Process Safety in the Workplace Human Involvement Hansjrgen

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Process Safety in the Workplace Human Involvement Hansjürgen Labudde, SHE Training Manager - Europe

Process Safety in the Workplace Human Involvement Hansjürgen Labudde, SHE Training Manager - Europe Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Agenda Introduction Shift in Beliefs The Du. Pont approach of Process Safety & Risk

Agenda Introduction Shift in Beliefs The Du. Pont approach of Process Safety & Risk Management Establishing a Safety Culture Providing Management Leadership and Committment Implementing a comprehensive PS&RM program Achieving Operating Excellence through Operational Discipline Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

What you might know about Du. Pont g l Worldwide benchmark for industrial SHE

What you might know about Du. Pont g l Worldwide benchmark for industrial SHE l $24 Billion in revenue l 79, 000 employees operating in 70 countries on 6 continents l 5 core business segments including Du. Pont Safety & Protection Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Du. Pont in Europe, Middle East & Africa 2002 l Sales: $ 6. 31

Du. Pont in Europe, Middle East & Africa 2002 l Sales: $ 6. 31 billion l ATOI: $ 727 million l Employees: l Approx 66% of European sales are produced, refined or manufactured in the region 18, 200 Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Du. Pont locations in the region Plants R&D/Technical Service Centres Offices Joint ventures Copyright

Du. Pont locations in the region Plants R&D/Technical Service Centres Offices Joint ventures Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Industrial average over 40 Injuries with more than 3 lost work days per 1000

Industrial average over 40 Injuries with more than 3 lost work days per 1000 employees per year Du. Pont only 0, 4 All injuries are preventable Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Du. Pont Core Values Ethics Respect to employees and customers Safety, Health & Environment

Du. Pont Core Values Ethics Respect to employees and customers Safety, Health & Environment (SHE) Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Agenda Introduction Shift in Beliefs The Du. Pont approach of Process Safety & Risk

Agenda Introduction Shift in Beliefs The Du. Pont approach of Process Safety & Risk Management Establishing a Safety Culture Providing Management Leadership and Committment Implementing a comprehensive PS&RM program Achieving Operating Excellence through Operational Discipline Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Business Excellence through SHE Excellence? A Shift in Beliefs Copyright © 2002 E. I.

Business Excellence through SHE Excellence? A Shift in Beliefs Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Shifting a Belief: Things go wrong, accidents happen. Safety performance can be managed. Drive

Shifting a Belief: Things go wrong, accidents happen. Safety performance can be managed. Drive towards excellence! Zero injuries Zero spills. Zero wrong financial transactions. Zero …. . Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Shifting a Belief: Fatalities and serious injuries are investigated because it is required by

Shifting a Belief: Fatalities and serious injuries are investigated because it is required by law. All accidents and incidents are investigated because we want to learn. Understand root causes! Of accidents. Of productivity problems. Of complaints Of …. . Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Shifting a Belief: Safety performance is a question of luck. Safety performance can be

Shifting a Belief: Safety performance is a question of luck. Safety performance can be managed. From reaction to prevention! Initiative Operational discipline Personal responsibility …. . Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Shifting a Belief: Employees must be supervised so that they comply. Employees must be

Shifting a Belief: Employees must be supervised so that they comply. Employees must be educated and empowered so that they perform. Focus on people! Lean organization. Tap the capabilities of all employees. Empower people …. . Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Developing an Organization Natural Instincts Where do you want to be? l How fast

Developing an Organization Natural Instincts Where do you want to be? l How fast do you want to get there? l Injury Rates Failures to perform Reactive Errors Supervision Self Dependent Teams Independent Interdependent • Management Commitment • Condition of Employment • Fear/Discipline • Rules/Procedures • Supervisor Control, Emphasis, and Goals • Value All People • Training • Personal Knowledge, Commitment, and Standards • Internalization • Personal Value • Care for Self • Practice, Habits • Individual Recognition • • • Help Others Conform Others’ Keeper Networking Contributor Care for Others Organizational Pride Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

The employee is in the focus Active Informed Aware about company goals Responsible Decisive

The employee is in the focus Active Informed Aware about company goals Responsible Decisive Self-confident Independent Team oriented Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Agenda Introduction Shift in Beliefs The Du. Pont approach of Process Safety & Risk

Agenda Introduction Shift in Beliefs The Du. Pont approach of Process Safety & Risk Management Establishing a Safety Culture Providing Management Leadership and Committment Implementing a comprehensive PS&RM program Achieving Operating Excellence through Operational Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Some industrial key accidents • Flixborough (6/74) 28 fatalities - $167 MM • Seveso

Some industrial key accidents • Flixborough (6/74) 28 fatalities - $167 MM • Seveso (7/76) Contaminated countryside • Mex. City (11/84) 550+ fatalities - $26 MM • Bhopal (12/84) 3 M+ fatalities - 200 M affected • Chernob. Nuc. Plt. (4/86) 31 fatalities - 300 mi 2 evacuated • Piper Alpha Plat. (7/88) 165 fatalities • Pasadena, Tx. (11/89) 23 fatalities - $797 MM • Channelview, Tx. (7/90) 17 fatalities - $14 MM • Pemex, Mexico (7/96) • Petrobras, Brasil (6/2001) Multiple fatalities - $253 MM $8 MMM loss to economy 10 fatalities - $300 MM • Toulouse, France (9/01) 29 fatalities 20, 000 homes damaged * Large property damage losses (17 th edition); M&M Protection Consultants; 1166 Avenue of the Americas, NY 10036 Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Industrial Incidents Unfortunately, that listing was only a partial (small) list of many incidents

Industrial Incidents Unfortunately, that listing was only a partial (small) list of many incidents that have occurred in the energy and chemical industries worldwide. So, what’s the best answer? Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Process Safety& Risk Management The application of Management Systems to the IDENTIFICATION, UNDERSTANDING, and

Process Safety& Risk Management The application of Management Systems to the IDENTIFICATION, UNDERSTANDING, and CONTROL of Process Hazards to prevent a major fire, explosion, or toxic release which could lead to a fatality or multiple lost workday cases. Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

The Du. Pont Approach to Managing Process Safety Four Key Steps: 1. Establishing a

The Du. Pont Approach to Managing Process Safety Four Key Steps: 1. Establishing a Safety Culture 2. Providing Management Leadership and Commitment 3. Implementing a comprehensive PS&RM Program 4. Achieving Operating Excellence through Operational Discipline Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Agenda Introduction Shift in Beliefs The Du. Pont approach of Process Safety & Risk

Agenda Introduction Shift in Beliefs The Du. Pont approach of Process Safety & Risk Management Establishing a Safety Culture Providing Management Leadership and Committment Implementing a comprehensive PS&RM program Achieving Operating Excellence through Operating Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

The Step Establishing the safety culture! Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de

The Step Establishing the safety culture! Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

The Safety Culture p Founded 1802 p Explosion 1815 ðDamage $ 80 000 p

The Safety Culture p Founded 1802 p Explosion 1815 ðDamage $ 80 000 p Explosion 1818 ð 40 people killed ð Damage $ 120 000 Safety is a Management Responsibility Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Core Value Roots E. I. du Pont de Nemours Du. Pont gun powder barrels

Core Value Roots E. I. du Pont de Nemours Du. Pont gun powder barrels 1811 rules n n Safety is a line management Responsibility No employee may enter a new rebuilt mill until a member of top management has personally operated it Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

One Company’s Mission m “……. adhere to the highest standards for the safe operations

One Company’s Mission m “……. adhere to the highest standards for the safe operations of facilities and the protection of the environment, our people, our customers, and the citizens of the communities in which we do business. ” “Value the safety of our coworkers, our community and the need to return home safely to our families each day. ” Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

One Company’s Mission m Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and

One Company’s Mission m Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Successful Fundamentals 1. All injuries, occupational illnesses, safety and environmental incidents are preventable. 2.

Successful Fundamentals 1. All injuries, occupational illnesses, safety and environmental incidents are preventable. 2. Management is responsible for safety. 3. Safety is an individual’s responsibility and a condition of employment. 4. Training is an essential element for safe workplaces. 5. Audits must be conducted. Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Successful Fundamentals 6. All deficiencies must be corrected promptly. 7. It is essential to

Successful Fundamentals 6. All deficiencies must be corrected promptly. 7. It is essential to investigate all injuries and incidents with injury potential. 8. Off the job safety is an important part of the safety effort. 9. It is good business to prevent injuries and illnesses. 10. People are the most important element of the Safety and Occupational Health Program. Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Agenda Introduction Shift in Beliefs The Du. Pont approach of Process Safety & Risk

Agenda Introduction Shift in Beliefs The Du. Pont approach of Process Safety & Risk Management Establishing a Safety Culture Providing Management Leadership and Committment Implementing a comprehensive PS&RM program Achieving Operating Excellence through Operating Discipline Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

The Step Management Leadership and Commitment Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de

The Step Management Leadership and Commitment Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Management Leadership in Process Safety Principle Management leadership and commitment form the foundation of

Management Leadership in Process Safety Principle Management leadership and commitment form the foundation of efforts to improve process safety. Although leadership and initiative are needed throughout all levels of an organization, it is crucial that senior management provide visible support and encouragement. Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Management Leadership and Commitment Key Responsibilities n n n n Establishing the Safety Culture

Management Leadership and Commitment Key Responsibilities n n n n Establishing the Safety Culture Establishing PSM policies/guidelines Committing resources Involving employees Establishing clear accountability Auditing for degree of compliance Personally participating in PSM activities Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Agenda Introduction Shift in Beliefs The Du. Pont approach of Process Safety & Risk

Agenda Introduction Shift in Beliefs The Du. Pont approach of Process Safety & Risk Management Establishing a Safety Culture Providing Management Leadership and Committment Implementing a comprehensive PS&RM program Achieving Operating Excellence through Operating Discipline Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

The Step Implementation of a Comprehensive Process Safety & Risk Management Program Copyright ©

The Step Implementation of a Comprehensive Process Safety & Risk Management Program Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Process Safety and Risk Management Model Auditing Process Technology Emergency Planning and Response Management

Process Safety and Risk Management Model Auditing Process Technology Emergency Planning and Response Management of Change Incident Investigation and Reporting Operating Procedures and Safe Practices Management of Change MANAGEMENT LEADERSHIP & COMMITMENT Process Hazards Analysis Contractor Safety and Performance Quality Assurance Training and Performance Prestart-Up Safety Reviews Management of “Subtle” Change Mechanical Integrity Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Process Safety Management TECHNOLOGY FACILITIES PERSONNEL Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de

Process Safety Management TECHNOLOGY FACILITIES PERSONNEL Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Technology Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights

Technology Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Process Technology l Process Technology describes the process and operation l Understanding the hazards

Process Technology l Process Technology describes the process and operation l Understanding the hazards is the first step l Consists of three parts Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

The 3 Parts of Process Technology l Hazards of Materials l Process Design Basis

The 3 Parts of Process Technology l Hazards of Materials l Process Design Basis l Equipment Design Basis Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Process Hazards Analysis Process Hazards Analyses identify, evaluate, and control hazards - orderly and

Process Hazards Analysis Process Hazards Analyses identify, evaluate, and control hazards - orderly and methodical approaches - many people involved Standard Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Procedures & Safe Practices l Provide clear understanding of operating parameters and limits for

Procedures & Safe Practices l Provide clear understanding of operating parameters and limits for safe operation l They explain the consequences of problems and the steps necessary to correct and or avoid them l Developed and documented for each process g Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Management of Change Technology l Changes may invalidate prior assessments l All changes must

Management of Change Technology l Changes may invalidate prior assessments l All changes must be rigorously reviewed l Sites must have procedures to manage changes. Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Technology Industrial Incident #1 Bhopal, India 1984 A large amount of water was put

Technology Industrial Incident #1 Bhopal, India 1984 A large amount of water was put into a methyl isocyanate tank. The resulting overpressure and related system failures caused the tank to vent and a large cloud of gases was released and drifted onto the nearby densely populated area. The severity of this accident makes it the worst recorded within the chemical industry, with fatalities estimated in the thousands, ~2, 800 from the immediate release and possibly up to 15, 000 related deaths since. Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Technology Industrial Incident #1 Contributing Factors: u plant modification/change - HAZOP u not recognizing

Technology Industrial Incident #1 Contributing Factors: u plant modification/change - HAZOP u not recognizing safety critical systems and their operability u design codes u training and competence Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Technology Industrial Incident # 2 Oppau, Germany 1921 Two explosions at the BASF plant

Technology Industrial Incident # 2 Oppau, Germany 1921 Two explosions at the BASF plant killed 430 and destroyed 700 homes. Blasting powder was being used to breakup storage piles of ammonium sulphate and ammonium nitrate. This procedure had been used 16, 000 times without mishap. The 4, 500 tons of the mixture exploded and left a crater 250 feet in diameter and 50 feet deep. Tough stuff to set off. But when it goes, it goes ! Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Toulouse Grande Paroisse l On Friday September 21, 2001 at 10: 15 am…. .

Toulouse Grande Paroisse l On Friday September 21, 2001 at 10: 15 am…. . Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Technology Industrial Incident # 2 Contributing Factor: u not recognizing hazards of materials Copyright

Technology Industrial Incident # 2 Contributing Factor: u not recognizing hazards of materials Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Facilities Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights

Facilities Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Quality Assurance “bridges the gap” between design and installation: ufabrication and parts meet specifications

Quality Assurance “bridges the gap” between design and installation: ufabrication and parts meet specifications udelivery to the right location uproperly assembled and installed Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Pre-Startup Safety Review Provides a final check for new or modified equipment to ensure

Pre-Startup Safety Review Provides a final check for new or modified equipment to ensure the facilities are “ safe to operate “ Std Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Mechanical Integrity Process related equipment that contains highly hazardous chemicals must be maintained from

Mechanical Integrity Process related equipment that contains highly hazardous chemicals must be maintained from the time of design throughout the life of the facility. Mechanical integrity focuses on system integrity to contain hazardous materials. Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Mechanical Integrity Deals with: u Maintenance u Training u Quality procedures and performance of

Mechanical Integrity Deals with: u Maintenance u Training u Quality procedures and performance of employees control u Equipment tests and inspections, including predictive and preventative maintenance Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Management of “Subtle” Changes Subtle Changes have led to catastrophic events! All process changes,

Management of “Subtle” Changes Subtle Changes have led to catastrophic events! All process changes, including those within the “documented” process technology, but are not a replacement-in-kind, must receive appropriate review and authorization. Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Facilities Industrial Incident # 5 Flixborough, England 1974 At the Nypro(UK) chemical facility, a

Facilities Industrial Incident # 5 Flixborough, England 1974 At the Nypro(UK) chemical facility, a large quantity of cyclohexane vapor was released when a 20 inch “makeshift” bypass pipe ruptured. The resulting massive vapor cloud explosion killed 28 workers. Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Facilities Industrial Incident # 5 Contributing Factors: u management of change procedures u design

Facilities Industrial Incident # 5 Contributing Factors: u management of change procedures u design codes u maintenance procedures - recommissioning u plant layout - position of occupied buildings u emergency plan Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Facilities Industrial Incident # 6 Chernobyl, Ukraine 1984 Technicians at the power plant allowed

Facilities Industrial Incident # 6 Chernobyl, Ukraine 1984 Technicians at the power plant allowed the fourth reactor to fall to low power levels as part of a “controlled experiment”. The reactor overheated causing a meltdown of the core. Explosions blew the top off the reactor building releasing radioactive material into the atmosphere for over 10 days. 31 workers were killed and the extent of lingering health effects has been significant and subject of debate. It is now entombed. Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Facilities Industrial Incident # 6 Contributing Factors: u management of change procedures u equipment/facility

Facilities Industrial Incident # 6 Contributing Factors: u management of change procedures u equipment/facility design u procedures and safe practices u emergency shutdown plan Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Personnel Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights

Personnel Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Training and Performance l Trained employees are an absolute requirement, and be physically able,

Training and Performance l Trained employees are an absolute requirement, and be physically able, mentally alert and capable of using good judgment. l Training qualification must be documented. Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Contractors For contractors working in and around highly hazardous material processes, or performing maintenance/repair

Contractors For contractors working in and around highly hazardous material processes, or performing maintenance/repair on or near a covered process ………. they are required to comply with same regulations and guidelines as industry /site! Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Incident Investigation & Reporting l Investigations are essential to improve performance l The objective

Incident Investigation & Reporting l Investigations are essential to improve performance l The objective is to find the contributing factors and implement corrective actions(s) l The degree of the investigation will depend on severity or potential Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Management of Change - Personnel People are the essential ingredient: uprocess experience uknowledge and

Management of Change - Personnel People are the essential ingredient: uprocess experience uknowledge and skill in managing Process Safety umaintain minimum experience level and knowledge through personnel and organizational changes Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Emergency Planning & Response Planning and training for potential emergencies are essential for effective

Emergency Planning & Response Planning and training for potential emergencies are essential for effective response Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Auditing must be used to assure that all elements of Process Safety Management are

Auditing must be used to assure that all elements of Process Safety Management are being implemented properly. Proper auditing must include positive and corrective feedback Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Personnel Industrial Incident # 3 Pasadena, Texas 1989 During maintenance work on a reactor

Personnel Industrial Incident # 3 Pasadena, Texas 1989 During maintenance work on a reactor settling leg, a large release of flammable vapor occurred at the Phillips 66 chemical complex. The result was a massive vapor cloud explosion, followed by a series of further explosions and fires. Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Personnel Industrial Incident # 3 Contributing Factors: u site and industry standards for maintenance

Personnel Industrial Incident # 3 Contributing Factors: u site and industry standards for maintenance not followed u training and competence u work permit system - contractors u positioning of occupied buildings Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Personnel Industrial Incident # 4 Mexico City, Mexico 1984 A major fire and a

Personnel Industrial Incident # 4 Mexico City, Mexico 1984 A major fire and a series of catastrophic explosions occurred at the government owned and operated PEMEX LPG Terminal. Approximetly 500 people were killed and the facility was destroyed. After the intial release, the first BLEVE occurred. For the next 90 minutes, a series of BLEVEs followed as other LPG vessels violently exploded. It started with a ruptured line and was made worse by failed safey systems and layout. Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Personnel Industrial Incident # 4 Contributing Factors: u plant layout - the positioning of

Personnel Industrial Incident # 4 Contributing Factors: u plant layout - the positioning of vessels u emergency isolation u survivability of critical systems u emergency plan and site access Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Unknown Industrial Incident # 7 Contributing Factors: u unknown at this time u under

Unknown Industrial Incident # 7 Contributing Factors: u unknown at this time u under investigation Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Process Safety and Risk Management Model Auditing Process Technology Emergency Planning and Response Management

Process Safety and Risk Management Model Auditing Process Technology Emergency Planning and Response Management of Change Incident Investigation and Reporting Operating Procedures and Safe Practices Management of Change MANAGEMENT LEADERSHIP & COMMITMENT Process Hazards Analysis Contractor Safety and Performance Quality Assurance Training and Performance Prestart-Up Safety Reviews Management of “Subtle” Change Mechanical Integrity Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Agenda Introduction Shift in Beliefs The Du. Pont approach of Process Safety & Risk

Agenda Introduction Shift in Beliefs The Du. Pont approach of Process Safety & Risk Management Establishing a Safety Culture Providing Management Leadership and Committment Implementing a comprehensive PS&RM program Achieving Operating Excellence through Operating Discipline Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

The Step Achieving “Operating Excellence” Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours

The Step Achieving “Operating Excellence” Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Importance of Operating Discipline The safe manufacture, use and handling of hazardous materials requires

Importance of Operating Discipline The safe manufacture, use and handling of hazardous materials requires Dedication & Commitment in the way you manage TECHNOLOGY FACILITIES PERSONNEL Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Achieving Operating Excellence through Operational Discipline OD--What Is It? Dedication and commitment by every

Achieving Operating Excellence through Operational Discipline OD--What Is It? Dedication and commitment by every member of the organization to carry out each task the right way every time. Operating Excellence--What Is It? Operating excellence results when an organization establishes OD and completes all tasks properly, thus contributing to the organization’s goal of achieving business excellence. Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Why is OD Important? IT HELPS 1. Change a “paper” PSRM program into a

Why is OD Important? IT HELPS 1. Change a “paper” PSRM program into a reality--an action program. 2. Organizations achieve their goals, because improvement programs are implemented to their fullest. 3. Protect personnel from injury. 4. Protect jobs by helping to prevent the loss of facilities. 5. Ensure a quality product. 6. Keep a business healthy Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Process Safety and Risk Management Model Auditing Process Technology Emergency Planning and Response Management

Process Safety and Risk Management Model Auditing Process Technology Emergency Planning and Response Management of Change Incident Investigation and Reporting Operating Procedures and Safe Practices Management of Change MANAGEMENT LEADERSHIP & COMMITMENT Process Hazards Analysis Contractor Safety and Performance Quality Assurance Training and Performance Prestart-Up Safety Reviews Management of “Subtle” Change Mechanical Integrity Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Agenda Introduction Shift in Beliefs The Du. Pont approach of Process Safety & Risk

Agenda Introduction Shift in Beliefs The Du. Pont approach of Process Safety & Risk Management Establishing a Safety Culture Providing Management Leadership and Committment Implementing a comprehensive PS&RM program Achieving Operating Excellence through Operating Discipline Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

CONCLUSION I Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All

CONCLUSION I Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

CONCLUSION II Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All

CONCLUSION II Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Ďakujem za pozornosť Danke schön Thank you Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont

Ďakujem za pozornosť Danke schön Thank you Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese

Thank you very much Please contact for any questions Gerhard Reibersdorfer Tel: +352 3666

Thank you very much Please contact for any questions Gerhard Reibersdorfer Tel: +352 3666 5313 E-mail: dsr@lux. dupont. com Copyright © 2002 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company. All rights rese