PRONOUN Pronouns Subject Object Pronouns Pronoun digunakan untuk


Pronouns : Subject – Object Pronouns Pronoun digunakan untuk menggantikan kata benda(noun). subject digunakan untuk menggantikan subjek, dan object pronoun digunakan sebagai kata ganti objek

Subject Pronoun Object Pronoun Singular 1. I Me 2. You 3. He Him 4. She Her 5. It It Plural 1. We Us 2. You Yoi 3. They Them

I, you, he, she, we, and they digunakan sebagai kata ganti orang. It digunakan untuk kata ganti benda atau mengatakan siapa seseorang ; -Who is that? It’s my friend, Harry -Who is this? It’s my brother, John Bisa juga digunakan untuk menanyakan kelamin seseorang; -Is it boy or a girl? It is a boy? He , she, atau they kita gunakan untuk memberikan informasi tentang mereka; -Who is John/Nancy? He/She is my classmate Object pronoun digunakan setelah “Be”; -Who is it? It’s me/ It’s Him Bisa juga di gunakan setelah “As” or “Than”; -He is taller than Me -I am as tall as Him

Possessive Adjectives-Pronouns Possessive adjectives dan possessive pronouns digunakan untuk menunjukan kepunyaan Possesive Adjectives Possessive Pronouns Singular My Mine Yours His Hers It Its Plural Our Your Their Ours Yours Theirs

Possessive adjective digunakan untukmenunjukan kepunyaan. Dibelakang possessive adjective harus diikuti kata benda; -This is my car These are our cars -This is our dictionary These are their dictionaries -That is our table Those are your table -It is our dictionary They are our dictionaries Possessive pronoun juga digunakan untuk menunjukan kepunyaan. Dibelakang possessive pronoun tidak boleh diikuti kata benda; -This book is mine These books are ours -This pen is his These pens are theirs -That table is hers Those tables are theirs Aposthrophe s (‘s) dan s Aposthrophe (s’) Kita menggunakan ‘S untuk menunjukan suatu kepunyaan jika kata benda pertama adalah orang atau makhluk hidup lainnya; -The new manager’s office is on the second floor -Mr. Galang’s son is very clever -The horse’s tail is very long -The cow’s head is very big

Jika kata benda pertama adalah bukan kepunyaan orang atau makhluk hidup, kita bisa menggunakan “Of”; -The leg of the table -The window of the room -The beginning of the film Kita gunakan ‘s jika kata benda pertama adalah suatu organisasi atau sebuah lembaga; -The government’s decision -The company’s success atau. The decision of the government atau. The success of the company Bisa juga di gunakan untuk nama tempat, Negara, dan lain; -The town’s new swimmingpool -The city’s new theater -Indonesia’s larger cities -The world’s population

Nah setelah kata benda singular kita menggunakan aposthrope S. untuk S aphosthrophe kita gunakan sesudah kata benda plural ; Singular Noun Plural Noun My sister’s new books My sisters’ new books Mr. Jackson’s house The jacksons’ house My friend’s house My friends’ houses ‘S bisa juga digunakan untuk beberapa keterangan waktu; Today’s newspaper Yesterday’s report Last Sunday’s newspaper This evening’s report

Possessive adjective + own Kita bisa menggunakan “own” sudah possessive adjective untuk menegaskan arti atau menunjukan bahwa sesuatu betul milik kita My own… Our own… Your own… His own… Their own… Her own… This is my Own dictionary That is our Own car He lives in their Own house On + possessive adjective + own/reflexive pronoun “on my own” atau “by myself” berarti sendiri, kita bisa mengatakan; -I like living on my own. Atau I like living by myself. The double genitive. He is friend of mine Dalam kalimat dikatakan; He is a friend of mine/yours/hers/his/ours/thiers. atau He is a friend of my brother’s/Tommy’s/John’s

He is your friend. Bukan He is a friend of your’s Bukan He is a friend of you Bukan He is a friend of john atau He is friend of yours He is John’s friend atau He is a friend of John’s

Reflective Pronoun Reflective pronoun adalah; Singular Plural Myself Ourselves Yourself Yourselves Himself Themselves Herself Itself

Reflexive pronoun sering digunakan dengan kata; amuse blame cut dry enjoy hurt introduce pride I enjoyed Myself at the party last night. My sister cut Herself with the bread knife Verb + reflexive pronoun setelah kata “dress”, ”hide”, ”shave”, ”wash” kadang digunakan untuk menegaskan bahwa yg dia lakukan adalah perjuangan dari dirinya sendiri He has learn to dress herself. He tries to shave himself

Reflexive Pronoun setelah kata depan preposition Look after yourself. Take care of yourself. Kita menggunakan by+reflexive pronoun untuk menunjukan juga bahwa dia melakukannya sendiri She made the dress by herself She lives by herself Kadang digunakan juga untuk menekan sebuah arti The dictionary itself is very expensive You yourself kicked the boy Mother herself made this cake
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