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RESOURCE 13: DESIGN SKETCHING USING FREEHAND TWO-POINT PERSPECTIVE JUNIOR CYCLE GRAPHICS STRAND: 3 D Graphics ELEMENT: Spatial Reasoning, Design Thinking, Communicating, Geometric Principles & Constructions LEARNING OUTCOMES: 2. 2, 2. 3, 2. 7, 2. 8, 2. 10 & 2. 13 RATIONALE Equipment Drawing Board, H/2 B Pencil & Masking tape All freehand Step 1: Set up and line out page as per specification Step 2: Locate horizon line containing vanishing points 1/2 (VP 1/VP 2) on the page Step 3: Create a perspective cube sketch on the upper side of the horizon line by firstly creating the front edge line. Join the top and bottom of the front edge line to both VP 1 and VP 2. Keep generating the surfaces from here ensuring that points are projected back to VP 1 and VP 2. Step 4: Shade, render or colour the surfaces appropriately and define boundary lines to complete Step 5: Create a perspective concrete block sketch on the lower side of the horizon line by firstly creating the front edge line. Join the top and bottom of the front edge line to both VP 1 and VP 2. Keep generating the surfaces from here ensuring that points are projected back to VP 1 and VP 2. Step 6: Shade, render or colour the surfaces appropriately and define boundary lines to complete MATHS LINK The first known picture to make use of linear perspective was created by the Florentine ART LINK architect Fillipo Brunelleshi (1377 -1446) ‘Time for a Little Perspective on Things’ Perspective is the art and mathematics of realistically depicting three-dimensional objects on a twodimensional plane LEARNING TRACKER VP 1 A Useful Design Sketching Technique JC KEY SKILLS BEING CREATIVE, BEING LITERATE, BEING NUMERATE, COMMUNICATING & MANAGING MYSELF KEY SKILL ELEMENTS EXPLORING OPTIONS & ALTERNATIVES, EXPRESSING IDEAS CLEARLY & ACCURATELY, EXPRESSING IDEAS MATHEMATICALLY, USING LANGUAGE AND SETTING & ACHIEVING PERSONAL GOALS STATEMENTS OF LEARNING SOL 15 AND SOL 21 LEARNING OUTCOMES 2. 2, 2. 3, 2. 7, 2. 8, 2. 10 & 2. 13 ACTION VERBS ILLUSTRATE, DEMONSTRATE, RECOGNISE, APPRECIATE, CREATE, DEVELOP & COMMUNICATE VP 2 WHAT ARE VANISHING POINTS? KEY QUESTIONS HOW DO WE USE VANISHING LINES TO CREATE DESIRED SHAPES? WHY WOULD WE USE THIS SKETCHING TECHNIQUE AS OPPOSED TO OTHERS, FOR EXAMPLE ISOMETRIC? 3 THINGS I LEARNED – WRITE IT ON THE PAGE 3 -2 -1 STUDENT REFLECTION 2 THINGS I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT – WRITE IT ON THE PAGE 1 QUESTION I STILL HAVE – WRITE IT ON THE PAGE TECHNOLOGIES LINK Perspective sketching is a commonly used technique in the design stage of product/project development. If you’re doing a practical subject that requires graphical design sketching then give this effective method a go! JUNIOR CYCLE GRAPHICS SCOILNET PDST JOE LYSTER 2019/20