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How to Make The Best Use of Internet Service in Delivering Quality Taxi Service

How to Make The Best Use of Internet Service in Delivering Quality Taxi Service in Hong Kong 如何善用互聯網在本港提供 優質的士服務 By Mr. William Lam The Hong Kong Taxi and Public Light Bus Association 林康頌 香港的士小巴商總會

Introduction 引言 • Taxi provides a personalized point to point transport service. 的士為乘客提供點到點的個人交通服務。 •

Introduction 引言 • Taxi provides a personalized point to point transport service. 的士為乘客提供點到點的個人交通服務。 • Internet is the best media to further expand taxi services and to improve service quality. 互聯網是擴展的士服務和改善的士服務質 素的最佳媒體。

The Concepts 概念 Taxi can be hailed anywhere on the street but 乘客可以在街上截到的士,但 1.

The Concepts 概念 Taxi can be hailed anywhere on the street but 乘客可以在街上截到的士,但 1. The service quality is not guaranteed. 不能保證獲得最佳服務 2. Hard to get one during the hot summer season and the shift changing periods. 在夏天或交更時段截的士會有困難

3. English standard of some drivers may pose a barrier in communication with foreigners.

3. English standard of some drivers may pose a barrier in communication with foreigners. 個別的士司機的英語水平或不足以與外籍 乘客溝通 To solve these problems, book a taxi ahead by internet. 透過互聯網預約的士可解決上述問題

Preliminary Steps 基本程序 1. Input relevant information into website. 在指定網站輸入有關資料 2. Check availability of

Preliminary Steps 基本程序 1. Input relevant information into website. 在指定網站輸入有關資料 2. Check availability of drivers of the scheme. 檢查參與計劃並可提供服務的司機 3. Reply to customer with driver’s name and taxi plate number, and confirmation notice is faxed to nearest taxi driver. 回覆顧客有關的士司機的姓名及車牌號碼, 並將確認書傳真至附近的的士司機

4. Pick up customer by presenting the confirmation notice. 向被接載的乘客出示該份確認書 5. Taxi fare chargeable

4. Pick up customer by presenting the confirmation notice. 向被接載的乘客出示該份確認書 5. Taxi fare chargeable by offline credit card payment. 乘客用信用咭以離線方式繳付車費

The Implementation of Our Concepts 推行我們的概念 To guarantee reliable taxi bookings, the following procedures

The Implementation of Our Concepts 推行我們的概念 To guarantee reliable taxi bookings, the following procedures can be applied: 為確保提供可靠的預約的士服務,我們將採 取下列程序﹕ 1. Only bookings through credit cards are accepted. 預約的士服務只接受以信用咭付款

2. Drivers of the scheme should meet social skills requirement e. g. good manner,

2. Drivers of the scheme should meet social skills requirement e. g. good manner, driving skill and language proficiency. 參加該項計劃的的士司機,均須符合基本 要求, 包括良好的態度、駕駛技術及語 文能力。 3. Drivers are proposed to wear uniform. 建議司機穿著制服。

4. Specific labels on taxis for easier identification. 有關的士將貼上指定標貼,讓乘客容易辦認 5. A code of practice

4. Specific labels on taxis for easier identification. 有關的士將貼上指定標貼,讓乘客容易辦認 5. A code of practice is applied to taxi drivers and penalty is given to those who fail to follow them. 司機須遵守一套實務守則,不遵守這些守則 的司機,將會受罰。 6. Taxi fares are chargeable by offline credit card via the internet. 的士車費會透過離線方式以信用咭收取。

7. Passengers show credit card for verification purposes. 乘客須出示信用咭以便核實。 8. Taxi pager stations or

7. Passengers show credit card for verification purposes. 乘客須出示信用咭以便核實。 8. Taxi pager stations or companies are welcomed to join the scheme. 歡迎的士傳呼台或公司參加該項計劃。 9. Widely promoted in the website both locally and internationally. 這項服務會在本港及海外作廣泛宣傳。

Pros and Cons 優點及缺點 PROS優點 • Offer convenience to both foreign travellers and local

Pros and Cons 優點及缺點 PROS優點 • Offer convenience to both foreign travellers and local citizen. 為海外遊客及本地市民帶來方便 • Avoid waiting at long passenger queue. 避免在「人龍」中排隊輪候的士 • Promote a better image of taxi drivers. 提高本港的士司機的形象

 • Increase the revenue of pager stations and earnings for taxi drivers. 增加傳呼台及的士司機的收入

• Increase the revenue of pager stations and earnings for taxi drivers. 增加傳呼台及的士司機的收入 • Provide foundation for future developments, e. g. GPS, wap phone booking and online credit card charge, etc. 為未來發展全球衛星定位系統、WAP電話預 約及在線信用卡收費等提供基礎。 • Attract world-wide attention to our taxi services. 吸引世界各地對本港的士服務的注意

CONS缺點 • More competition through internet booking. 透過網上預約,增加競爭。 • The availability of non-booked taxis

CONS缺點 • More competition through internet booking. 透過網上預約,增加競爭。 • The availability of non-booked taxis on the road may be reduced. 在道路上供市民乘搭的非預約的的士可能 會減少。 • The service may not be widely accepted initially as the general public might prefer to hail taxis on the street. 市民寧可選擇在街上截的士,令有關服務 在初期未必獲得廣泛接受。

 • Internet may not be accessible for people working outdoors. 戶外 作人士並不方便隨時使用互聯網。 •

• Internet may not be accessible for people working outdoors. 戶外 作人士並不方便隨時使用互聯網。 • Credit card companies undergo lengthy study on verification and payment procedures for the offline charging. 信用卡公司須就離線收費進行多項查核及 付款程序。

Future Development 未來發展 • Build up a user-friendly and reliable taxi booking system. 建立一套方便使用及可靠的的士預約系統。

Future Development 未來發展 • Build up a user-friendly and reliable taxi booking system. 建立一套方便使用及可靠的的士預約系統。 • Set up dedicated taxi booking stands. 設置的士預約站。 • Install GPS on taxis to ensure real-time booking. 在的士安上裝全球衛星定位系統,提供即 時預約及確認預約。

 • Design a quick charging system e. g. prepaid charging cards. 設計快速收費系統,例如預繳收費卡。 •

• Design a quick charging system e. g. prepaid charging cards. 設計快速收費系統,例如預繳收費卡。 • Membership cards to frequent users. 向慣性乘客發出會員卡。 • Well designed and informative website. 提供設計完善及資料齊備的網站。 • Set up more repair centers for general maintenance and computerized taxi service platforms 設立更多的士維修中心及電腦化的士服務 平台。

 • Seek subsidy and assistance on project developments, drivers’ training and seminars. 為發展計劃、司機訓練及講座尋求資助及

• Seek subsidy and assistance on project developments, drivers’ training and seminars. 為發展計劃、司機訓練及講座尋求資助及 協助。 • Set up companies specifically operated for the concept. 成立專門推行有關概念的公司。

Conclusion 總結 • The first step in the IT direction. we can certainly further

Conclusion 總結 • The first step in the IT direction. we can certainly further explore how IT & internet are going to help the taxi industry to move up the quality service ladder. 資訊科技方面發展的第一步。進一步研究 怎樣利用資訊科技和互聯網,幫助的士業 提供更優質的服務。

 • No involvement of heavy technology investment. Internet application on taxi booking will

• No involvement of heavy technology investment. Internet application on taxi booking will eventually be a convenient tool for the general public. Without considering this simple approach, we cannot pave our way to greater levels of accomplishments. 不涉及龐大的技術投資。互聯網上預約的 士,最終會成為一般市民的方便 具。如 果我們不考慮這簡單的預約模式,的士服 務將無法更上一層樓。

 • As a leading internationally city, we can move our pace ahead with

• As a leading internationally city, we can move our pace ahead with government support. 香港作為主要國際城市,我們在政府的支 持下將可向前邁進。