RespectWLD Respect Learning Respect Students Respect Staff Respect

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Respect@WLD Respect Learning Respect Students Respect Staff Respect the Community Respect your Environment Respect

Respect@WLD Respect Learning Respect Students Respect Staff Respect the Community Respect your Environment Respect Yourself

BASICS@WLD • On time for lessons, respect for learning. • Perfect uniform in every

BASICS@WLD • On time for lessons, respect for learning. • Perfect uniform in every lesson. • Come in quietly. Sit down in your correct seat. • Equipment out – pen, pencil, ruler, planner and homework. • Starter activity – no wasted time. • Silent learning, listening to instructions. • Quiet signal - quiet if the teacher raises their hand • Put your hand up if you have a question. • Uniform correct before leaving the lesson. • End of the lesson, stand behind your chair and wait to be dismissed for an orderly exit.

Form Time Programme Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Blue Equipment & Thought for the Word

Form Time Programme Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Blue Equipment & Thought for the Word of the Week – PSHE Week Planner and Classcharts Learn it Challenge Assembly Indigo Equipment & Thought for the Word of the Week – PSHE Week Planner and Classcharts Assembly Learn it Challenge Red Equipment & Thought for the Word of the Week – PSHE Week Assembly Planner and Classcharts Learn it Challenge Yellow 7 Planner and Classcharts Assembly Tuesday Assembly Equipment & Thought for the Word of the Week – PSHE Week Planner and Classcharts Learn it Challenge

New D Block Student Support Area �Lots of lovely staff have moved to the

New D Block Student Support Area �Lots of lovely staff have moved to the old D 2 room. �This is so that we can have the lovely pastoral, attendance and learning support staff all together. Which is nice! �Mr Howarth’s office in now there. �Mrs Carrigan & Ms Shaw’s new attendance office is there. �Mrs Walmsley or Mrs Crook will be there every break and lunch to help you. �Miss Bailey & the other Progress co-ordinators are based there. �If you’re ill or need first aid come to D 2.

PSHE Thought for the Week Democracy Core Theme – Living in The Wider World

PSHE Thought for the Week Democracy Core Theme – Living in The Wider World Fundamental British Values

What is Democracy? Democracy comes from two Greek words Dêmos means people, Krátos means

What is Democracy? Democracy comes from two Greek words Dêmos means people, Krátos means rule or strength. So, democracy means ‘rule by the people’.

Who rules the UK?

Who rules the UK?

But what does that mean? Does everybody rule at the same time? How can

But what does that mean? Does everybody rule at the same time? How can we make decisions that everyone agrees with? I Disagree! Yes! I have a better idea Rubbish! NO!

If everyone was in charge it could be difficult to get anything done. So

If everyone was in charge it could be difficult to get anything done. So instead we hold a general election to choose people who can represent us. The people who we elect are called Members of Parliament or MPs. Their job is to listen to us and then speak on our behalf. Do you know when the next General Election is? Can you discuss this with the rest of your form NEXT WEEK – WHAT IS A GENERAL ELECTION AND WHY DO WE HAVE THEM?

And For A Bit Of History https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=lrlrhdbhxe

And For A Bit Of History https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=lrlrhdbhxe

Week thirteen: 1 st December 2019 Definition: 1. the conclusion that can be drawn

Week thirteen: 1 st December 2019 Definition: 1. the conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated. 2. the action or state of being involved in Examples: something. 1. The implications of not revising properly were clear. 2. Going without lunch, can have negative implications Plural noun Etymology: Latin: implicare Latin: implicatio English: implicate Mid-17 th century Synonyms: Suggestion Inference Hint Intimation

Discuss and give an example. Think of a situation where there may be implications.

Discuss and give an example. Think of a situation where there may be implications. Talk it through: ……………. identified the key implications of… The parameters of … made it harder because… implications The action or state of being involved in something.

Learn it! Learn It! q. Add the word to the back of your planners.

Learn it! Learn It! q. Add the word to the back of your planners. q. Practise spelling it – verbally with a partner. q. Tell your partner a sentence using the word. q. Remind yourselves of our examples from earlier in the week. Try and use this word in at least one lesson this week!

Wow! Look how committed your teachers are to you. They provide approximately 47 hours

Wow! Look how committed your teachers are to you. They provide approximately 47 hours of extra-curricular activities per week. Show your commitment to them – get involved!