tuning Vertical RICH 1 configuration Horizontal-Optimized-Optics-RICH 1 -Spherical Mirror ROC=3800 mm Horizontal RICH 1 configuration • Most plots with about 20 K signal events of Bs ff 5
PID Performance Configurations • Cherenkov threshold in RICH 1 Gas for kaons = 9. 3 Ge. V/c. Below this use veto mode: PID efficiency reduced For now, assume no detector in this momentum range. ‘Official plots’ with P > 1. 5 Ge. V/c. ( Plots with P > 9. 3 Ge. V/c in backup slides) • Plots made with different PT cuts, ‘official plots’ with PT > 0. 5 Ge. V/c • Tracks used in the 0 300 mrad polar angle. 6
Current Optics: RICH 1 Acceptance OLD NEW mm mm Particle Gun in 290 – 310 mrad mm OLD : Same detector area as that of current RICH 1 with aerogel (1920 pmts) mm NEW: Detector area 67% of OLD. (1280 pmts) Acceptance used: 300 mrad for tracks Particle Gun in 20 – 30 mrad mm Old: 12 X 5 X 2 modules, New: 8 X 5 X 2 modues 7
Current Optics: RICH 1 Resolutions Overall width= 1. 01 mrad Chromatic width= 0. 58 mrad rad Pixel Emis. Pt. width= 0. 63 mrad Single Photon resolutions with SBA PMTs. No track error included. width= 0. 61 mrad 8
RICH 2 Resolutions Overall Chromatic width= 0. 52 mrad width= 0. 32 mrad Emis. pt rad Pixel width= 0. 19 mrad width= 0. 37 mrad Single Photon resolutions with SBA PMTs. No track error included. rad 9
Current Optics : Yields Mean = 32 RICH 1 Yield RICH 2 Yield Mean = 22 Yields in the ‘good acceptace’ region (away from beam pipe). 10
RICH 1 Occupancy mm mm Lumi 2 -S: Current-Optics-RICH 1 pmt number Peak Occupancy =13 % 11
RICH 1 Occupancy mm mm Lumi 10 -S: Current-Optics-RICH 1 pmt number Peak Occupancy =22 % 12
RICH 1 Occupancy mm mm Lumi 20 -S: Current-Optics-RICH 1 pmt number Peak Occupancy =31 % 13
Number of hits per event : Current Optics Lumi 2 -S Lumi 10 -S Lumi 20 -S 14
PID Performance Lumi 2 -S Lumi 10 -S mis. ID efficiency Current-Optics-RICH 1 P> 1. 5 Ge. V/c Different colors for different Pt cuts mis. ID For ‘official’ comparison: blue plots (Pt > 0. 5 Ge. V/c) Lumi 20 -S efficiency 15
PID Performance mis. ID efficiency Current-Optics-RICH 1 P > 1. 5 Ge. V/c, Pt > 0. 5 Ge. V/c Lumi 2 -S, Lumi 10 -S, Lumi 20 -S 16
PID Performance All PID plots made with the standard software packages set up by Chris Traditional plots : Ø Efficiency and mis. ID vs Momentum for “heavy” and “light” particles. Ø Efficiency and mis. ID vs Momentum for kaons using a fixed cut : dll K > 0. 0 17
PID Performance Lumi 2 -S Momentum Me. V/c Lumi 10 -S Momentum Me. V/c RICH 1 -Current-Optics Lumi 20 -S Momentum Me. V/c 18
PID Performance Lumi 10 -S Lumi 2 -S Momentum Me. V/c RICH 1 -Current-Optics Lumi 20 -S Momentum Me. V/c 19
PID Performance Lumi 2 -S Momentum Me. V/c Lumi 10 -S Momentum Me. V/c RICH 1 -Current-Optics Lumi 20 -S Momentum Me. V/c 20
Optimized Optics: RICH 1 Ø To reduce the occupancy and improve the PID performance: ROC 2710 mm --> 3800 mm Ø Two options considered: Vertical, Horizontal Ø This presentation: Focus on the Horizontal version. At the end, PID performance compared with those from ‘Vertical Optimized Optics’ and ‘Current optics’. RICH 2 : Unchanged: 7 X 13 X 2 modules 2912 pmts Module : 16 pmts, 113. 5 mm X 113. 5 mm 21
Horizontal RICH in Panoramics Clear gap between Velo Tank and RICH 1 -Flat mirror. Top View 22
Horizontal RICH + Velo 23
Horizontal RICH 1: Acceptance Outer Edge Particle Gun: 290 310 mrad OLD: 2688 pmts New 1920 pmts 12 X 7 X 2 12 X 5 X 2 modules Region removed. Particle Gun: 20 30 mrad Inner Edge New Detector area Ratio: Horizontal Optmized/Current Optics = 12/8 = 1. 5 24
Horizontal RICH 1: Single photon Resolutions Overall Width= 0. 76 mrad Chromatic Width=0. 57 mrad Reconstructed Cherenkov angle rad Emission pt. Width=0. 39 mrad Pixel Width=0. 33 mrad Sph Mirror ROC=3800 mm, Particle gun Resolutions similar to that from Vertical RICH 1 rad 25
Horizontal RICH 1: Yields Mean=36 Yield away from beam pipe Particle gun RICH 1 26
Horizontal RICH 1: Occupancies mm mm Lumi 2 -S Reduced set of PMTs Horizontal-Optimized-RICH 1 PMT number Peak Occupancy = 9 % (approx) 27
Horizontal RICH 1: Occupancies mm mm Lumi 10 -S Reduced set of PMTs Horizontal-Optimized-RICH 1 pmt number Peak Occupancy= 16 % (approx) 28
Horizontal RICH 1: Occupancies mm mm Lumi 20 -S Reduced set of PMTs Horizontal-Optimized-RICH 1 pmt number Peak Occupancy= 22 % (approx) 29
Number of hits per event : RICH 1 -Optimized Horizontal Lumi 2 -S Lumi 10 -S Lumi 20 -S 30
RICH 1 Occupancies Peak Occupancy in % RICH 1 Optics Lumi 2 -S Lumi 10 -S Lumi 20 -S Current 13 22 31 Vertical. Optimized 8 14 19. 5 Horizontal. Optimized 9 16 22 Mean occupancy per event RICH 1 Optics Lumi 2 -S Lumi 10 -S Lumi 20 -S Current 1254 2141 2943 Verticaloptimized 1625 2749 3731 Horizontaloptimized 1772 3062 4044 31
Lumi 2 -S PID Performance Lumi 10 -S Horizontal –Optimized-Optics-RICH 1 Reduced –PMT P > 1. 5 Ge. V/c Different colors : different Pt cuts Plots for ‘official’ comparison: Blue plots Pt > 0. 5 Ge. V/c Lumi 20 -S 32
PID Performance mis-ID Horizontal-Optimized-Optics-RICH 1 Reduced-PMT P > 1. 5 Ge. V/c, Pt > 0. 5 Ge. V/c Lumi 2 -S, Lumi 10 -S, Lumi 20 -S efficiency 33
PID Performance Lumi 2 -S Lumi 10 -S Vertical –Optimized-Optics-RICH 1 Reduced –PMT P > 1. 5 Ge. V/c Different colors : different Pt cuts Plots for ‘official’ comparison: Blue plots Pt > 0. 5 Ge. V/c Lumi 20 -S 34
PID Performance Vertical-Optimized-Optics-RICH 1 Reduced-PMT P > 1. 5 Ge. V/c, Pt > 0. 5 Ge. V/c Lumi 2 -S, Lumi 10 -S, Lumi 20 -S 35
PID Performance Comparison mis. ID efficiency P > 1. 5 Ge. V/c, Pt > 0. 5 Ge. V/c Current-Optics: Black: Lumi 2, Blue: Lumi 10, Red: Lumi 20 Vertical-Optimized-Optics: Green: Lumi 20 Horizontal-Optimized-Optics: Magenta: Lumi 20 36
PID Performance Lumi 10 -S Lumi 2 -S Momentum Me. V/c Horizontal- Optimized-RICH 1 Lumi 20 -S Momentum Me. V/c 37
PID Performance Lumi 10 -S Momentum Me. V/c Lumi 2 -S Momentum Me. V/c Horizontal- Optimized-RICH 1 Lumi 20 -S Momentum Me. V/c 38
PID Performance Lumi 10 -S Lumi 2 -S Momentum Me. V/c Horizontal- Optimized-RICH 1 Kaon ID with dll K > 0. 0 Lumi 20 -S Momentum Me. V/c 39
Software Status § Full chain Gauss-Boole-Brunel used for simulation productions in LHCb with the Current optics. § The horizontal ( and possibly the vertical) optimized versions to be integrated for productions § Brunel recently modified to work with the Horizontal configuration. As a DIY project with a help-line from the expert. § Conversion of Brunel to use with single RICH: More in-depth changes needed 40
Summary Ø Simulation performance of two of the RICH upgrade options are evaluated. Ø The optimized RICH 1 configurations offer a better PID performance compared to the current RICH 1 optics for the upgrade conditions. Ø Further optimizations being considered 41
Lumi 2 -S PID performance Lumi 10 -S Me. V/c Kaon efficiency and Pion mis-ID Vs. Momentum Horizontal-Optimized-Optics-RICH 1 Reduced-PMT P > 1. 5 Ge. V/c, Pt > 0. 5 Ge. V/c Dll K > 4. 0 Lumi 20 -S Me. V/c 43
Lumi 2 -S PID Performance Lumi 10 -S Horizontal –Optimized-Optics-RICH 1 Reduced –PMT P > 9. 3 Ge. V/c (No ‘veto mode’ used) Different colors for different Pt cuts Lumi 20 -S 44
PID Performance Lumi 2 -S Lumi 10 -S Current-Optics-RICH 1 P> 9. 3 Ge. V/c (no veto-mode used) Different colors for different Pt cuts Lumi 20 -S 45
Typical PID Performance in Real Data: using HPDs 2011 data From Andrew Powell 26 -11 -2012 data May not be the same conditions used for tracks in the MC plots. 47
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