PROC MEANS proc means simplest case proc means
- Slides: 12
/*proc means simplest case*/ proc means data=s 5238. chd 2018; run;
/*proc means var statement*/ proc means data=s 5238. chd 2018; var sbp 1 chol; run; /*proc means specify statistics*/ proc means data=s 5238. chd 2018 n nmiss min max mean std; var sbp 1 chol; run;
/*proc means class statement*/ proc means data=s 5238. chd 2018 n nmiss min max mean std; class gender; var sbp 1 chol; run; /*proc means types statement*/ proc means data=s 5238. chd 2018 n nmiss min max mean std; class gender; var sbp 1 chol; types () gender; run;
/*proc means noprint option, output statement*/ proc means data=s 5238. chd 2018 noprint; class gender; var sbp 1 chol; output out=means mean=mnsbp 1 mnchol std=sdsbp 1 sdchol n=nspb nchol; run; proc print data=means; run; /*proc means, the nway option*/ proc means data=s 5238. chd 2018 noprint nway; class gender; var sbp 1 chol; output out=means mean=mnsbp 1 mnchol std=sdsbp 1 sdchol n=nspb nchol; run; proc print data=means; run;
/*proc univariate*/ proc univariate data=s 5238. chd 2018; var chol; run; /*proc univariate, histogram statement*/ proc univariate data=s 5238. chd 2018; var chol; histogram chol; run; /*proc univariate, overlay normal*/ proc univariate data=s 5238. chd 2018; var chol; histogram chol/normal; run;
/*proc univariate, overlay lognormal*/ proc univariate data=s 5238. chd 2018; var chol; histogram chol/lognormal; run; /*proc univariate, overlay kernel density*/ proc univariate data=s 5238. chd 2018; var chol; histogram chol/kernel; run;
/*data set for proc freq*/ proc contents data=s 5238. chd 2018; run; /*proc freq, one-way table*/ proc freq data=s 5238. chd 2018; tables smoking gender diab chd; run; /*proc freq, two-way table*/ proc freq data=s 5238. chd 2018; tables gender*smoking; run;
/*proc freq, two-way table, suppress output*/ proc freq data=s 5238. chd 2018; tables gender*smoking/nocol nopercent; run; /*proc freq, two-way table, chi-square*/ proc freq data=s 5238. chd 2018; tables gender*smoking/nocol nopercent chisq; run; /*proc freq, the nlevels options with ods select*/ proc freq data=s 5238. chd 2018 nlevels; ods select nlevels; run;
/*categorizing continuous variables with user-defined formats*/ proc format; value agef low-<45="younger" 45 -59="middle" 60 -high="older"; run; proc freq data=s 5238. chd 2018; where gender; tables age*chd /nocol nopercent chisq; format agef. ; run;
- Best case worst case average case
- Geometric mean sas
- Proc means syntax
- Proc means options
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