PSEG Credit and Collection 2018 PSEG Energy Assistance

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 PSE&G Credit and Collection 2018 PSE&G Energy Assistance Forum Leticia Spencer Back Office

PSE&G Credit and Collection 2018 PSE&G Energy Assistance Forum Leticia Spencer Back Office Collection Manager

PSE&G CONFIDENTIAL Collections… • The goal of Collections and Payment Assistance Outreach is put

PSE&G CONFIDENTIAL Collections… • The goal of Collections and Payment Assistance Outreach is put ourselves out of business – We want every customer to be able to afford to pay their utility bills and pay them to ensure they are never shut off • Average Collection Month – – – – 29 -Nov-20 Customers: 2. 5 M Delinquent Customers: 400 K (16%) Customers Receiving a Shut-Off Notice: 300 K Customers Receiving additional Collection Calls, Letters, E-mails: 130 K Customers Receiving Field Collection Visit: 30 K (1. 5%) Customers Ultimately Disconnected: 13 K Customers Receiving Assistance: 150 K (Annually 260 K) 2

Why do we have such a big collection problem? PSE&G CONFIDENTIAL • No penalty

Why do we have such a big collection problem? PSE&G CONFIDENTIAL • No penalty for paying utility bills late – NJ is one of the few states that does not charge a late payment fee • Access to meters – As NJ has an older infrastructure, many meters are inside homes and cannot be accessed during the normal course of business to be disconnected • Critical Care Accounts – We are very careful about protecting people who have an emergency medical condition or require life sustaining equipment • Winter (and summer) Moratoriums (Winter Termination Period) 29 -Nov-20 3

PSE&G CONFIDENTIAL Winter Termination Program • When: November 15 – March 15 – Who:

PSE&G CONFIDENTIAL Winter Termination Program • When: November 15 – March 15 – Who: Residential customers with Tolerance Codes – Deposit requests will be removed from protected accounts – Shut-Off notices are adjusted to reflect a Shut-Off date after March 15 th – All correspondence is adjusted to remove threat of shut off • Plus: Temperature Prohibition - When the high temperature is below 32 degrees, no interruption of service – Who: All residential customers 29 -Nov-20 4

PSE&G CONFIDENTIAL Winter Termination Program (continued…) Payment Vouchers • • • We will hold

PSE&G CONFIDENTIAL Winter Termination Program (continued…) Payment Vouchers • • • We will hold collection for 30 days Ensure clients make a payment arrangement on any balance Without an active payment arrangement, your client will remain eligible for collection activity During the WTP your clients may be eligible for protection. Make sure they contact PSE&G for a WTP payment plan. For agencies they could fax the voucher to (973 -297 -4306 or 908 -653 -1836) PSE&G Collection Call Center (1 -800 -357 -2262) • • 29 -Nov-20 Social Service Gate…after prompt “What would you like help with today”…. say “Social Services” You can call PSE&G on behalf of a client-PSE&G Call Center representatives will require account information including account number and last four digits of social security number 5

PSE&G CONFIDENTIAL WTP Specific Training: • Update all customer contact employees so they are

PSE&G CONFIDENTIAL WTP Specific Training: • Update all customer contact employees so they are able to answer questions, comply with regulations, and assist customers during the WTP • This includes Inbound Collection, CSC Associates and Field Collectors • Update all materials and redistribute to all customer contact associates • Before the WTP period begins we also send all customers that are past due and with a tolerance code a letter informing them to give us a call in order to work out an affordable payment arrangement with the company. 29 -Nov-20 6

PSE&G CONFIDENTIAL Conventional Notice * * SHUT-OFF NOTICE * * 1 -800 -357 -2262

PSE&G CONFIDENTIAL Conventional Notice * * SHUT-OFF NOTICE * * 1 -800 -357 -2262 (Mon-Fri, 7: 30 AM - 8: 00 PM) Your service is currently in danger of being shut off. $$$$$$ is due immediately. Note further that an additional $$$$ is now past due and must be paid by 9/16/2015 or $$$$$$ will be required to avoid shut off. An additional security deposit may be required if late payments continue. A statement of customer rights and fees is shown on the reverse side 29 -Nov-20 7

PSE&G CONFIDENTIAL WTP Notice ** SHUT-OFF NOTICE ** 1 -800 -357 -2262 (Mon. -Fri.

PSE&G CONFIDENTIAL WTP Notice ** SHUT-OFF NOTICE ** 1 -800 -357 -2262 (Mon. -Fri. 7: 30 AM 8: 00 PM) Your bill is now past due. Your service can be shut off after March 15 th if $X, XXX. XX is not paid. If you cannot pay the bill in full, a payment arrangement may be possible. Need help paying your bill, visit www. pseg. com/help or www. pseg. com/ayuda in Spanish. 29 -Nov-20 8

PSE&G CONFIDENTIAL Collection… What do your clients need to know? Moving in and Moving

PSE&G CONFIDENTIAL Collection… What do your clients need to know? Moving in and Moving out • Personal identification information • Old unpaid balances need to be addressed • Make sure they close accounts and get a final bill when they move • Deposit requests When having trouble paying their bills • Contact us early • Keep payment arrangement terms – contact us if they’re having trouble • Ask about programs to help pay bills • Ask about the equal payment plan • Ask about energy conservation tips 29 -Nov-20 9

Danger Zone-When bills aren’t paid during the WTP • No payments during the WTP

Danger Zone-When bills aren’t paid during the WTP • No payments during the WTP period makes bills unmanageable after winter season. Advise clients that even a partial payment during the WTP will help keep them from having their service disconnected • A customer payment of $100 per month could lower this bill by almost half, ending the WTP with a balance of $550 instead of $1000 29 -Nov-20 10 PSE&G CONFIDENTIAL

PSE&G CONFIDENTIAL Critical Care Customer’s • If you (or a member of your household)

PSE&G CONFIDENTIAL Critical Care Customer’s • If you (or a member of your household) rely on services to operate lifesustaining equipment or have a medical condition that could be worst by lack of service it is important that you notify PSE&G. • When notified, PSE&G will send you a form that must be completed and signed by a physician every year to verify the use of life-sustaining equipment. • Once the form is returned and approved by PSE&G, your account will have an indicator that life-sustaining equipment is used in your home • If it’s a medical condition that is life threating PSE&G will ask you to fax paperwork that shows your current need for service. Once those documents are received we will protect both your gas and electric services for 60 days. • It is imperative for customers to inform PSE&G of any Critical Care in their current household. 29 -Nov-20 11