Relationships Lesson 1 Healthy vs Unhealthy https youtu

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Relationships Lesson 1 Healthy vs Unhealthy https: //youtu. be/jxgk. NSOdlp 4

Relationships Lesson 1 Healthy vs Unhealthy https: //youtu. be/jxgk. NSOdlp 4

What is the definition of Relationship? �Connections that people have with each other �

What is the definition of Relationship? �Connections that people have with each other � 4 types. What are they? ? �Friendships �Family Relationship…. . �Romantic Relationships �Professional Relationships ( work)

Family Relationships �Nuclear- A Family in which a mother, a father, and one or

Family Relationships �Nuclear- A Family in which a mother, a father, and one or more children live together �Couple Family- consists of only the husband wife living at home. ( or partners) �Adoptive Family- when a couple takes in and raises a child who is not of their kin.

Continue Family Relationships… �Extended Family- Relatives who are not part of the nuclear family

Continue Family Relationships… �Extended Family- Relatives who are not part of the nuclear family but who live in the same home. �Foster Family- When adults who are licensed by the state our county provide temporary home for children. �Single- Parent Family- a family in which only one parent lives with the family.

Continue Family Relationships… �Blended Family- a family that results when divorced parents remarry. The

Continue Family Relationships… �Blended Family- a family that results when divorced parents remarry. The parents and their respective children from previous marriage live in the home together.

Functions of a Family �Provide basic physical needs. Such as ? ? �Provide Emotional

Functions of a Family �Provide basic physical needs. Such as ? ? �Provide Emotional Support. Such as ? ? �Provide structure for our lives. Such as? ?

Inspiriting Relationships �A relationship that lifts the spirit and contributes to a sense of

Inspiriting Relationships �A relationship that lifts the spirit and contributes to a sense of well-being. �It makes you feel : �Worthy, connected, content, optimistic, energized, passionate, and composed.

Dispiriting Relationships �Relationships that depress the spirit and have a lack of well-being. �They

Dispiriting Relationships �Relationships that depress the spirit and have a lack of well-being. �They make you feel: �Worthless, lonely, hopeless, depressed, bored, anxious, distracted, unhappy and frustrated.

Toxic People https: //youtu. be/w. Pwck 0 EQkgs

Toxic People https: //youtu. be/w. Pwck 0 EQkgs

Spirit – Relationship Continuum �Worksheet

Spirit – Relationship Continuum �Worksheet

Lesson 2 �Healthful Relationships – Relationships that promote self-respect, encourage productivity and health, and

Lesson 2 �Healthful Relationships – Relationships that promote self-respect, encourage productivity and health, and are free of addictions and violence. �Examples: supportive. Encouraging, motivating, and

Harmful Relationships �Relationships that destroy self-respect, interfere with productivity and health, and may include

Harmful Relationships �Relationships that destroy self-respect, interfere with productivity and health, and may include addictions or violence. �Examples: Disrespecting each other, and encourages harmful behaviors

Ten Skills/ Profiles of Healthful Relationships �Ten Skills Powerpoint

Ten Skills/ Profiles of Healthful Relationships �Ten Skills Powerpoint

Lesson 3 - Harmful Relationships �What is a Harmful Relationship? ? ? �Myth /

Lesson 3 - Harmful Relationships �What is a Harmful Relationship? ? ? �Myth / Truth Chart

14 Relationships you may see in your life…. �Co-Dependent �Independent �Dominating �Rebound �Open �Working

14 Relationships you may see in your life…. �Co-Dependent �Independent �Dominating �Rebound �Open �Working Hard �Toxic �Temporary �Basically friends * Purely Physical * Prize Possession * Good on Paper * Long Distance * Emotional Affair

14 Harmful See Definition Sheet

14 Harmful See Definition Sheet

How do you leave an Abusive Relationship? ? https: //youtu. be/lw. Nr 0 e.

How do you leave an Abusive Relationship? ? https: //youtu. be/lw. Nr 0 e. Qmmu. I

VOCAB �Abuse- harmful treatment of another person �Physical Abuse- harmful treatment that results in

VOCAB �Abuse- harmful treatment of another person �Physical Abuse- harmful treatment that results in physical injury to the victim. �Emotional Abuse- “ Putting down” another person making the person feel worthless. �Neglect- failure to provide proper care and guidance.

Good Couples? ? ? Let see…. �https: //youtu. be/rh. Qo 58 Qn. GAA

Good Couples? ? ? Let see…. �https: //youtu. be/rh. Qo 58 Qn. GAA

Sexual Harassment Social Experiment �https: //youtu. be/9 ucc. Ex. OPMr. I

Sexual Harassment Social Experiment �https: //youtu. be/9 ucc. Ex. OPMr. I

Dr. Phil’s Video Clip on Abuse �https: //youtu. be/Rn. BFLkg. Dek. Q

Dr. Phil’s Video Clip on Abuse �https: //youtu. be/Rn. BFLkg. Dek. Q

Child Neglect �https: //youtu. be/P_IBGS 1 FQw 4

Child Neglect �https: //youtu. be/P_IBGS 1 FQw 4

� 1. Abuse � 2. Incest � 3. Pornography 10. Prostitution 11. Exhibitionism 12.

� 1. Abuse � 2. Incest � 3. Pornography 10. Prostitution 11. Exhibitionism 12. Prostitutes � 4. Sexual Abuse 13. sexual addiction � 5. Physical Abuse 14. Voyeurism � 6. Neglect 15. Paraphilias � 7. Sexual harassment � 8. Stalking � 9. Emotional Abuse

3 Articles �Which Story is Physical Abuse? ? �Which Story is Emotional Abuse? ?

3 Articles �Which Story is Physical Abuse? ? �Which Story is Emotional Abuse? ? �Which Story is Neglect? ?

Breast Cancer Awareness https: //youtu. be/h. Sm 9 Pjgq. W 80

Breast Cancer Awareness https: //youtu. be/h. Sm 9 Pjgq. W 80

Sexual harrassement on US campuses �https: //youtu. be/cd 44 NOhzgb 8

Sexual harrassement on US campuses �https: //youtu. be/cd 44 NOhzgb 8