RAINBOW o red orange yellow green blue darkblue

RAINBOW • • каждый oхотник желает знать где сидит фазан red orange yellow green blue dark-blue violet

MULTI – COLOURS It’s red. It’s orange. It’s yellow. It’s green. РАЗНОЦВЕТИКИ It’s blue. It’s dark-blue. It’s violet.

There are many pencils in my box.

Poem Do you like to draw? I have many pencils, Red and green and blue. I shall draw a picture And give it to you. I have many pencils, Peter has a pen. We can draw on paper Funny little men.

Match the colours with the words. Example: 1 yellow white black blue red yellow brown purple 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 green orange pink grey 5 6 11

I can say the names of eleven colours in English. Say the colours. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Yellow, g ______, b _______ , b ______ , p_____, w_____ 7 8 9 10 11 r _____ , o ______ , g _______ , b _______ , p _______.

How many pencils are there in my box? There’s a yellow pencil in my box. My yellow pencil is in my box – and my green pencil, and my red pencil, and my black pencil. Where’s my blue pencil? My blue pencil is in my box – and my______ pencil, and my brown _____ , and _______ orange pencil.

Tell me, tell me, please, What your favourite colour is. What is your favourite colour? My favourite colour is … What are your favourite colours? My favourite colours are …

Multi - colours • • I see green, I see yellow. I see that funny fellow. I see white, I see black. I see this, and that. I see pink. I see brown. I stand up and I sit down. I see red. I see blue. I see you, and you.

FLOWERS • Red and yellow, White and blue. These beautiful flowers Are just for you!

Poem • • • The frog is green, the frog is green And so is the tree. – 1, 2, 3. frog Red the rose, red the rose, Blue the dress, blue the dress, Grey the rat, grey the rat – tree And so is the cat rat dress rose

How many colours are there? • Are there six colours? • Are there seven colours? • Or are there three colours? yellow 2 red 4 1. red + blue = purple 2. red + yellow = orange 3. yellow + blue = green 4. red + blue + yellow = black 3 1 blue

Let’s draw! The bird is grey, The sky is blue. The tree is green, The bush is green too. The sun is yellow, The cloud is white, The butterfly is bright. a sky - небо a cloud - облако a butterfly - бабочка a bush – куст

Do you want to learn a “Colour Rhyme”? Yellow, blue, black, white, Red, reddish, rosy, light, Dark brown, green; grey Like a cloudy rainy day. • You can try and make up another rhyme with the same and other colours: • • • lilac – сиреневый violet - фиолетовый crimson -малиновый scarlet - алый emerald -изумрудный
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