Rendering Pipeline 3 D Polygon Rendering n Many

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Rendering Pipeline

Rendering Pipeline

3 D Polygon Rendering n Many applications use rendering of 3 D polygons with

3 D Polygon Rendering n Many applications use rendering of 3 D polygons with direct illumination 2

3 D Rendering Pipeline 3 D Geometric Primitives Modeling Transformation Lighting Viewing Transformation Projection

3 D Rendering Pipeline 3 D Geometric Primitives Modeling Transformation Lighting Viewing Transformation Projection Transformation Clipping This is a pipelined sequence of operations to draw a 3 D primitive into a 2 D image (this pipeline applies only for direct illumination) Scan Conversion Image 3

Example: Open. GL Modeling Transformation Viewing Transformation Lighting & Texturing gl. Begin(GL_POLYGON); gl. Vertex

Example: Open. GL Modeling Transformation Viewing Transformation Lighting & Texturing gl. Begin(GL_POLYGON); gl. Vertex 3 f(0. 0, 0. 0); gl. Vertex 3 f(1. 0, 1. 0); gl. Vertex 3 f(0. 0, 1. 0); gl. End(); Projection Transformation Clipping Scan Conversion Image Open. GL executes steps of 3 D rendering pipeline for each polygon 4

3 D Rendering Pipeline 3 D Geometric Primitives Modeling Transformation Transform into 3 D

3 D Rendering Pipeline 3 D Geometric Primitives Modeling Transformation Transform into 3 D world coordinate system Viewing Transformation Lighting & Texturing Projection Transformation Clipping Scan Conversion Image 5

3 D Rendering Pipeline 3 D Geometric Primitives Modeling Transformation Transform into 3 D

3 D Rendering Pipeline 3 D Geometric Primitives Modeling Transformation Transform into 3 D world coordinate system Viewing Transformation Transform into 3 D camera coordinate system Done with modeling transformation Lighting & Texturing Projection Transformation Clipping Scan Conversion Image 6

3 D Rendering Pipeline 3 D Geometric Primitives Modeling Transformation Transform into 3 D

3 D Rendering Pipeline 3 D Geometric Primitives Modeling Transformation Transform into 3 D world coordinate system Viewing Transformation Transform into 3 D camera coordinate system Done with modeling transformation Lighting & Texturing Illuminate according to lighting and reflectance Apply texture maps Projection Transformation Clipping Scan Conversion Image 7

3 D Rendering Pipeline 3 D Geometric Primitives Modeling Transformation Transform into 3 D

3 D Rendering Pipeline 3 D Geometric Primitives Modeling Transformation Transform into 3 D world coordinate system Viewing Transformation Transform into 3 D camera coordinate system Done with modeling transformation Lighting & Texturing Projection Transformation Illuminate according to lighting and reflectance Apply texture maps Transform into 2 D screen coordinate system Clipping Scan Conversion Image 8

3 D Rendering Pipeline 3 D Geometric Primitives Modeling Transformation Transform into 3 D

3 D Rendering Pipeline 3 D Geometric Primitives Modeling Transformation Transform into 3 D world coordinate system Viewing Transformation Transform into 3 D camera coordinate system Done with modeling transformation Lighting & Texturing Projection Transformation Clipping Illuminate according to lighting and reflectance Apply texture maps Transform into 2 D screen coordinate system Clip primitives outside camera’s view Scan Conversion Image 9

3 D Rendering Pipeline 3 D Geometric Primitives Modeling Transformation Transform into 3 D

3 D Rendering Pipeline 3 D Geometric Primitives Modeling Transformation Transform into 3 D world coordinate system Viewing Transformation Transform into 3 D camera coordinate system Done with modeling transformation Lighting & Texturing Projection Transformation Clipping Scan Conversion Image Illuminate according to lighting and reflectance Apply texture maps Transform into 2 D screen coordinate system Clip primitives outside camera’s view Draw pixels (includes texturing, hidden surface, . . . ) 10

Camera Coordinates n Canonical coordinate system n n Convention is right-handed (looking down -z

Camera Coordinates n Canonical coordinate system n n Convention is right-handed (looking down -z axis) Convenient for projection, clipping, etc. Camera up vector maps to Y axis y Camera back vector maps to Z axis (pointing out of screen) Camera right vector maps to X axis z x 11

Viewing Transformation n Mapping from world to camera coordinates n n Eye position maps

Viewing Transformation n Mapping from world to camera coordinates n n Eye position maps to origin Right vector maps to X axis Up vector maps to Y axis Back vector maps to Z axis z up back right View plane Camera y x World 12

Viewing Transformations p(x, y, z) 3 D Object Coordinates Modeling Transformation 3 D World

Viewing Transformations p(x, y, z) 3 D Object Coordinates Modeling Transformation 3 D World Coordinates Viewing Transformation 3 D Camera Coordinates Viewing Transformations Projection Transformation 2 D Screen Coordinates Window-to-Viewport Transformation 2 D Image Coordinates p’(x’, y’) 13

Projection n General definition: n n In computer graphics: n n Transform points in

Projection n General definition: n n In computer graphics: n n Transform points in n-space to m-space (m<n) Map 3 D camera coordinates to 2 D screen coordinates For perspective transformations, no two “rays” are parallel to each other 14

Taxonomy of Projections 15

Taxonomy of Projections 15

Parallel Projection n Center of projection is at infinity n Direction of projection (DOP)

Parallel Projection n Center of projection is at infinity n Direction of projection (DOP) same for all points DOP View Plane 16

Orthographic Projections n DOP perpendicular to view plane Front Top Side 17

Orthographic Projections n DOP perpendicular to view plane Front Top Side 17

Oblique Projections n DOP not perpendicular to view plane Cavalier o (DOP = 45

Oblique Projections n DOP not perpendicular to view plane Cavalier o (DOP = 45 ) Cabinet o (DOP = 63. 4 ) 18

Parallel Projection View Volume 19

Parallel Projection View Volume 19

Parallel Projection Matrix n General parallel projection transformation: 20

Parallel Projection Matrix n General parallel projection transformation: 20

Taxonomy of Projections 21

Taxonomy of Projections 21

Perspective Projection oj ec to rs Map points onto “view plane” along “projectors” emanating

Perspective Projection oj ec to rs Map points onto “view plane” along “projectors” emanating from “center of projection” (COP) Pr n Center of Projection View Plane 22

Perspective Projection n How many vanishing points? 3 -Point Perspective n 2 -Point Perspective

Perspective Projection n How many vanishing points? 3 -Point Perspective n 2 -Point Perspective 1 -Point Perspective The difference is how many of the three principle directions are parallel/orthogonal to the projection plane 23

Perspective Projection View Volume View Plane 24

Perspective Projection View Volume View Plane 24

Camera to Screen n n Remember: Object Camera Screen Just like raytracer n n

Camera to Screen n n Remember: Object Camera Screen Just like raytracer n n “screen” is the z=d plane for some constant d Origin of screen coordinates is (0, 0, d) Its x and y axes are parallel to the x and y axes of the eye coordinate system All these coordinates are in camera space now 25

Overhead View of Our Screen Yeah, similar triangles! 26

Overhead View of Our Screen Yeah, similar triangles! 26

The Perspective Matrix n n n This “division by z” can be accomplished by

The Perspective Matrix n n n This “division by z” can be accomplished by a 4 x 4 matrix too! What happens to the point (x, y, z, 1)? What point coordinates? is this in non-homogeneous 27

Taxonomy of Projections 28

Taxonomy of Projections 28

Perspective vs. Parallel n Perspective projection + – – n Size varies inversely with

Perspective vs. Parallel n Perspective projection + – – n Size varies inversely with distance - looks realistic Distance and angles are not (in general) preserved Parallel lines do not (in general) remain parallel Parallel projection + + – – Good for exact measurements Parallel lines remain parallel Angles are not (in general) preserved Less realistic looking 29

Classical Projections 30

Classical Projections 30

Viewing in Open. GL n n n Open. GL has multiple matrix stacks –

Viewing in Open. GL n n n Open. GL has multiple matrix stacks – transformation functions right-multiply the top of the stack Two most important stacks: GL_MODELVIEW and GL_PROJECTION Points get multiplied by the modelview matrix first, and then the projection matrix GL_MODELVIEW: Object->Camera GL_PROJECTION: Camera->Screen gl. Viewport(0, 0, w, h): Screen->Device 31

Summary n Camera transformation n Map 3 D world coordinates to 3 D camera

Summary n Camera transformation n Map 3 D world coordinates to 3 D camera coordinates Matrix has camera vectors as columns Projection transformation n n Map 3 D camera coordinates to 2 D screen coordinates Two types of projections: n n Parallel Perspective 32