R B R 375 A R C 375

R B R 3/75 A R C 3/75 R 3/75 1 TOC 1 A 75

ABF 1 -B-1 ABF 1 -B-2 R R 3 TOC 2 75 3 TOC 1 75

ABF 1 -B-3 ABF 1 -B-4 ABF 1 -B-1 ABF 1 -B-2





R 1 R B/3 -75 2 R 3 B/3 -75 R B/3 -75 1 A/3 -75

R 2 R A/3 -75 3 R R 1 A/3 -75 C/3 -75 2 C/3 -75

R 3 C/3 -75 3 75 ACP

BP 3 -A-1 BP 3 -A-2 BP 3 -A-3 BP 3 -A-4

BP 3 -A-5 BP 3 -B-2 BP 3 -B-3 BP 3 -B-4

BP 3 -B-1 BP 3 -B-5

ABF 3 -B-3 ABF 3 -B-4

HIMARS Package TDA EQUIPMENT NON TDA – FILLED FROM WITHIN BDE M 998 PADS (1 -321) M 998 M 997 Shelter PLT C 2 NODE CFT DS Maint (3 -27) NON TDA – EXTERNAL SUPPORT REQUIRED TO BACKFILL 3 -27 FAR M 984 A 1 WRECKER M 985 M 998 PLT LDR XM 1086 HIMARS SUPPLY (M 105) (3 -27) PLL TRAILER WATER BUFFALO (M 149) (M 105) (3 -27) M 989 M 985 M 998 PLTSGT XM 1086 HIMARS XM 1086 M 1097 w/ Shelter PLT FDC RSV W/TRAILER FMTV W/CRANE (1 -321) M 1097 w/ Shelter BDE C 2 NODE (BDE) 10 k GENERATOR TRAILER(PU-797) FMTV (BDE) W/CRANE (1 -321) M 998 BDE C 2 NODE (BDE) M 989 M 985 M 978 FUELER

LU 1 RGR RGR FARP 3 x MC 130 II 2 x MC 130 I 1 x MC 130 I JMAU/FARP RGR TOC I

P-3 AIP KC-135 CK # ____ E-8 JSTARS

BOMB Bomb Area: AG 1004 Target: (Target Description) Rectangular Targets: AREA TARGET: AG 1003 AG 1201 FPF 1 -91 IN(M) MORT Final Protective Fire: 1 BDE X 2 BDE Boundaries: 2 BDE X 1 BDE PL DRAGON EFF 090900 Z DEC 99 AG 1001 FSCL 10 (US) CORPS AG 1002 PL DRAGON

A 1 B AG 1005 Group of Targets: (All targets are fired at the same time). AG 1006 AG 1007 Rear Boundary between 1 st BDE (M) and 3 Inf Div (M). Boundary between 10 th Corps (US) and 1 st Armored Div (UK). 1 st BDE (M) XX 3 ID (M) 10 Corps (US) XXX 1 st AR Div (UK)

Boundary between 52 nd Inf Div (M) and 54 th Inf Div. Rear Boundary between TF 1 -4 (AR) and 1 st BDE (M). 52 nd ID (M) XX 54 th ID TF 1 -4 (AR) 1 st BDE (M) TM F Boundary between Team F and Team B. Rear Boundary between 3 d BDE Armor and TF 1 -4 Armor. TM B 3 BDE (AR) X TF 1 -4 (AR)

Friendly Ground Axis of Supporting Attack: Friendly Ground Axis of Main Attack: Axis of Advance for Feint

Friendly Attack Helicopter: Friendly Direction of Supporting Attack. Follow and Support.

Rotary wing movement: Fixed wing movement:

#3 Point of interest: # Coordinating Point: (Center of symbol is exact location). #2 Decision Point: Unit Maintenance Collection Point: Class IV: Class V: RP 5 Contact Point: 6 UMCP 4 LRP Release Point: 3 -26 8 CAN Logistics Release Cannibalization Point: AS P ATP 5 5 AXP I BDE 9 Ambulance Exchange Point: (Point #9 Serviced by I Bde) 5 CCP 7 DCN E/T Decon Site/Point (Equipment and troops: 5 AXP I BDE Ammo Supply Point. Ammunition Transfer Casualty Collection Ambulance Exchange Point:

(Supply Points) General: (For multiple Class VIII: classes of supplies, show (Medical Material) outside upper right. ) Moving Convoy: 3 -37 MSR NAME Main Supply Route: Fixed and Prefabricated: One-way Traffic: Movable and Prefabricated: (Antitank Obstacles Trthahedrons, Dragon’s Teeth, and other similar obstacles. ) Booby Trap:

5 ERP Antitank (AT) Minefield: Bridge or Gap: Engineer Regulating Point: Wire Obstacle: (Unspecified) Triple Stand Concertina: Friendly Ground Units: Enemy Units: Neutral: Green: All obstacles, friendly, enemy, neutral, and factional plus neutral unit symbols. (fine & super fine. ) Black: All friendly units and graphic control measures. (medium, fine, & super fine. ) RED: Enemy symbols and enemy graphic control measures. (fine & super fine. )

Friendly Ground Units Friendly Sea/Air Unknown Sea/Air Neutral Enemy Units Surface Subsurface In-flight Unit, Installation, and Site Symbol Frames. Affiliation Friend, Assumed Friend. Unknown, Pending. Neutral. Enemy, Suspect, Joker, Faker. Hand-Drawn Blue. Yellow. Green. Red Computer-Generated Cyan. Yellow. Green Red

Field “D”, placed over the size indicator field denotes a temporary grouping of units. We use this special size indicator to depict a Task Force or Company Team. Field A, under certain conditions, MUST have something in it. You can find this field on the friendly and enemy types of symbols. Battalion size Task Force. Friendly Element moving this way. Enemy CO/TM Head Quarters & Location. General/Unspecified Point Exact location. Enemy Company team. Enemy Exact location. Future or Friendly Company Team. projected Page: location.

Basic symbols other than the Headquarters symbol (for example, points) may be placed on a staff which is extended or bent. The end of the staff indicates the precise location. Since the headquarters symbol already includes a staff, this staff may be extended or bent. The end of the staff, or extension (if used), indicates the exact location of the headquarters. If several headquarters are at one location, more than one headquarters symbol can be on a single staff. If a group of units or installations other than a headquarters is at one location, the grouping of symbols may be enclosed with a bracket and the exact location indicated with a staff.

Use (X’s) to represent the size of Brigade thru Region Units. SYMBOL X XX XXXXXX UNIT SIZE Brigade. Division. Corps. Army Group/Front. Region.

Team/Crew. Company/Battery/Troop. Squad. Battalion/Squadron. Section. Platoon/Detachment. Air Assault w/Organic Lift. Regiment/Group. Airborne.

Radar. Antiarmor: Fighting Vehicle. Mechanized or Armored (Tracked). Observation or Listening post. Gun System-Equipped. (Vulcan, IFV, ZSU, etc. ) Air Cavalry. Field Artillery (Basic/Towed). Bicycle-Equipped. Reconnaissance.

U L U M Lift Helicopter: Basic or Light. (UH-1 or UH-60) Vulcan (Gun system). Towed. Lift Helicopter: Medium. (UH-46 or 47). CBT Combat Engineer: (Mechanized). Airborne Infantry. Motorized Infantry (Equipped w/unarmored but armed wheeled vehicles)(HMMWVs w/MK 19 or 50 cal). MI NBC Basic symbol. Military Intelligence. Engineer (Basic).

EW Electronic Warfare (Basic symbol). MP Law Enforcement. Army Military Police. S MSE Signal: Multiple Subscriber Element. D EW Chemical Corps: Smoke, (Basic). Electronic Warfare Jamming, (Unit, Crew, or installation). Future or projected site for Decontamination. SALV Supply. Salvage. Water: Distribution.

DISCOM Mortuary Affairs. FSB Forward Support Battalion. Class V (Ammunition). Division Support Command. D Dental. Class III: (Petroleum Supply). S Bradley Stinger (Tracked gun/missile combination). Field Artillery: (Tracked). Rocket Artillery: Tracked. (MLRS or ATACMS).

L Class VIII: (Medical Supplies). Infantry (Light). Class IX. (Repair parts). MI GSR Team. Signal: Radio Relay Station. Band. Antiarmor: (Mechanized). 4 1 TF 1 -4 Armor. A (A) Battery SP Artillery.

1 A 1 st PLT airborne Infantry. 1 A Co/TM air assault Infantry. 1 Vulcan equipped ADA Co. 79 1 -79 Infantry (M)(B) 1 st Section bicycle equipped Infantry. 2 66 2 -66 Infantry Mountain. 3 Recon Platoon. 3 rd Squad Observation Post. Team listening post.

Hostile or Insurgent Infantry. Airborne Infantry. Mechanized Infantry. Motorized Infantry. Armored: Scouts/ Cavalry/ Reconnaissance. Motorized Scouts.

ALL Medical Treatment. All Classes of Supply. Signal. Engineers. Air Defense Radar. Self-Propelled Artillery.

P Supply Cache. Mine laying. (In progress). Air Defense. Attack Helicopter (on ground). Artillery/Artillery Fire. Howitzer: (Light). Antitank. Patrolling. (This way). Mechanized Engineers.

x R R 1 75 RHQ 75




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5 6 3 4

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