Public Relations Research Part V Key Research Methods

Public Relations Research Part V: Key Research Methods (section 2)

Overview I. II. Other PR research methods Content Analysis – Advantages/Disadvantages III. Interviewing – IV. Audits – Advantages/Disadvantages

3. Content Analysis Quantitative description of the content of documents, including print media, broadcast media coverage, and social media Analysis of clippings, broadcast tapes, tweets, or posts Sampling – refer to sampling procedures Coding and verifying

Content Analysis Can… Describe the content of messages & compare media (TV, radio, newspapers, digital, social) Study trends or changes in content over time Analyze regional/international differences Define categories: ◦ Direction: Coverage pro, con or neutral? Thrust: Aimed at or toward whom? Values: Public safety? Environment? ◦ Themes: Prejudices or stereotypes

Content Analysis Advantages Considered objective and systematic Relatively low cost Easy to replicate, extend over time, sources Can be combined with other methods Disadvantages Requires careful definition of units of measurement Labor intensive Value limited to comparative descriptions or profiles

4. In Depth Interviews Qualitative method Face-to-face, phone, video conference Open-ended & probing questions Structured interview protocol

Interviewing Advantages Ability to probe Get people to speak in their own words Learn “street language” Furthering survey findings Validating/testing messages Disadvantages Very expensive Difficult to monitor quality Requires highly trained interviewers Slow to complete Geographic limitations Can be subjective

5. Communications Audit Looks internally at PR Informal, primary method Comprehensive examination of the PR efforts

Communication Audits Advantages Assesses PR activities alignment with org’s goals Can provide comprehensive evaluation of COM tools used to support plans & programs Provides independent evaluation of PR plans Disadvantages Labor intensive Can be costly Requires thorough definition and planning Combines all disadvantages of focus groups, interviews, and content analysis

Assess PR activities Monitor and evaluate the various channels, messages and view of communication by the organization ◦ Communication climate surveys – perception of openness and adequacy of communication ◦ Readership surveys ◦ Content analysis ◦ Readability studies

“Gap Analysis” A means for assessing the gap Management’s view vs. Public’s view – what are the differences in perspective, understanding, agreement? What “we” think – What “they” think – What’s the difference between what “we” think and “they” think Communication campaign then is to “fill in the gap”

Ethnographic Methods Participant observation, visits, field trips Accompanying or participating in activity From anthropology, sociology “Going Native” Undercover, secret shopper

Other methods Intercept interviews Tracking – calls, purchases, hits, likes, placements Community forums Advisory panels Fact finding Historical/archival research Internet research Omnibus studies – piggybacking with other studies

In Review Importance of Research Process Research Terminology Key Research Methods Focus groups Surveys Content Analysis Interviewing Communications Audits Many others

Strategic & Effective Public Relations should Begin with End with Throughout include Research

Best Study Tip Review Silver Anvil Award winners @ www. prsa. org and look at research & evaluation sections

References (suggested resources) APR Study Guide, Universal Accreditation Board, 2016 Primer of Public Relations Research, (2 nd ed. ) by Don Stacks. Guilford Press, 2011 Cutlip and Center’s Effective Public Relations (11 th ed. ) by Glen M. Broom and Bey-Ling Sha, 2013 The Practice of Public Relations by Fraser Seitel. Prentice-Hall, 2007 www. prsa. org

End of Research Presentation
- Slides: 18