Red Cross Mission and Red Cross Youth The

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Red Cross Mission and Red Cross Youth

Red Cross Mission and Red Cross Youth

The Principle of Humanity 人道原則 The Paramount Principle – Conveying the goal of the

The Principle of Humanity 人道原則 The Paramount Principle – Conveying the goal of the Movement and the heart of our beliefs Key elements: – To prevent and alleviate suffering – To protect life and health – To assure respect for the individual

4 Levels of Implementing Humanity (K M’s analysis) 1. Inter Arma Caritas 2. 3.

4 Levels of Implementing Humanity (K M’s analysis) 1. Inter Arma Caritas 2. 3. 4. 戰爭中施予仁慈 Save life and alleviate suffering 拯救生命,減輕痛苦 People helping people 人類互相扶持 Develop human potential 發展潛能,豐盛人生

Essence of Red Cross Services A passion for “LIFE” Relieve “Suffering”, esp unnecessary suffering

Essence of Red Cross Services A passion for “LIFE” Relieve “Suffering”, esp unnecessary suffering Help the “Most Vulnerable” and the deprived Non-discrimination – The spirit of people helping people/active goodwill to mankind Action-focused!

2 Key Policy Documents endorsed by the HKRC Council Mission Statement 使命宣言 Core Service

2 Key Policy Documents endorsed by the HKRC Council Mission Statement 使命宣言 Core Service Elements 核心服務元素: – Protect human life 保護生命 – Care for the health of the vulnerable 關懷傷困 – Respect human dignity 維護尊嚴

Core Service Elements (CSEs)? What constitutes the unique character of HKRC services Common language

Core Service Elements (CSEs)? What constitutes the unique character of HKRC services Common language for communicating on Red Cross value Explain the humanitarian concept in layman terms

CSE (1): Protect Human Life 保護生命 Origin of the Movement and foundation of the

CSE (1): Protect Human Life 保護生命 Origin of the Movement and foundation of the Principle of Humanity Deliberate effort to save life, or to remove factors threatening life No distinction of the recipients’ background e. g. blood, disaster relief, first aid

CSE 2: Care for the Health of the Vulnerable 關懷傷困 Extension of the concern

CSE 2: Care for the Health of the Vulnerable 關懷傷困 Extension of the concern for life, but more targetspecific Direct care Highlight the priority group: Vulnerable Focus of concern: health conditions in distress e. g. care for AIDS patients, education for people under health threats

CSE 3: Respect Human Dignity 維護尊嚴 The belief behind humanitarianism Particular concern for those

CSE 3: Respect Human Dignity 維護尊嚴 The belief behind humanitarianism Particular concern for those whose dignity has been deprived Stress on actions of advocacy, and actions to remove deprivation conditions e. g. IHL, visiting detainees