Putting the P I E C E S

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Putting the P. I. E. C. E. S. . together A Model for Collaborative

Putting the P. I. E. C. E. S. . together A Model for Collaborative Care and Changing Practice (Updated April 2014) P. I. E. C. E. S. 1

Day Three… 2

Day Three… 2

3. 1: Welcome Back n Review of Agenda n Housekeeping 3

3. 1: Welcome Back n Review of Agenda n Housekeeping 3

In Reflection… Art of Possibility n Recall key messages from this video n Reflect

In Reflection… Art of Possibility n Recall key messages from this video n Reflect on your time in the past month applying PIECES – what are some examples of why you earned an “A” 4

Practical Application at your site n What successes did you and the TEAM have

Practical Application at your site n What successes did you and the TEAM have using the PIECES approach? n What challenges did you experience? n How has doing the practical application impacted your practice? 5

3. 2: Review of Assessment Tools n Identify tools that would be helpful to

3. 2: Review of Assessment Tools n Identify tools that would be helpful to answer Question #2 of 3 Q template P I E C E S 6

Possible answers… P I E C E S - CAM, Pain assessment, CMAI, ABCs

Possible answers… P I E C E S - CAM, Pain assessment, CMAI, ABCs Mini Cog, Clock, Mini Mental Cornell, SIG E CAPS, 7 D’s Lawton-Brody Some may use specific tool Life story 7

Some things to consider… n What strategies are being used to effectively engage the

Some things to consider… n What strategies are being used to effectively engage the TEAM in using assessment tools to help gather and share information? n What additional strategies might you use to engage the TEAM when using the PIECES approach to assessment? 8

Refreshment Break 9

Refreshment Break 9

3. 3: Psychotropic Review n Detecting, Selecting and Effecting n When should the use

3. 3: Psychotropic Review n Detecting, Selecting and Effecting n When should the use of a psychotropic be considered? 10

Think-Pair-Share n How can the 3 Question Template help to identify whether a Pyschotropic

Think-Pair-Share n How can the 3 Question Template help to identify whether a Pyschotropic Medication needs to be considered, and/or changed? n What tools can be used to assist in the decision making about the selection of psychotropic medication and the monitoring of the side effects and response? n What have you identified as an outstanding learning need/question regarding the use of psychotropics and your PIECES resource role? 11

3. 4: Collaborating with Family n Person and Family are at the centre-point of

3. 4: Collaborating with Family n Person and Family are at the centre-point of every TEAM n What are some of the challenges when collaborating with the resident’s, client’s and patient’s family? 12

Case Study n Read Mr. O – page 242 n TEAM Application 13

Case Study n Read Mr. O – page 242 n TEAM Application 13



Lunch Break! 15

Lunch Break! 15

3. 5: Reflection and Check In Questions, Appreciations and Concerns… 16

3. 5: Reflection and Check In Questions, Appreciations and Concerns… 16

Jeopardy! Game 17

Jeopardy! Game 17

3. 6: Coaching Role: Case Study Read Mr. C – page 231 n Imagine

3. 6: Coaching Role: Case Study Read Mr. C – page 231 n Imagine you are working in a TEAM huddle to brainstorm: q Use the 3 -Q template to engage TEAM members and focus the brainstorming and assessment planning q Engage TEAM members in the conversation to promote their contribution to the shared solution finding 18

3. 7: Adult Learning n 4 th Performance Objective of PIECES is: to serve

3. 7: Adult Learning n 4 th Performance Objective of PIECES is: to serve as a resource to others n Turn to Chapter 8, page 201 q In your groups, discuss how you might use this information to develop strategies for promoting the PIECES approach with other TEAM members 19

Group work… Two things to consider: n What are important things to consider in

Group work… Two things to consider: n What are important things to consider in how adults learn? n What are some strategies that can be used to engage peers and promote learning? 20

Refreshment Break 21

Refreshment Break 21

3. 8 Dementia, Delirium & Depression 22

3. 8 Dementia, Delirium & Depression 22

3. 9: Integration and Collaboration n What does collaborative shared care mean? n Change

3. 9: Integration and Collaboration n What does collaborative shared care mean? n Change begins with one person doing one thing differently. n Small groups: q What are some challenges to successful collaboration? q How can PIECES help enhance your own collaborative efforts and the information you share? 23

3. 10: Wrap Up n Evaluations n What key messages are you taking away

3. 10: Wrap Up n Evaluations n What key messages are you taking away with you? n Playing for change video clip n Certificate 24