Rebirth of Music The Renaissance Time Period The
“Rebirth” of Music The Renaissance Time Period
The Decline of Sacred Music �Music before the Renaissance centered around the church. �Sacred Music= music composed or performed in or for the church. �Music began to stray away from the church creating another culture of music
Josquin Desprez (c. 1440 -1521) �Important Renaissance Composer �Composed music for the Catholic Church �Composed mainly Masses �Created the “Cantus Firmus Mass” Meaning using the same music for all parts of the mass.
Giovanni Gabrieli (c. 1555 -1612) �Was the first composer to introduce instruments to the church service. �Instruments used were the trumpet, trombone, and tuba-like instruments. �Wrote exclusively for instruments.
The Rise of Secular Music �Secular music= music composed for performance outside of the church. �This music was performed on the streets. �The reformation of the church sent many people away. Causing less emphasis on church rules for living.
Thomas Morley (1557 -1602) �Most influential secular composer �Brittish �Composed mainly music for voice.
Culture ▪ This era saw an end to the absolute authority of the medieval Church and an explosive growth in secular art. ▪ The Renaissance era was shaped by several social and intellectual movements and events. ▪ Humanism was the dominant intellectual movement of the Renaissance, emphasizing human life and accomplishments rather than religious doctrine and the afterlife.
Culture Cont. ▪ The Protestant Reformation profoundly shook the power of the Catholic Church. ▪ The invention of the printing press made possible the broader dissemination of knowledge. ▪ Visual art showed new clarity and perspective. ▪ Renaissance musical composers sought to recapture the classical Greek ideal of music: both secular and religious composers sought to create more expressive, meaningful music.
General Musical Aspects �The Renaissance saw much experimentation with new tunings, harmonic structures, and notational techniques. Renaissance composers adopted the Greek view of music as a sonic manifestation of the "order" of the cosmos. �The science of harmony began to evolve during the Renaissance. �Composed homophony- “harmonized melody” -appeared for the first time.
General Musical Aspects Cont. �Polyphony- two or more completely separate parts being performed at the same time. �Motet- twelve independent vocal parts being sung at the same time.
Purposes of Music �All music fits into three categories of music. �Music may fit into more than one category.
Recreational �Music created or performed for fun or relaxation. �This is the most common type of music we hear today. �Ex. - Anything on the radio, dance music, popular music.
Ceremonial �Music created or performed for the purpose of a ceremony. �Ex. - Wedding music, Church Hymns
Artistic Expression �Music created or performed to express the composers or performers feelings. �Ex. - Jazz Improvisation, “Classical Music”
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