Review Activity Forensic Entomology Directions You can do
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Review Activity: Forensic Entomology
Directions ● You can do this activity by yourself or partner up with one or two others. ● Get out a sheet of notebook paper and keep track of the question number, your answers and whether you get them right or not as you go - Don’t worry if you get a bunch wrong. Your score on this won’t affect your grade but I will give you participation points. ● When you are done, turn in your work.
Important!! View in present mode. I have it set up so the answers will appear when you click. If you aren’t in present mode, you will see the question and the answer side by side……. . that might make it easy for you to get it right, but how useful will that be to help you study?
Question 1 Calliphora vomitoria is the scientific name for a bottle fly. What is the genus name? Answer: Calliphora (vomitoria is the species name)
Question 2 A forensic entomologist would be involved in analyzing what evidence? Answer: Insect Evidence
Question 3 What is an instar? Answer: A larval stage of development - a maggot
Question 4 What makes an insect? Be specific about body parts and number of legs. Answer: Insects have 3 body parts and 6 legs
Question 5 What stage instar is pictured to the right? Answer: 3 rd instar - note that each spiracle has three spiracle slits.
Question 6 How many insect larva should you collect from a corpse? Answer: 50 - 100
Question 7 List three rates that affect how quickly insects go through metamorphosis Answer: Temperature, presence of drugs, and presence of other species
Question 8 List the levels of classification from most general to most specific. Answer: Domain (I am okay if you forgot this one) Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
Question 9 Cochliomyia hominivorax is the scientific name for the screw worm fly. What species is this fly in? Answer: hominovorax
Question 10 What is the order for flies? Answer: Diptera
Question 11 What is the order for the beetles? Answer: Coleoptera
Question 12 Give an example of a Lepidoptera. Answer: Butterfly or Moth - Did the picture make it easy?
Question 13 If you found a corpse and noticed maggots all over the stomach, what would that suggest? Answer: It would suggests that there was a wound on the stomach
Question 14 What does PMI stand for? Answer: Post Mortem Interval
Question 15 What is the ADH formula? ACCUMULATED DEGREE HOUR Answer: ADH = Temp x Time
Question 16 At 72 F, an insect goes from egg to adult in a certain amount of time. Would you expect this to take more or less time if it is colder? Answer: It would take more time.
Question 17 - use the table below a. How many total hours does it take to develop from egg to adult at 21 C? b. How many days and hours is this? c. How many ADH’s does it take to go from 1 st to 2 nd Instar at 21 C? d. How many total ADH’s does it take to go through the whole cycle? e. Suppose you find a body on May 20 th at 8 pm and you collect 2 nd Instar maggots but no pupa. The average temperature over the last few weeks was 18 C. How long ago did the person die? a. 345 hours b. 14 days and 9 hours c. 567 ADH’s Stage Time at 21 C Egg to 1 st Instar 23 hours 1 st to 2 nd Instar 27 hours 2 nd to 3 rd Instar 22 hours 3 rd Instar to Pupa 130 hours Pupa to Adult 143 hours d. 7245 ADH’s e. May 18 th at 10 am
Question 18 In order, what are the four stages of cadaver death? Answer: Fresh, Bloated, Decay, Dry
Question 19 After maggots are done feeding, about how much tissue mass remains? This is a blow fly mouth. See the hooks? Answer: About 10% remains
Question 20 What is oviposition? Answer: When (in time) the egg was laid by the fly
Question 21 Use the dichotomous key to the right. What is the scientific name for the dum lollipops pictured in the middle? Answer: Moronus moronus
Question 22 What does it mean to say insects are ectothermic? Answer: Ectothermic means cold blooded.
Question 23 A corpse is found in the city. When the maggots are identified, it turns out they are from a species known to only live in the country. What does this suggest? Answer: The corpse spent some time in the country before being moved to the city.
Question 24 What animal is most often used in decomposition studies as a model for humans? Answer: Pigs – They have about the same amount of hair and are of similar size.
Question 25 Using blow fly larva, you estimate time of death at 15 days. Then, the toxicology report comes and tells you that the victim had glycosides present in the body. How does the effect your estimate? Answer: You would subtract 2 -3 days because glycosides speed up development. Time of death would be 12 -13 days ago, not 15.
Question 26 Do all drugs speed up insect life cycles? Answer: No – some drugs slow the cycle down.
Question 27 Using fly larva, you estimate time of death at 5 days. Then, you are informed the body was wrapped in a blanket. How will this change your estimate? Answer: The body has been dead more than 5 days. You need to add some time because it took the flies a bit to get to the body to lay eggs.
Question 28 Maggots breathe through what body part? Answer: They breathe through their spiracles. What instar is this? 3 rd, right?
Question 29 What are three accurate weather sources to figure out temperatures? Answer: NOAA, Military Sources, Agricultural Sources
Question 30 Insects are in the animal kingdom. What phylum are they in? Answer: Arthropod
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