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TARGET AUDIENCE • The radio drama is focusing on mainly teenagers ages 16 and

TARGET AUDIENCE • The radio drama is focusing on mainly teenagers ages 16 and upwards. Due to the age range the drama is focusing on I have decided to place characters that are similar ages to my audience within the radio drama • I also decided to generalise the genders that I am targeting towards , which is expands the amount of listeners I have for my radio drama. • I have targeted the drama to people that live in London, the drama contains informal language, which is constantly used by teenagers in London, which is something most people from different cities may not understand.

PRIMARY RESEARCH In order for me to create the pie charts I questioned students

PRIMARY RESEARCH In order for me to create the pie charts I questioned students within the college as well as my community. I also wanted to know what genre my target audience would be interested in in which is why , I looked into the genre that had the most votes. Lastly, I questioned people about how much they listen to the radio, fewer people listen to the radio, aged 14 - 17 Radio listeners Ages of people asked Genre 13% 10% 26% 38% 43% 25% 65% 43% 36% Daily Weekly Montly Supernatural Crime Historical Action 14 -15 15 -16 17+

SECONDARY RESEARCH • I looked into how many people listen to the radio and

SECONDARY RESEARCH • I looked into how many people listen to the radio and where they listen to it, this research gives me an insight in the radio industry. • People mainly listen the radio within their own home. • I also looked into the amount of people that tune in every week on digital radio, which is how young people may access my radio drama.

SECONDARY RESEARCH ENFIELD POLTERGEIST The Enfield Poltergeist is the name given to the claims

SECONDARY RESEARCH ENFIELD POLTERGEIST The Enfield Poltergeist is the name given to the claims of poltergeist activity at 284, Green Street, a council house in Brimsdown, Enfield, England from 1977 to 1979 involving two sisters, ages 11 and 13. Some members of the Society for Psychical Research such as inventor Maurice Grosse and writer Guy Lyon Playfair believed the haunting to be genuine, while others such as Anita Gregory and John Beloff were "unconvinced" and found evidence the girls had faked incidents for the benefit of reporters. In August 1977, single parent Peggy Hodgson called police to her rented home in Enfield after two of her four children claimed that furniture was moving and knocking sounds were heard on walls. The children included Margaret, age 14, Janet, age 11, Johnny, age 10 and Billy, age 7. A police constable said that she saw a chair slide on the floor and "was convinced that nobody there had touched it“ Source : www. dailymail. co. uk

SECONDARY RESEARCH ENFIELD POLTERGEIST Eventually, years later the media drifted away from the story

SECONDARY RESEARCH ENFIELD POLTERGEIST Eventually, years later the media drifted away from the story of Janet’s haunted home. Asked whether she believes the house is still haunted, she says: ‘Years later, when Mum was alive, there was always a presence there — something watching over you. 'As long as people don’t meddle the way we did with Ouija boards, it is quite settled. It is a lot calmer than when I was a child. It is at rest, but will always be there. ’ The radio drama will focus on teens that enter an empty house which is it what they assumed it would be , which is why I am looking into the Enfield poltergeist, it correlates with the genre I will use for my drama. Source: www. dailymail. co. uk