quiz quiz quiz quiz 1 What is one

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quiz quiz quiz quiz

1. What is one way the problem of the weight of the dome was

1. What is one way the problem of the weight of the dome was solved on the pantheon? 2. What year was it first built? 3. Where exactly was it located? 4. How many columns were there on the front porch all together? 5. What is the word used to describe how these columns were made from one piece of marble? 6. What was once on the pediment? 7. What is the word for the parts that stick out from the rotunda on the exterior? 8. What length is the oculus? 9. What is the alternating pattern above the niches and alcoves? 10. How was the problem of rain inside the pantheon solved?

1. § § § The dome gets thinner as it gets higher Lighter pumice

1. § § § The dome gets thinner as it gets higher Lighter pumice used for top layers Columns and pilasters retained the weight of the dome Coffers – lessened the weight of the roof, while keeping overall strength § Arches in the top two layers, were made of brick on outside wall to distribute the weight evenly § Vestibule (rectangular bit at front) supported the dome 2. 27 BC 3. Campus Martius, Rome 4. 16 5. Monolithic 6. A sculpture of an eagle 7. Cornice 8. 9 m 9. Marble panel alternating with niche 10. Holes in the floor, and a slightly convex floor

Religious Architecture The Ara Pacis Augsutae “The altar of Augustan

Religious Architecture The Ara Pacis Augsutae “The altar of Augustan

§. . MY VIDEOSyoutube videos for teachingartThe new Ara Pacis, Rome. flv §. .

§. . MY VIDEOSyoutube videos for teachingartThe new Ara Pacis, Rome. flv §. . MY VIDEOSyoutube videos for teachingartAra Pacis 2. flv §. . MY VIDEOSyoutube videos for teachingartAra Pacis Augustae, Rom 2 e. flv §. . MY VIDEOSyoutube videos for teachingartAra Pacis Augustae, Rome. flv

Who was the Aeneid written for? § What kinds of messages did he want

Who was the Aeneid written for? § What kinds of messages did he want given about him in the Aeneid? § How did he do this? § What are his key areas of success as an Emperor? § How could one show or represent these ideas in a building?

§ When Augustus became background Emperor, and started the Roman Empire, he ruled the

§ When Augustus became background Emperor, and started the Roman Empire, he ruled the Roman §Rome’s rulers used relief sculpture as a form of world, it was important that his political propaganda, the image be seen in every public message was readable at place all over the Empire. a glance § The Romans liked to see victories in warfare and other important events commemorated in stone. § The purpose of relief sculpture was to inform: it told a story to the illiterate and for the literate, used images to emphasise the imperial ideology

Imperial Propaganda § The purpose of the Ara Pacis is to show Augustus’ great

Imperial Propaganda § The purpose of the Ara Pacis is to show Augustus’ great achievements. this was started with the defeat of Mark Anthony and the Egyptian forces at the battle Actium in 31 BC which ended the civil war. § Augustus has given people peace, prosperity, fertility, piety and those are all shown on the Ara Pacis. The idea is proclaimed by: § Showing Augustus’ victory over Western provinces § Its location in the Field of Mars, a military exercise area § The symbols and images used on each relief panel § The altar sits close to a sundial that symbolises defeated and pacified Egypt. The sundial worked through the power of Apollo (the sun god), the deity that Augustus favoured. The shadow aligned once a year with the door to the Ara Pacis, on Augustus’ birthday

Workbook: § Location: Original site was the Campus Martius (field of Mars) in the

Workbook: § Location: Original site was the Campus Martius (field of Mars) in the North of Rome. § Meaning of name: altar of Augustan Peace § Architectural/art type: Religious altar, relief sculpture § Purpose: Awarded to Augustus by the Roman Senate after he successfully pacifiied Gaul and Spain, he had been there since 16 BC. (From 29 BC onwards, Augustus refused to accept triumphal honours that were normally celebrated by a victorious general, so they had to find different was to celebrate his return). It is also political propaganda. The altar was designed for annual sacrifices to the goddess peace and Roma by magistrates, priests and vestal virgins. § Dates of Construction: Find in Paul Artus, (was restored by Mussolini in 1930 and relocated) § Dimensions: 10. 5 m in length 11. 6 m in width, and 7 m in height

East: Allegorical South: Tellus Procession of imperial family East: Allegorical Altar Roma West: Mythological

East: Allegorical South: Tellus Procession of imperial family East: Allegorical Altar Roma West: Mythological Aeneas North Procession of senators and priests West: Mythological Romulus & Remus

Ara Pacis - workbook § Materials used: Tufa, Travertine, Carrara marble (all Italian building

Ara Pacis - workbook § Materials used: Tufa, Travertine, Carrara marble (all Italian building materials) Greek Influences: § Greek Parthenon (440 -430 BC) – Augustus wanted to link himself and his rule with the successes and achievements of 5 th cent Athens, so he copied the style of the processional frieze. § The altar and screen wall are modelled on the Greek altar of Mercy in Athens § Greek influence in style of decoration, structure, acanthus leaf scroll work

§ The altar itself is inside the precinct on a raised dais, facing east.

§ The altar itself is inside the precinct on a raised dais, facing east. The outer and interior wall is is decorated with friezes of relief sculpture. The altar on the inside: Has a small frieze, 39 cm high of a sacrificial procession. Possibly shows the altar’s dedication ceremony in 9 BC. There are vestal virgins, animals and attendants.

interior wall The lower half of the Interior precinct wall represents the carved Wooden

interior wall The lower half of the Interior precinct wall represents the carved Wooden palisade that was set up as a makeshift enclosure when the site was Inaugurated in 13 BC Upper part of the wall has symbols of sacrifice, these are: • elabourate garlands • patarae (libation bowls) • bucrania (bulls skulls) • Palmette decoration creates a border. This interior decoration means the altar is permanently ready for sacrifice

Exterior wall The exterior wall is decorated with two Layers also. Here the two

Exterior wall The exterior wall is decorated with two Layers also. Here the two layers are separated, By a thicker band, a meander pattern, carved In high relief. meander The bottom layer around the whole precinct is an intricate floral pattern. It has hundreds of swirling acanthus plants that turn into realistic flowers, each petal has intricate detail. There are birds, insects, snakes and lizards in amongst the plants, making the panel seem alive with movement. Swans, the symbol of Apollo are also there. Apollo was Augustus’ patron diety & helped him win the battle in Actium in 31 BC

Each door is surrounded by a stepped door jamb and lintel. Each corner of

Each door is surrounded by a stepped door jamb and lintel. Each corner of the precinct has a Corinthian Pilaster which is decorated with an elaborate foliate scroll and acanthus capital. There are 2 doors in the precinct walls (on the east and west sides) This is the west, because it is the main entrance for sacrifice and there are 9 shallow steps.

What is on the walls? ? ? § The most significant feature of the

What is on the walls? ? ? § The most significant feature of the exterior decoration are the reliefs on the top layer of the precinct wall. § They are in precise pattern, mythological, and allegorial features on the east/west and historical procession on the north/south.

East: Allegorical South: Tellus Procession of imperial family East: Allegorical Altar Roma West: Mythological

East: Allegorical South: Tellus Procession of imperial family East: Allegorical Altar Roma West: Mythological Aeneas North Procession of senators and priests West: Mythological Romulus & Remus

In your groups you will research a section of the relief and make notes

In your groups you will research a section of the relief and make notes to be photocopied for the class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. East Allegorical side: Tellus relief East Allegorical side : Roma West Mythological side: Romulus and Remus West Mythological side: Aeneas South procession of Augustus family North procession of senators & priests

1. Tellus

1. Tellus

1. Tellus

1. Tellus

1. Tellus

1. Tellus

2. Roma

2. Roma

3. Romulus and Remus

3. Romulus and Remus

4. Aeneas

4. Aeneas

6. North frieze, procession of senators, vestal virgins, and priests

6. North frieze, procession of senators, vestal virgins, and priests

6. North frieze, procession of senators, vestal virgin and priests

6. North frieze, procession of senators, vestal virgin and priests

South frieze, procession of Augustus & Family

South frieze, procession of Augustus & Family

In your groups you will research a section of the relief and make notes

In your groups you will research a section of the relief and make notes to be photocopied for the class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. East Allegorical side: Tellus relief East Allegorical side : Roma West Mythological side: Romulus and Remus West Mythological side: Aeneas South procession of Augustus family North procession of senators & priests

§ You need to 1. Annotate the picture you get given with all of

§ You need to 1. Annotate the picture you get given with all of the important notes from Paul Artus 2. Check the J. Campbell book for any Extra notes 3. Explain the style of the relief 4. Explain any significant symbols/ images/people in the relief and what they represent

Vocab list § § § Bucrania = decorative bulls skull Palmette = leaf decoration

Vocab list § § § Bucrania = decorative bulls skull Palmette = leaf decoration Precinct = stone walls Paterae = (highlight in your glossary in workbooks) Meander = design that is a common motif in Roman art Door jamb = sides of a doorway Lintel = (highlight in your glossary in workbooks) Capital = (highlight in your glossary in workbooks) Acanthus capital = head part of a column, decorated with Acanthus leaves Cornice = the top, projecting section of entablature Entablature = (highlight in your glossary in workbooks) Pilaster =(highlight in your glossary in workbooks)